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Chess forum by Grandmasters

The Webinar with ChessMood PRO Members

Hey Champions! 
Here is the link of study -> 
Also, if you missed the webinar, you can watch the recording in the events section.

P.S Don't forget to be here, after tomorrow, we have a Simul game with GM Melkumyan! 


Is there a way to schedule these webinar's in the evening as it clashes with the morning hours of school day?

Our Champion!

Dear ChessMood Family! 
I am super excited! Today, ChessMood Family PRO Member Gong Qianyun won SEA games! 

Ole, ole, ole, Campeones, Campeones! 


Congratulations WGM Qianyun Gong and best wishes for times ahead.

Daily puzzle query

Did anyone do yesterday's puzzle successfully? I couldn't do it & think it wasn't possible or correct!? Of course, that is very unlikely. I did manage today's puzzle, but only after 2/3 tries.

Might the puzzles have a hints feature?Or a place or way to get feedback to solve them (provide the answer? Hidden and only revealed by clicking or other?).

I have to admit I am not a big chess puzzle fan (so far, I have never attempted the puzzle rush featured on many sites), but I generally like to do one or two a day and I do plan to do more, as I think they will help me improve.

Part of my relative reluctance with puzzles, is that I have always regarded them as relatively artificial and I would much rather do puzzles from openings. mid and endgames that actually happen in my own games or even have a link to the complete game they are taken from, so I can see the big picture. Again I know some are just made up ones that have never occurred in a real game (and sometimes the puzzle ends with me having more questions than the puzzle asked for, which I find mildly irritating!).

I am grateful for any help with this. I even respect answers I do not like and do not want to get!? Many thanks


I thought I completed yesterday’s puzzle it took me many tries as I remember.

1.f7 a2

2.Be1+ Kd3 I believe 

3.Bc3 Kxc3

4.fxg1=Q A1=Q

5.Qg7+ winning blacks queen

As far as posting games people post links to or lichess to the game. I think you could also upload pgn file where you uploaded fen. You could also make an animated Gif in chessbase and post it I guess I never tried that. Maybe I’ll try that and see how it works.

I didn’t get it on the first try it was very difficult. ;)


Greetings all.

I joined yesterday (Pro) and am enjoying looking around the site and look forward to improving with this fine chess resource. So far, it appears I am the lowest rated player on site (1400 at at 5 minute blitz) with everyone I have seen so far, much higher rated, but watch out when I beat you! Just joking. So, hello and best wishes to everyone for good chess and good times here!


Hey Richard! 
Welcome to PRO team :)
No, you are not the lowest rated :) 
Add me in FB please, if you have, I'll introduce you to other members. 

I saw you reserved a 1-1 call tomorrow, so talk to you soon :) 

GM Avetik 

Welcome to the ChessMood family Richard! You will love it here, the people are amazing, and as a bonus, your chess will improve :)! 

How to recover during a tough tournament

Hello ChessMoood family)

If you are having a tough tournament and results are not exciting , how to recover and save the tournament?

Feel free to share your thoughts and ask questions!


Nice topic! 
Many chess players, even Grandmasters have problems. Me too. 
It would be interesting to hear other's opinions and your GM Gabuzyan. I know you are very good at it. 

My first Scotch Game

Played fine but full of mistakes from my side too.

But I will do my best in attacking 

It's a new skill I am learning 


Abhi are you not a Pro Member? Come join us! Your missing out!

Hey Abhi!

Just checked out your game. I didn't see any big mistakes as you are mentioning) Especially for a beginner very nice game! Keep going!

Very nice game & win. I usually play Scotch Classical variation as White but I will try this variation also. I have just joined the site and think there is a course on the Scotch opening, so I will search for that to start.Goodluck with your chess :-)

Best Games of November and the Prizes

ChessMood Family! 
Under this post, we invite you to post your best games that you will play in November.
At the end of the month, we will vote to find the Winner who will join our PRO Members team for 1 month for FREE!

Let's go! 


This is a bullet game but the tactics makes it look so good!

