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Chess forum by Grandmasters

NEW ARTICLE: Stalemate – Your Faithful Friend in Lost Positions

Hey Champions!

We have this topic in our Blog.
If you have any questions, comments or you just liked it, feel free to share your thoughts here. 


Very instructive article!!

Last week I drew 2 games by stalemate with an only king against king and queen in 1st, and king, bishop and pawn in 2nd.

Fantastic article!

I can't remember that I've ever played for a stalemate, even in online blitz games :) Maybe because I've never believed that it would happen. After reading this article I'm going to try it often :)

Daily Puzzle

Hello chess mood family

today i was solving the puzzle .first move was 1.Nf4 Ke4 then Ne2 came to my mind .now black cant stop the pawn .but answer is Nh5 .so here is the question : what is wrong whit 2.Ne2 ????

if its right answer then you owe me some coins . !!!!! Be Happy


Exactly, there's nothing wrong with Ne2. I played that too and I was surprised because I counted every option and Ne2 also wins.
I am also asking for the return of moodcoins

Study partner

Anyone interested?

I need a study partner for game analysis daily

we wiill use hangouts or skype for study.

We will study an hr daily and it will help each other's improvement in chess.

I hope for some serious reply. 

I am 1465 rated and 2000. I need someone who is a player of my strength or even stronger will be better.




My fide is 1703.Can I be partner?

My skype is

Daily Puzzle Flaw: 02-Sep-2020

Today I did the Daily Puzzle and gave the solution as: 1.Nf4+ Ke4 2.Ne2 which wins by force in all lines, but received a message from the server saying wrong move try again. Apparently the correct move according to the server is 2.Nh5 but 2.Ne2 also works with a nice fork theme to follow. Will I still get the points? :)


Hey Kevin! 
You're right. Our bad... (( 
We tried to check all the puzzles a few times, before uploading on ChessMood, but still, there are mistakes. Sorry about that. 

Thanks Chessmood!

Hello Dear ChessMood Family members! Before Joining Chessmood, I was 1600 in blitz... after 3 months here, I finally crossed 1800 in blitz! I saw some courses when they were free and my personal favourite was Benko Gambit! Here is THE game which finally just a few seconds ago, made me a 1800!
The move 40.Rc6! Finally made me a 1800

Thank you soooo much dear Chessmood family and the GM team! I owe you a party ;)

Special thanks to GM Avetik the most dedicated coach ever! also special thanks to @Abhi Yadav who gave me a study plan to work on! ;) I REALLY thank you guys very much! 


Thanks, man! 
Happy for your success! 
I like Ng5, Nh7 even more than Rc6 :) 

Keep the COGRO! 

Before I joined chessmood I used to hover around 2000 + .... that is Feb 2019 .....since then after I joined chessmood now I have crossed 2300 in Blitz in both lichess , . I have total 5 accounts and all of them are 10-15 points rating point apart ... Even in rapid section in lichess it is now 2284 ...all of these possible because of chessmood .... 8 months ago I set target for myself to reach 2150 ... I reached there so easily then set it 2250 ... within 2 months reached ... then set 2300 about 4 months ago .... since i did not follow up on my target properly it took me longer . Now by this year end I want to reach 2400 online rating and Learn Sicilian with Black as well . saying thank you is not just enough , that is even more reason for me to reach 2400 this year .I am sure many of you will reach new heights , you are in right place like me. 

Before joining chessmood my ratings were less than 1400 on and lichess. Now they are over 1800 and I have reached 1900 lichess blitz!


The new blog by GM Avetik Sir is an eye opener

Since we need to apply the knowledge, I would request some people to collaborate and aim to practice all ChessMood openings

This way, I am damn sure that we are going to increase our rating minimum by 200 points

Any one willing to practice with me please

My rating is 1628 fide

You can type here or message me on my whatsapp number 8850128667

Thank you very much once again


I am 1640 on and 1680 on lichess in long time controls, 1750 and 1820 respectively in shorter ones. Named Giorgos_Kechagias on and giorgoskehagias509 on lichess. Write me your usernames so we can follow each other and practice our chessmood openings :).

