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Chess forum by Grandmasters

Rooks on 7th rank.

After a long time I played a game in which I got my both rooks on 7th ranks.

I made many mistakes I know but still fun.

Any suggestions?


French Bd3!

I really enjoyed it. Once I entered into Advanced section I was a bit confused.

I am Just 1465 but I only studied positional chess and I am a alapin player and I almost studied 300+ games of alapin by heart to understand all the key points of theory and understood many ideas from it.

When I was watching the Advanced e5 section I was confused that why players of 2000+ played this move e5 which looks so dubious to me after Bxc6 and the endgame favours white clearly.

Can you guys explained their mind games or ideas behind playing these kinds of lines because when I first saw the line I felt black will not get enough compensation because of their bad pawns in queenside.

Anyways thanks


Hey Abhi. The section name speaks for itself. "Advances section". It's a section for advanced players for 2200+. 
Don't overwhelm yourslef with trying to understand it now. Later you can come back when you get 2200 level. 
Me too, I'll not understand anything if I try to analyse advanced math, or advanced coding. 

1.e4! c5!2. Nc3 d6 3.d4!?

Hi all,

Has anyone seen this idea with Qxd4, Q d2 after Nc6 then b3 bb2, 0-0-0 with g4 ect coming??



Yes Carlsen played like this last year and since then has appeared in many GM games. Kaufman's new edition of his Opening for black and white book has a section on this as an option for white.

I think this line became Popular thanks to Grandmaster Gashimov.
Then once Carlsen has played. And as a rule, whatever Carlsen plays, that line becomes popular :) 
Our PRO Member Nicolo Passini is an expert in this line! Even my Grandmaster friends were surprised at how deep he has analyzed this line. The line overall is very interesting for white and maybe in future we will offer in our courses as an alternative to GP attack. 

Word is getting out!

Hello everyone! I hope you are all in the right mood today! Some of you know my story and some of you might not yet know, but basically I am working with the guidance of GM Avetik on being the first player over the age of 40 to go from amateur to GM. 

Well, the word of my journey is reaching outside of the chess world, and I was interviewed for a podcast called “Lead, Grow, Innovate” this wee! 

Go listen here and let me know what you think!


So, I listened and heard the word. I trust this will spur you onward & upward and goodluck! I also hope you make it happen sometime soon and will watch your progress with interest! If there is any help I can give you, let me know. Best wishes

Good job Jay! 
Keep it going! 

Question About part 56 anti sicilian

Question About part 56 of anti sicilian

is instead of Qe3 rxe4 not possible mostly with the idea qc3 and c5


Franck, please post the link of the video. It's very unclear what do you mean video 56. 

North American Open

Dear Pro Members,

I am gonna be playing North American Open in Vegas from 26 th Dec. just wondering  if any of our pro members are gonna be playing there?


I wanted to play, but I couldnt afford a place to stay for the tournament. I hope to play in the National Open in Vegas in June though.

Sounds like a great venue!  I won't be there and the only player I know that is going, is JapaneseTutor (Twitch/ Goodluck!

Is it a chess open tournament or Poker? :D 

Benko Gambit

I forgot my opening but I won hehehe.

I won because of too much pressure on white.


Good game! :) I hope the a5 was a misclick :) 

Another opening versus 1 D4

Do you plan also to recommend other openings versus 1d4


Modern Benoni for advanced players. But not now. 

Chessmood Stream PGN's?

There are Chessmood stream's on that I can watch but cannot replay on board due to lack of PGN's that isn't a problem on lichess. Different GM's are using different handles too. Is there a way we can get access to consolidated PGN's from all Chessmood stream's to download and work OTB?Much like "The Week in Chess" stuff,we can have "The Week in Chessmood" :-)


Haha :) 
The week in ChessMood :D Nice idea. 
Actually, you can go to or lichess, search for the nickname and see all the games. There is also a way that you can download the games.