[Date "2019.11.20"]

[White "Fahad-Rahman"]

[Black "Ichatdll"]

[Result "1-0"]

[WhiteElo "2509"]

[BlackElo "2443"]

[ECO "B06"]

[Opening "Modern Defense: Standard Defense"]

[TimeControl "180+0"]

[UTCDate "2019.11.20"]

[UTCTime "07:12:32"]

[Variant "Standard"]

1.e4 g6 2.d4 Bg7 3.Nc3 d6 4.g3 a6 5.Bg2 b5 6.e5 Ra7 7.exd6 cxd6 8.Nge2 Nf6 9.O-O O-O 10.Nf4 Bb7 11.d5 Nbd7 12.Be3 Ra8 13.Bd4 Nb6 14.a3 Rc8 15.Re1 Re8 16.h4 Rc4 17.Qd3 Na4 18.Nxa4 Rxa4 19.b4 Qa8 20.h5 g5 21.h6 Bxh6 22.Bxf6 exf6 23.Nh5 Bg7 24.Qf5 Qd8 25.Rxe8+ Qxe8 26.Be4 Qe5 27.Qxh7+ Kf8 28.Qxg7+ Ke7 29.Re1 Bxd5 30.Nxf6 Be6 31.Ng8+ Kd7 32.Bc6+ 1-0

Here is my best game in a while. I am starting to get my form and confidence back!

Open Catalan

And another fun game!

Caro - Kann Defense

[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2019.11.24"]
[Round "?"]
[White "PiliposyanRChess"]
[Black "GM_RobertoMogranzini"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2633"]
[BlackElo "2599"]
[PlyCount "71"]
[EventDate "2019.??.??"]
[TimeControl "180"]
[WhiteClock "0:00:40"]
[BlackClock "0:00:01"]

1. d4 {2} Nf6 {3} 2. c4 {15} g6 {0} 3. Nc3 {2} Bg7 {1} 4. e4 {18} d6 {1} 5. Nf3
{1} O-O {1} 6. Be2 {0} Bg4 {1} 7. O-O {0} Nfd7 {5} 8. Be3 {1} c5 {1} 9. d5 {2}
Na6 {2} 10. h3 {1} Bxf3 {1} 11. Bxf3 {0} Nc7 {0} 12. Be2 {1} a6 {1} 13. Qd2 {2}
Qb8 {1} 14. Bh6 {1} b5 {5} 15. Bxg7 {1} Kxg7 {1} 16. b3 {0} b4 {22} 17. Nd1 {8}
Ne8 {11} 18. f4 {2} a5 {2} 19. Ne3 {6} Nef6 {3} 20. Qb2 {3} Kg8 {3} 21. Bf3 {1}
a4 {2} 22. g4 {1} axb3 {7} 23. axb3 {0} h6 {20} 24. h4 {9} Nh7 {2} 25. g5 {4}
h5 {1} 26. Qe2 {18} Ra3 {22} 27. Rab1 {13} Qa7 {6} 28. Bxh5 {1} Ra2 {1} 29. Qg4
{1} gxh5 {2} 30. Qxh5 {0} Re8 {11} 31. Nf5 {1} Kh8 {25} 32. Qxf7 {4} Rg8 {2}
33. g6 {8} Nhf6 {6} 34. h5 {11} Re2 {7} 35. g7+ {1} Kh7 {2} 36. Qg6# {1} 1-0

Crushing the Scotch! 

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Immetti nuova partita"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "*"]
[PlyCount "49"]

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Bd3 dxe4 4. Bxe4 Nf6 5. Bf3 c5 6. Ne2 Nc6 7. Be3 cxd4 8.
Nxd4 Ne5 9. Nc3 a6 10. Qe2 Be7 11. O-O-O Nfd7 12. Bh5 g6 13. f4 Nc6 14. f5 e5
15. fxg6 hxg6 16. Nxc6 bxc6 17. Bxg6 fxg6 18. Qc4 Bb7 19. Rhf1 Rf8 20. Qe6 Rxf1
21. Rxf1 Qa5 22. Qg8+ Nf8 23. Qf7+ Kd8 24. Rd1+ Nd7 25. Na4 *