Whoever wishes to practice with each other (all ChessMood members) can join here

In this way, we will be in touch and whoever will be free to practice can help each other in boosting the progress of all

I have edited the group and deleted the previous one as you couldn't send messages 

Sorry for the inconvenience

Rejoin again in this new link

Thank you

Hey Devansh! 
Thanks for your words. 
And it's a very nice post. 
You should find sparring partners guys, and it should be easy to do between our PRO Members. 

My FIDE rating is 1703.I’m interested in being your partner.I have many ideas and theoretical knowledge ready to show with you.You can email me at or account banhgiahuy2606

Chessbase 15 features explained...

We all discussed this and possibly having some one do tutorial videos for our members. Here is what I found I hope this helps someone who is new to Chessbase as I am.



Queen vs Pawns - part 2

It's white to move. 
Where should be the White King, that the position is winning? 
Name the squares. 



I think there's a line to determine that

According to my knowledge, it's A4, b4, c4, d4, d3, E3, e2, e1

King anywhere within this line is winning

I really like the way as it was explained in the de la Villa 100 endgames book: if the white king can reach b3 or c2 in 2 moves then it is winning. Those are key squares that your king needs to occupy when/after black promotes. So I think: a5, a4, b5, b4, c5, c4, d5, d4, d3, d2, d1, e4, e3, e2, e1 (basically the a1-e5 square excluding e5).

Apparent Error (resulting in confusion) in the Attack Against Caro-Kann course.

In Section 3, the title of 19. is 4...e5, but seeing the initial position of the video shouldn't it be 5...e5? 

(1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.ed cd 4.Bd3 Nc6 5.c3 e5)

Seems like an obvious error, but I'm presuming no one brought this up earlier, otherwise it would be fixed, right?


I've noticed quite a few errors in video titles (wrong move number, ? instead of ! and vice versa). Fortunately, this is relatively easy to figure out yourself.

Oh, right...
Just fixed. 
Peter, we're now redesigning the website and we're going to fix all the mistakes. 

New course - Queen vs Pawns

Hello champions???? 

We've added a full new course - Queen vs Pawns.
In this course, you'll learn the most important theoretical positions and the ideas in the Queen vs Pawn/s endgames. 

If you think you know everything here, we have a challenge for you. Go to the last section of the course. 
Cause even we (our Grandmasters team) thought we know all the important positions, while we found many new and strange ideas and positions, during collecting the material of the course. 
So, just go section by section, and in the end, you'll have a very good understanding of positions Queens vs Pawns. ​​ 

Enjoy it and keep the COGRO! (Constant Growth)


In Dero's puzzle after Ke3 f2 isn't Qb5 and Qxf1 a bit easier than Qc3-Qd3-Qf1xf2? 

Getting started

Hi everyone - I just joined this week and am loving it so far.  My only problem is there’s so much information!  Wanted to see what tips people have for learning all the repotoires.  Without the chessable-style repetition, how is everyone absorbing all the lines Avetik shows?  Good luck improving!


Hi Karl,

You will find many tips about this in:

This can help you for sure, but it always depends on the level that you are. If you are 1200 you do not need to go deep into the lines, but if you are 2400 you should remember as much as possible.

Another thing that I would like to point out is that chess, chess masters, GMS and IMS all existed long before Chessable. I do not know of anyone who became a GM just studying and repeating the lines in Chessable. Not even one.

I liked Chessable at the beginning, (I am pro for life there) it was a good idea, nice option. I drilled the 100 endgames from de la Villa with Chessable for more than one year and a half (made 2.500.000 millions point with it). I completed the book 3 times and still I forget some lines.

That said, I do import the lines that I myself create in Chessbase from the  Chessmood courses to Chessable for practicability and a bit out of habit. (Refer to the previous link for that)

Everyone has his own system, that you will tune up along your learning. Check the blog, there are many good articles showing the way, paving the path. Don't just read, take notes, lots of notes, this always help...

After 6 months of studying, practicing, watching ALL the streams (yes, the older ones too!) I know really good some lines, still I will never remember everything, but when somebody happens to follow one of the lines that you know... Well, the feeling is so good...