Chess improving 1400-1800

Hi Chess Moods!

My rating (5 minute blitz) has been 1300-1500 all year, despite me trying hard to improve my chess play. Why? Well I have thought about this today and think I have the answer & sharing it might help others at my level here to improve, hopefully it will! Here goes...

At the start of this year, I remember watching GM Hikaru Nakamura playing on his Twitch chess stream and someone in chat asked how to improve to 1800 rating and he replied to do this by getting better at openings & tactics!  What fine advice!

So, this year, I have studied a ton of chess openings, with my online coach and by myself and now with the excellent Chess Mood repertoires! I now have such broad opening knowledge ! I have to admit though, I have only done a little on tactics practice (limited to a few daily puzzles usually) and I know I should do more (so I will try & do that also!).

However, the point of this post, is to state that at my low level, I have many other chess playing weaknesses and in general, openings and tactics, are not my main specific chess playing problems.

I also firmly believe it is possible to get to 1800 with a good basic understanding and application of basic opening, mid and end game principles.

In fact, most of my games show my opening play is reasonable and that my main specific problems are that I am weak in mid and endgame play, generally and specifically! There is so much general chess advice available online these days, it is impossible to learn from it all and trying to do so can bog & slow you down, when you would be better learning specific knowledge that applies to the strengths & weaknesses of your own game.

So, from now on, I intend to concentrate on understanding, studying and playing a narrower opening repertoire for both colours, with special emphasis on improving the mid and end games that arise from this more refined, narrower opening repertoire! That is my plan to smash my chess improving for next year! If this applies at all or partly with your chess studying and improving, then I hope my post will help you to think about and find your specific strengths & weaknesses and that you can work on improving too (& with me if you want!).

Happy chess play, study and chess improving all!


Hey Richard! Thank you for your post and for providing help to others.
I believe the easiest way is to install in our mind new information. New useful information! 
Openings (not going very-very deep before 2200 level) and learning chess classics. 
I hope you are watching our Commented Classical games course and soon you will feel the difference how easier chess became :) 

Thanks for this secret.

I am glad I know this. I most of the time decline draw offers but I never thought why strong players do draw offers. Now I know the point.

Thanks for wonderful points.



Loses in chess.

How to handle loses?

In past when I had time and I prepared my basics so well with chess puzzles, Kasparov predessors, openings ideas, pawn structures and lot more then I played so well beyond 1600 elo players but yeah at some point idk why I lost a completly dominating positions. But okay I lost then issue is how to prepare your mind to play well in very next round after a lose in a winning and dominating positions. I had always nice time management and I always had an hour left in my clock in a time control of an hr + 30 sec. increment because most of the time I think in my opponent's time and I found quickly all his ideas and plans but still I lost.

Any tip how to handle loses and blunders.

What are the most effective ways to do blunder check practice so one day it will be in my subconscious mind for forever.


This is my check which worked for a long time, my coach suggested it:

First decide on your move. Then look at the ceiling for a few seconds (assuming you have time). Look back to the board and consider your move with a fresh mind, and you'll find out if you're missing something obvious (mostly forcing moves i.e. checks, captures, threats). If you are, check if it's really that bad. If it is, look for another move and do this process again. If you don't find anything wrong, make your move.

It might be uncomfortable first but when you habitualize it, the result will speak for itself. Remember that one bad move can nullify all your good moves, the main thing is not to blunder. It may be enough to find the second, third or fourth best move in a position, just don't blunder.

Mistakes tend to come in bunches so if you find yourself blundering away the game, refocus, the position is worse than it was, but it could easily be within drawing distances (even winning), fight on! Don't think about 'what if's during the game(what if you made another move, you could've already won and you would be analyzing the game afterwards :) ), then you'll make a bigger mistake and wonder why you lost the game. AFTER the game, you should really find the reason for your mistake (maybe create a list of mistakes), but not DURING the game!!!