[Event "Rated Classical game"][Site ""][Date "2019.11.30"][Round "-"][White "mehmed_bihac"][Black "JairusJA"][Result "0-1"][UTCDate "2019.11.30"][UTCTime "08:45:18"][WhiteElo "1941"][BlackElo "1926"][WhiteRatingDiff "-7"][BlackRatingDiff "+8"][Variant "Standard"][TimeControl "900+15"][ECO "B21"][Opening "Sicilian Defense: Smith-Morra Gambit Declined, Scandinavian Formation"][Termination "Normal"]1. e4 c5 2. d4 cxd4 3. c3 d5 4. exd5 Qxd5 5. c4 Qd8 6. Nf3 Bg4 7. Nbd2 Nc6 8. Qb3 Qc7 9. Ne4 e5 10. Bd2 f5 11. Ng3 Nf6 12. Be2 f4 13. Nf1 e4 14. Ng1 Bxe2 15. Nxe2 e3 16. fxe3 dxe3 17. Bc3 Ne4 18. O-O-O Nf2 19. g3 f3 20. Nxe3 fxe2 21. Rde1 Nd3+ 22. Kb1 Nxe1 23. Rxe1 O-O-O 24. Rxe2 Nd4 25. Bxd4 Rxd4 26. Nd5 Qxc4 27. Re8+ Kd7 28. Qxb7+ Kxe8 29. Nc7+ Kd8 30. Qb8+ Kd7 0-1

I only wanna post it to show that because of chessmood's scotch I was dominating against a player of 2000 on My rating is 1900+ but I maintain 1900 normally on but the opening material presented by chessmood made it so easy to crush a player of 2000 in openings

so I am happy.

My first ever scotch game and win.

[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2019.11.30"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Boris_Plotnikov"]
[Black "OhanyanEminChess"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A05"]
[WhiteElo "1879"]
[BlackElo "2549"]
[PlyCount "58"]
[EventDate "2019.??.??"]
[TimeControl "180"]

1. Nf3 Nf6 2. g3 g6 3. Bg2 Bg7 4. O-O O-O 5. c4 d6 6. d3 c5 7. Nc3 Nc6 8. Bg5
h6 9. Bxf6 Bxf6 10. a3 Rb8 11. Rb1 a6 12. Nd5 Bg7 13. b4 cxb4 14. axb4 b5 15.
Ne3 Nd4 16. Nxd4 Bxd4 17. cxb5 Rxb5 18. Nc4 Be6 19. Qa4 Qb8 20. Bc6 Rh5 21.
Qxa6 d5 22. Na5 Bh3 23. Rfc1 Qe5 24. Rc2 Bxf2+ 25. Kxf2 Rf5+ 26. Kg1 Qe3+ 27.
Kh1 Qf2 28. Rg1 Qxg1+ 29. Kxg1 Rf1# {OhanyanEminChess won by checkmate} 0-1

Hello ChessMood Family! 
Thank you for all your games.
We are very glad to see your constant growth! 

The best game of this month goes to Nicolo Pasini, for his masterpiece in French Defense Line with Bd3 (covered in ChessMood Courses). 

Below you can see the game. His Bh5, f4,f5 idea and the sacrifices that followed up were absolutely amazing!,.gif

Congratulations to Nicolo for his brilliant game!  

P.S We are looking forward to finding the winner of "The Best Game of December".
You post your games in the link below. 

With best wishes ChessMood Team 

Beautiful game

Hello ChessMood family,

This morning I was lucky to play a nice game ) You can check it out and leave me your comments.


I am not able to access this game.

My game

[Event "Rated Classical game"]

[Site ""]

[Date "2019.11.30"]

[Round "-"]

[White "mehmed_bihac"]

[Black "JairusJA"]

[Result "0-1"]

[UTCDate "2019.11.30"]

[UTCTime "08:45:18"]

[WhiteElo "1941"]

[BlackElo "1926"]

[WhiteRatingDiff "-7"]

[BlackRatingDiff "+8"]

[Variant "Standard"]

[TimeControl "900+15"]

[ECO "B21"]

[Opening "Sicilian Defense: Smith-Morra Gambit Declined, Scandinavian Formation"]

[Termination "Normal"]

1. e4 c5 2. d4 cxd4 3. c3 d5 4. exd5 Qxd5 5. c4 Qd8 6. Nf3 Bg4 7. Nbd2 Nc6 8. Qb3 Qc7 9. Ne4 e5 10. Bd2 f5 11. Ng3 Nf6 12. Be2 f4 13. Nf1 e4 14. Ng1 Bxe2 15. Nxe2 e3 16. fxe3 dxe3 17. Bc3 Ne4 18. O-O-O Nf2 19. g3 f3 20. Nxe3 fxe2 21. Rde1 Nd3+ 22. Kb1 Nxe1 23. Rxe1 O-O-O 24. Rxe2 Nd4 25. Bxd4 Rxd4 26. Nd5 Qxc4 27. Re8+ Kd7 28. Qxb7+ Kxe8 29. Nc7+ Kd8 30. Qb8+ Kd7 0-1

Tday i crushed my is it????