And some games like this game below can happen. I just had to play Rd5 on my own, the rest was in the course, explained perfectly... (Sometimes you may think that this is not original, but this is a chess player preparation, isn't it?)

Good luck in your Chessmood adventure, I can assure you that if you study and put your time, your new family will not disappoint you...

Karl, check it out our last article:

Should be very useful. 

Power of Pawns in Chess (Theme- Bishop Dominated)

Guys I don't say that I did well in opening. I am only checking my logic using those openings which I do not know. I got decent position in middlegame. Just two mistakes I made. One was taking on g4 for positional imbalances on the board instead of attacking move h5! Another mistake was Missing simple Rd1+ winning a free bishop but I wanted to play Nd4 so bad so I forgot it. Rest is super example of using pawns to dominate a bishop.

I know you guys say oh it's simple winning bec I had a lot pawns. True. But its so so fun to get this kind of endgames in which pawns are crushing a piece. I rarely get this kind of endgames so I thought to share it so we all can laugh.


If you like this kind of endgames, check it out:

I know the sacrifice wasn't precise, and in the game I already knew that. I just calculated some lines and found nothing concrete. 

But I just couldn't resist, it was stronger than me hahaha

chess mood weekly tmt at

hey i am unable to register for todays tmt starting in 30 min can anybody help?


leave it i got it

Quetion to the solution in the Article by GM RB Ramesh

Question to the final solution in the Artickle "Evolving the Thinking Process- Between Simplicity and Complexity"

The solution is 1.Rf3+! Ke7 2.e5 Rh5 3.Rf8!

But what if black goes 2...,Rxe5? How can white win?


after 2...Rxe5 White wins with the deflection 3.Re3!, pinning the black rook to the king and threatening to advance the passed pawn (and after 3..Rxe3 the passed pawn cannot be stopped)

Scotch game Bc5 linee

Today I have played my first scotch game over the board.  It was 15 min 10s increments practice game with a 2100 rating player. Game started with 1. E4 e5 2.nf3 nc6 3. D4 ed4 4. Nd4 Bc5 5. Nb3 Bb6 6. Nc3 Nf6 7. Qe2 0-0 8. Bg5 Nd4 9. Qd2 Nb3 10. ab3 h6 11. Be3, here my opponent played c6 after that I didn't played well.  What should my plan after 11. ..c6?


Shahinur, you just go 0-0-0. If he plays d5 at some point, it will be transposed to the course. 
If no, than what to? :) He just weakened his d7 pawn, d6 square. 
And you're going to play f3,g4 and checkmate him :) 

Hi, I just had yesterday a similar game with h6 an g5, because I do not retreat the Bishop to e3, that I am attaching, but as Avetik sensei said, you need to focus on the king side attack. Take a look at the game, you can find some useful ideas, I played like this many times lately. Best of luck.

Need an advice :)

I played only Slav Defence with black in my whole chess career but now it seems boring for me and I was looking for something new and more active opening after 1.d4.  I tried to learn Grunfeld Defence but there were many lines to remember. Today I finished watching the course Benko Gambit. So I want to hear your opinion about Benko Gambit :)   Do you play it with black? How it feels?


Definitely you have to look at Benko gambit, it's great opening especially for blitz. 

Go on play it! Its a really successful opening! I saw the whole course when it was free and I started playing it! I have played only 10 or so games up till now With Benko and I won 8 (!) of those games with playing at least 4 Higher rated! My highest win with Benko was against a 2100+ in blitz! And I am sure you are higher rated then me so you can play it!

Hi Siranush,

For Blitz:

Benko Gambit is an excellent choice.

For Standard:

Nimzo + Ragozin or Nimzo + QID: Very Reliable 

When you play the Benko Gambit, in some variations, your choices with Black are very limited (Comparing to Nimzo Indian/Ragozin/Queen's Indian, where both White & Black have free hands to choose different variations). As a result, you need to learn much less if you go for the Benko Gambit. Benko Gambit is still alive. But it is not as reliable as Slav/Semi-Slav or Nimzo/QID/Ragozin/QGD for Standard games.