Hope this helps, and remember nothing works unless you DO it during your games.

Hello Abhi,

Loosing games and blundering is a part of profession. Usually analyzing and fixing mistakes is a great way for improvement. But, during the tournament it is not the priority and good time of improvement is after the tournament. 

When you lose a game during tournament, most important is to forget it before the next round. So just forgive yourself and accept it. Play the next round like a new tournament , like something completely independent from previous round. Just leave those emotions in yesterday and go ahead!

Hi Abhi

Losing at any game is a test of character! It is the same for chess play, where handling your chess game losses well, by remaining in control of yourself and staying cool,calm and collected will help build your character and as you start a new game can make you a stronger player!

However,if you react badly to your loss and get out of self control (rage and rant), then you weaken yourself as a chess player and a person. You need to take responsibility for your blunder and try your best to understand why it happened, learn from it and try your best not to repeat it. Accept it and get in the right mood to learn from it so you can make the right move next time! Do not take no responsibility and blame everything else for causing the loss or another unhelpful approach is too be hypercritical of yourself.

Losses happen to everyone, even our GM Avetik, has his "hoody blunders". Watch how he deals with them, he steps back for a moment to calm down and regain his composure and then he accepts it, learns from it and gets back to playing his next game with more strength and determination! Right Mood- Right Move!

Goodluck champion, have fun dealing with wins,losses and draws. Enjoy chess and life!

Plans for future

What are the planned courses in the future


Against 1.e4 Philidor, Alekhine, Petroff and all kinds of gambits like 2...f5 or d5.  
Lots of courses about middlegame and endgame. 

Test pgn viewer PgnViewerJS


I have tried getting a pgn viewer to work in these forum posts with no success yet. I have even asked how to do this in one post but no reply and some forum members seem to get this to work, so I am doing my own tests!

Let me try & see here: This is some example code from PgnViewerJS online documentation

var pgn = "1. f4 e6 2. g4 Qh4#";
var board = pgnView('board', {pgn: pgn});
<div id="board" style="width: 400px"></div>
I am not hopeful this will work, but if I do not try I will never know!
If it doesn't work can someone here explain how to post pgn with the pgn viewer please? Many thanks!


Hey Richard! 
You just click "add new file" and add a pgn file.  

The Best Game in Chess History

Hey, champions! What do you think, what is the best game in chess history? 


Hi Coach.  Interesting question.  Answer: none.  Reasons: 1. really high level games now have so many nuances that they take a lot to study.  2.  Best is subjective to players likes and dislikes.  3.  Kasparov once said that in a World Championship match  (and I paraphrase greatly) 85% of the moves can and should be found by a "competent "  Master.  5 percent of the further moves or 90% of the game can be played by "good" GM's .  Yet another 5 % of the moves can be found by Super GMS and just the remaining 5% or so are World Championship quality moves.  

Also in Which opening??  I think personally idea wise:  Kasparov Playing the Dragon vs Anand after Anand won the Schevenigen game in 1995 was genius!!!

The worst idea:  Also by Kasparov, but in 2000.  Keep playing 1.e4 and PROVE the Berlin is "Bad".  He payed dearly for it!!  

Though I have to find it....  Their is a game by Mihail Tal where he sacs all his pieces for mate.  Or maybe an Alekine game or Kasparov Game are great.  But Fischer!!!  What to say, he was 1.a factory of chess ideas.  2. a genius 3. psychologically above most every player I can think of.  imagine......  you are playing vs an entire country of chess superstars, practicing to beat you.  Studying to beat you and you triumph!!!  That is a celebrity and a great player!!!!  plus I am Bipolar.  Fischer was either Schitzo personality disorder or possibly full blown, so to speak schitzophrenic.  I am not a DR.  I just play one on TV.  LOL

Just a thought not a sermon!!!!  LOL

The Immortal Game was a chess game played by Adolf Anderssen and Lionel Kieseritzky on 21 June 1851 in London.