Not bad ) 

Colorado gambit

Hi.. I need a help

Could u suggest a line against Colorado gambit. 

I need lines against 

1.e4 Nc6


1.d4 Nc6


1) Against the Colorado Gambit just play the Krogius Counter Gambit.

2) Against 1.e4 Nc6 play d4 with a nice space advantage.

3) Against 1.d4 Nc6 play e4 with a nice space advantage.

Lines 2 and 3 are efficient timesavers for White. :)


Non Mate Book

Is there any recommendations on non mate book for tactics? Maybe one not too advanced for a lower rated player about 1300-1500. Will this improve calculation skills?


Hey Brad,

I was using different books of John Nunn for calculation, I think one can be good enough " Learn Chess Tactics" . There is no classification for rating range, but I think book will be useful.

To play or not to play?

Hey guys! i need an advice. would you play in a tournament where you're the first seed (2234 me, the second one is 2170, and others are 2100--) where the first prize is 700euros, but it's very risky to lose elo rating? My main goal is to improve and the short-term goal is to get 2300 by mid 2020.


Hey Nicolo! 
Well, if the prize found is not important for you, I would skip such a tournament. 

If growth for you is the priority, you should find strong tournaments, where you'll gain experience playing against stronger opponents. 
Many 2700 players have no choice and they should play in open tournaments where they are 1st rating. Because it's tough to get invitations to close tournaments and they need to play somewhere right?  

Or some players have to play in not strong tournaments, because it's the only tournament in their country, and they can't afford to travel to another country. That's fine.

But if you have a choice where to play and the prize fund is the 2nd priority, the 1st is growth - try to find tournament stronger. 

Yes its wise to play in it...with crishing ChessMood openings the worst you can get is a protect your rating means gaining more knowledge not just winning against higher rated opponents...what you need is the RightMood approach to every game you play and make the and make us proud

Some questions about ChessMood opening courses

Hi! I am the guy who wrote some questions and wishes in Russian in a sentence for the last webinar, so I would like to duplicate them here in English.

1) In the course about the closed Sicilian, some principal options from the black side were not considered. My blitz rating on is about 2150 points and very often opponents rank their pieces against me as follows: 1.е4 c5 2.Nc3 e6 3.f4 and here black instead of 3...d5 may go 3...Nc6 and after 4 Nf3 a6 (the same after 3...a6 4.Nf3 Nc6) we have a hybrid position from different systems 2...Nc6, 2 ...e6, 2...a6 against which I do not quite understand how White needs to be set up, because after 5.g3 Black can go right now 5...d5 without turning the pawn on b5, after which it is not so easy for White to put problems before Black. Of course, I could go here to the Taimanov system after 5.d4, but that would not correspond to the spirit of the closed Sicilian... Also in line 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 d6 3.f4 Nc6 4.Nf3 instead of 4... g6 Black can go 4...e6 after which again a kind of hybrid position arises, in which Black subsequently plays 5...Nf6 6...Be7 7...0-0 8...Rb8 and 9...b5 without losing a tempo with a6... So I would like to hear from you some recommendations on playing for white in these positions.

2) In the course of “Crushing the Pirc”, do you plan to consider for Black the possibilities associated with the transition to the following systems: (1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 e5 !?), (1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3. Nc3 c6 !?), (1.e4 d6 2.d4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 and after some white move here Black will not go 4...Nf6 but will make for example 4...a6 or 4...c6)?