I would say it all comes down to your level and playstyle. If you are active and like pressurizing, even in cost of a pawn, go for it. 

I would say the Benko is more or less sound up to a strong IM level, where the white players start to know their stuff pretty deeply

Benko gambit is very strong opening and I think you can play it even against masters in low time controls. For longer time controls, it is also in my main repertoire against 1. d4, but I also play king's indian against stronger opponents.

I don't play the Benko, but if you need exciting openings, try the King's Indian Defence!

Hi @Siranush_Ghukasyan,

Before joining Chessmood, I had only played Slav with black and had the same issues as you. Slav is a solid and sound defense but can be a bit passive sometimes, although there are some more active lines like the b7 pawn sacrifice played by Ponomariov (I think it was Ponomariov) or the e5 gambit in some lines.

I thought about studying Nimzo/QID, but that requires a lot of work and since my time devoted to chess is limited I think it would be more effective to invest it in calculation, strategy or endgames than in learning another opening.

Then I joined Chessmood and watched the Benko Course and I loved it. Benko is the opposite to Slav! and it does not require a lot of effort to learn the main line and sidelines.

I recently began playing Benko in online blitz and rapid games and got good results from the very beginning. I have beaten 2000+ players in lichess in 30+0 games

I have not played Benko OTB yet, but I will let you know how it feels when I have the opportunity (I have played two official 25+5 OTB rapid games today for the first time since March in a match against another chess club. I won both games, but no Benko. I wanted to play Benko buy my opponent started with 1.e4, so Accelerated Dragon it was, and Catalan with white)

To the point,  I think Benko will be a nice effortless addition to your Slav Repertoire. You will have an additional weapon when you have to play for the win or simply you are in the mood of feeling the attack, being a pawn down. I am sure it is a very respectable weapon in blitz and rapid games.

I have no experience in 90+30 OTB games against strong players that know the theory well, specially the a4 line

I hope it helps

I don't wanna say too much. All I can say is Chessmood's repo gave me almost winning positions at level of 2100 on and lichess. I don't know your strength but I am sure you will get more elo points with Benko Gambit. It's seriously a tough opening to handle for white. I also suggest you to learn the pawn structure of Benko Gambit in depth by using any dvds or book. This will help you to understand how to coordinate the pieces in this opening and structure. My results with Benko Gambit is +ve. It's because I played Benko Gambit before Chessmood and I also like a6 slav (I forgot name). 

Good luck.

Jobava side line

Sir in the screenshot i added u had suggested to go short castle and white played be2 but what if he plays h4 and when we reply with h5 plays ne4 and converts to the previous line where we cant play bg4 and we have already commited castling unlike last lines ???


Sorry i meant ne5

Sharan, when White was playing h4 without Nf3, they were threatening h5 right away with the idea of sacrificing the exchange after Nh5 - Rh5! 
If the knight is on f3 and they play h4, we'll play c5 attacking the center and we'll be faster in the queenside. At some point, Qb6 is going to be very annoying. 

Queen vs Pawns, Part 1

Hello Champions! 
Today we've launched a new course - Queen vs Pawns. 

Before watching it, I'm offering you to test your knowledge. 

Let's go here is the first position. 
2 questions.
1. Do you know how to win it? 
2. Where should be White's King and Queen, when it's a draw even if it's White to move? 


Chess variants

Do you think playing chess variants helps or hurts your abilities to play standard chess? Are there any variants you think are particularly helpful for improving your standard chess? I am thinking of, e.g., King of the Hill, 3 Check, Crazyhouse, Capablanca's Chess, and Glinski's Chess. Of course there is also Chess960, but that is much closer to standard chess.


Steven, personally I don't play other variations. 
But chess 960 is useful for sure. 
Another question is - Is it the most effective? :) 
As was spoken in the article:

Anti-Sicilian Part-1 3. ... Qb6 line

After 1. e4 e5  2. Nc3  Nc6  3. Bb5  Qb6 how should we approach?


Tanmoy, 4.Nge2 and if a6, then 5.Bc6 Qc6 6.d4 cd 5.Nd4 winning many tempos. 

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