Has to be top 10 at least

When I think about the best games in chess history, I think of the ones that have the most impact on chess, not necessarily the highest quality. 

Here are a few that come to my mind:

1. Steinitz vs Zukertort game 1 - First official world championship game - before this match anyone could claim to be the world champion

2. Fischer vs Spassky game 6 World Championship match - Fischer uncorks 1.d4 ruining all of Spassky's preperation for the match, as Fischer had never played 1.d4 in a serious game before (1.e4 is best by test - Fischer) 

3. Deep Blue vs Kasparov game 6 - Deep Blue beats Kasparov and wins the match becoming the first computer to beat a top GM in a match. This is the turning point of computers dominating humans in chess.

These are but a few of the most important chess games in history. I didnt want to make this post into a book (Though maybe I should!) I am sure there are dozens more I didnt ad here.

One game that comes to mind is kasparov - topalov with famous Rxd4. Some consider this to be Kasparov's immortal game and considering that Kasparov himself is thought to be one of the greatest ever, then it must be something :)

One of the best attacking games can also be Polugavesky - Nehzmetdinov.

Mikhayil Tal Vs Hans-Joachim Hecht 1962

With a sacrifice queen and very beautiful move 19.ef!!

Fischer vs Sparsky

HI master I love two games the most. I analysed only few games but these games are amazing.

One is common but amazing  ( Game of the century)

I love these games.

What!? Really?

No mention of Paul Morphy vs the Duke of Brunswick (aka the Night at the Opera game)?!

A masterclass of a chess game, from an undoubted chess master and chess genius  -Paul Morphy.

Come on Chess Mood champions, surely you know and like this game!? If not, why not?! LOL (do not answer that...). I thought this has been called the most famous, well known game of chess ever played and if you have never seen it, you must see it as soon as possible!

Mind you, there are so many great games of chess to choose and like (seen the Gold coin game ie Levitsky vs Marshall 0-1?..Carlsen vs Sipke Caro Kann 1-0 and many, many, many more great chess games!).

Kings Indian defence , Black Knights, strange observation

this is a position from middlegame videos .

if you see the position in attached screenshot you will see Black knights are placed on e7 and d7 . Strangely enough the b8 knight came to c6 then e7 and f8 knight went to f6 and then d7 . I can save 2 tempi if I move f8 knight to d7 and c8 knight to e7 . is there any way I can reach similar position with saving tempi , or white will do something else ?


Hey Bhabatosh)

Really nice question, as I am also playing kings indian time to time and had a very similar question.

So, according to my research, this is being partially possible if white is starting game with c4 move, as after c4 you gan play g6 followed by bg7 , d6 , e5 trying to play ne7 and later on nd7. What can be problem here, white may keep pawn on d4 , and in that case pawn on e4 is restricting Knight on e7, put still its quite playable. 

Simple this set up is not possbile after 1D4 move as after G6 white can play e4, and later not necessarily  c4 which will be completely different opening.

Whats your goal in chess?

Hello ChessMood family)

Today I was thinking about different goals of chess players, so please tell me which one is yours and next also mention your elo rating.


I will be the first player over the age of 45 to go from amateur (1600 range) to Grand Master. I wake every morning knowing this is what I was meant to do, to show the world it can be done. 

I am currently rated about 1800

My first goal is to learn sound principles in strategy tactics and attack. Fundamentals in good positional play and to improve my rating to 1500. My rating on lichess is about 1430. But on ICC my rating is 950ish. So I guess I’m rated around 1100 or 1200? My long term goal is to reach 2000 and reassess my goals :).