3) In the course "Crushing All the Sicilian's Sidelines" GM Gabuzyan didn't covered the moves 2. a3!? (a pretty intresting Vadim Zvyagintsev's move) and 2.c4?!(it's quite dubious move but still it's not so easy to disprove for black), and of course the 2.d3!? and 2.Bc4 moves. Also some players play the system with b3 through the following move order: 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.b3 (the same line about b4 gambit and a pretty nasty line 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4!? ), so I think it's worth to be considered to :) 

4) In the course "Crushing d4 Sidelines" in section "London System" it seems like you forgot to consider for White the opportunity to go the c-pawn on c3 or c4 squares on the fifth and sixth move, White will not rush to develop a white-winged bishop and will look after Black's plans, this does not seem like a really bad idea...

5) Finally in Benko gambit course in e3 line after the moves 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. e3 e6 6. dxe6 fxe6 7.Nc3 d5 8. Nf3 you suggested to play 8... Bd6, but after 9. e4 my engine show on 40th dept, that white is clearly better (advantage around 1,5 pawn). I understand, what move 9.e4 is not so obvious for human and my laptop is not too powerful, but still white's advantage is pretty rough.. Maybe the move 8...c4!? which was played in the game between Karpov-Edouard is objectyvly stronger, I analyse some positions after 8...c4 and they are pretty intresting, what do you think? :)

PS. Sorry for my bad English, I hope you can understand everything that I wrote :)

PSS. Holy moly, I killed three hours of my life to formulate all of this questions. I definitely need some rest :)


Hi Mihail! 
Thank you for the questions.

1. a- When 2...e6 and  Black without d5 goes a6,b5 - g3 Bg2 is possible. More I'll cover in the advanced course soon.  
About 1...d6 and then e6, I answered already a few times in the forum, and explained during the streams. We play Bb5, d3, give the bishop to c6 Knight and start an easy attack. 
If I get 5 "+" es in the comment section, I'll add a section about it. 

2.  Yeah, these courses are coming. For now you can just go 2.Nc3 and setup Grand Prix. 

3.  Yeah, there will be added more lines, also Fischer Gambit. 

4.  Can you clarify please on which move c3 o3 c4? With h3 or without h3? 

5. Yeah, you are correct, Nicolo also sent me e4 move! And you are correct, instead of Bd6, Bb4 is much better. Overall don't worry about such things, until you don't start to play against 2400+ players. For 2400+ players, I'll recommend Modern Benoni. 

P.S - No Problem :) 
P.S.s - Have a good rest. Sorry, but now everything in chessmood happening in English. Russian would be easier for me to, as English is my 3rd language. But our other PRO Members should also understand what's going on in the forum and take value. 

PSS - Thank you for the good questions, I am glad you are working on courses so serious. 
But please, don't worry about everything, don't go too deep. All you learn from the courses is more than enough until you get 2500 minimum. 

Najdorf course

Hi Avetik and chessmood team. One of the videos mentioned that GM Gabuzyan is preparing a najdorf repertoire course. Just wondering what the time line is for this? Am eagerly awaiting it :) 


Haha :D 
Our team is editing it now :) So, very soon! 

What variation Will recommend versus Bg5 and be3

Home prep

Hi sir...iam jairus ...i was rated around 1900 in lichess.  . .how to do home prepration....?...


Hey Jairus. 
It very depends on how much time you have for chess. 

Webinar "Ask My Anything"

Hey Champions! 
If you have watched the webinar try to write down what did you learn? 
Even if it 1 sentence. 

If you haven't watched it yet - here is the link - 


I learnt that in analysis of game critical moments matters. I was all time confused but yesterday I solved my one issue.  Another thing I realized that benoni is not good for below 2000 players and that's what I felt in past too because I saw some themetic pawn advance and the calculation of those advances in the centre were beyond my level. Also I learnt that from which book we can study endgames. Even though I know the books but I do not like dev. Endgame manual because the level is higher for me so I sent book to GM Avetik for suggestions.

Yes right now I have time issues because I need a job first. But I am happy that because of GM Avetik and one of my friend I got my long term study plan and now I know that once I will get time I will be able to achieve my goal of 2000 in one year. 

I only saw last 40 minutes of webiner but it was still amazing.

I am glad to know a kind GM like Avetik.

Thanks for all useful suggestions

Time management for Studying

What would you suggest to study/ time management for a business professional. I have roughly 4-10 hours a week to study. What percentage of classical games, studying courses, analyzing your own games, analyzing pro chess players, actually playing chess.