My Goal is to improve my chess. I dont want to put a  target rating and draw box on my ability . Somehow I feel and tell myself  I can do better today than yesterday , not necessarily that happens . But chess is not drinking cup of tea , will need lot of hard work to improve.  My current rating is 2045 , bear in mind , in my entire life I only played less than 50 games in rated tournaments , learnt the game myself , learnt notation when i was kid myself with absolutely no help . One day in coffee shop someone said after 40 our chess declines , that drove me nuts and wanted to prove it is wrong , I forgot who actually said it , but it is something I taken as a challenge for myself . last 2 years I have put lots of effort in learning chess than being a collector of chess articles , software in past . Although father of 3 small kids I dont get time to play in chess tournaments but will continue to train as best as I could and whenever possible will play strong events at least 2 tournaments per year next few years . Chessmood have changed everything in my life , and I am serious about this statement. I am blessed that I could talk to fine person like you and rest of your colleagues. not sure I answered correctly to the question or not.

I am a correspondence chess player. I turned 53 this year my current cc e.l.o rating is 2254. I am one game (by the way I am completely winning) away from achieving my second title in cc. I am currently holding the correspondence chess expert title. The second title is the correspondence chess master title. It therefor makes sense to prepare for the cc international master title.

Correspondence chess is extremely time consuming. Proving Stock-fish 10 wrong is time consuming. In cc the opening line you choose is very important. I play mostly positional chess where I can guide the engine.Weakening the castled king theme is also a very nice way to choose ones opening lines against strong engines.

For this reason I enjoy 1. isolated pawn positions 2. opposite castling 3. playing for advantageous pawn structures.

I am great full to the chessmood family as I am also a coach of mostly young children the content is fresh and original. 


Craziest Opening Line

Hello ChessMood Pro members,

Today I was thinking which one is the craziest opening line in chess, I have many ideas, which are your offers?


Najdorf Bg5 line, when Black accepts b2 pawn? 
Moscow line? 
French Mac-Ketchon 
Semi Slav Morozevich line with g5 
Nimzo with f3

And of course our Scotch with h4! :) 

One of the craziest game of the year :) 
Of course with our Grand Prix attack! :) 


Accelerated Dragon vs Najdorf

Hey Coach! Sorry, forgot to post here.  How would you decide between playing the Najdorf vs the Dragon? For those of us that only have time to consistently play one opening :) Is one better suited for play styles vs the other? Or is one better at higher levels? 




A lot depends on how you feel about the sidelines after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 as opposed to the ones after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6. The Najdorf is also more topical at high levels which means the theory advances and changes much more quickly than in the Accelerated Dragon, requiring a lot of study and maintenance time. That said, I think that objectively there are more winning chances for Black with The Najdorf but the theoretical workload is much heavier. A lot also depends on what level opponents you face as to whether The Acc Dragon or Najdorf will be more effective.

Lastly which side of the board you enjoy playing in the following position will go a long way to determining whether the Najdorf is for you:

Hey Matt! 
Thank you for good questions, and thank you, Kevin, for the answer. 
Matt, we try to not overcomplicate your life offering a big choice of openings.
Najdorf course is absolutely an exception.
The main reason is that Gabuzyan is absolutely one of the best experts in Najdorf in the world. His knowledge there is very deep. 

Well, Acc Dragon or Najdorf it depends on your test, on your style. 
Acc Dragon is very tricky and works fantastic well until 2400 level. (you see it during streams)
Najdorf is more complex, you should remember minimum 10x more lines, but the same time it is 10x more fighting opening and is very good for playing for win for Black.  

If you have time to learn so many lines and love complex game - than go Najdorf.
If no, keep for now Acc. Dragon, especially if you have already learned it. Work on all other openings. When everything you will master, then you can spend time on learning smth new - like Najdorf. 

We have PRO Members, who were Najdorf players before, or they love so much complex game, or they have unlimited time to learn. For them - it's will be very good to learn Najdorf.

For anyone who has not much time to learn, I would recommend just to watch the course, without trying to remember the lines. Just watch it, as Gabuzyan explains not just theory, but many strategical ideas, so it will help you to overall develop your chess skills. 

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