Hey Kevin! 
Bro, for everyone, is different, someone needs more practice less play, someone versus Versa. 
Someone needs to solve more puzzles, someone mora study classical games. 
That's the reason I am having a 1-1 call with each one, who joins our PRO Members team. 

Personally for you Kevin, I would advise watching 1 classical game each day! 
Have at least 1 session a week, with 9 games. If you don't have time that day more, check your games the next day (check the theory part, compare with your files and check the blunders.) 
5-10 min solving puzzles - each day. 

If you have more time left. Try to review your openings, files, that you are making after watching the courses. 

My favorite complex endgame books

In this blog I will talk about My favorite complex endgame books . You will find 4 books in this blog that are really interesting to study . 3 of which are written by Mikhail Shereshevsky and 1 is by Andrian Mikhalchishin . If you find this blog useful then please let me know in comment section below . 

in this forum i am unable to attach images . so if you want to read my original blogs you can checkout or

Images taken from this blog are from google images 
1. Endgame Strategy by Mikhail Shereshevsky 
This book is published by Everyman Chess in 1981 . author of this book Mr shereshevsky is well known author . The book covers 13 chapters in which positions and analysis given . I found this book without any mistake and many GMs have suggested this book for study . I especially liked chapters Do not hurry and complex endings . Selection of positions are excellently done by Shereshevsky. If you are reading from India you can get this book at less than 6 USD
2. Mastering Complex Endgames by Andrian Mikhalchishin and Oleg Stetsko
This book is published by Thinkers Publication in 2017. Both author is soviet national team coach and Andrian is coach of former world champion Anatoly karpov. This book cover high class material for any chess player in search of the needed endgame fitness . This book covers 11 chapters in which positions with analysis given . This book is also suggested by GM Aleksander Beliavsky. 
3.  Mastering Chess Endgame by Mikhail Shereshevsky and Slutsky
This book is published in 2 volumes part 1 and part 2 by cadogan publications .You will find connection between opening and endgames from this books . The material is arranged not by a formal opening classification , but mainly according to the type of pawn formation and the central strategy adopted by black . Lets see one by one 

A- volume - 1
This book is for positions that come from 1st move E4 . i.e positions coming from open and semi open games . This covers plans and playing methods in endings arising from the Sicilian Defense , Ruy Lopez , French Defense and other open and semi open games .

B - Volume 2 
This book is for positions that come from 1st move D4 i.e. positions from closed games. This covers the plans and playing methods in endings arising from the Queens Gambit , Indian Defense , English opening and other closed games. 

If you like this article then do not forget to share !
if you have any suggestions or any subject for next article , write in comment below
if you have any type of query then directly ,message me on
Thank you for reading this article! 



The Best Chess Quotes

Hey Champions?
What are the best chess-related quotes that are coming to your mind? 


“It’s always better to sacrifice your opponent’s men.” – Savielly Tartakower

“Every chess master was once a beginner.” – Irving Chernev

“Pawns are the soul of the game.” – François-André Danican Philidor

These are the first ones that came to my mind, so I looked up who said them to quote them LOL

Tal- You must take your opponent into a dark Forrest, where 2+2=5, and there’s only room out enough for 1.

Lasker- See a good move, look for a better one!

Fischer- Chess is life.

Some people think that if their opponent plays a beautiful game, it’s OK to lose. I don’t. - Magnus Carlsen.

The highest art of the chessplayer lies in not allowing your opponent to show you what he can do. - Garry Kasparov

There are 2 types of sacrifices; correct ones, and mine.

 Mikhail Tal

In those years, it was easier to win the soviet chess championship that a game against Iron Tigran - Garry Kasparov

If Tal offers a sacrifice, you should accept it. If Bottvinik offers a sacrifice, you should consider it. If Spassky offers a sacriifce, you should refuse it. If Petrosian offers a sacrifice, you should resign. - Paul Kerres

To know to play chess, is a sign of a gentleman. To know to play well chess, is a sign of a destroyed life. - Paul Morphy

This is my favorite.

I found another one:

Play the opening like a book, the middlegame like a magician, and the endgame like a macine.-Rudolf Spielman

Here is a game against a stronger player...Coach is working!


Nice game Biker Dude!

Wow Eric! 2200+!! :) 

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