Chess forum by Grandmasters
Blocking tactic - 2 forms
The blocking tactic name is being reused for two different sorts of tactical operations.
The first is a block where a mobile unit, a pawn cannot advance because something is in the way and it captures a different way. There was a tactical book 'Alekhine's Block' which gave examples of of such tactics (whether Alekhine was the first remembered to play this, write about it, or the most famous who knows).
The second is preventing the escape of a piece, here the king (although encircling other pieces ought to be considered the same idea) which is a very different manoeuvre, and perhaps in warfare would be called pinning down (probably not a good name for chess because of the confusion), but I don't think blocking is good either. Encirclement or preventing escape is perhaps better.
Encirclement is being used at in the puzzles section, as well as in
Scotch 4.. Bc5 variation with 6.. Nge7 and 7.. a7-a5
I just encountered the following:
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. d4 exd4
4. Nxd4 Bc5
5. Nb3 Bb6
6. Nc3 Nge7
7. Qe2 a5!?
It appears this move actually playable. How do we best counter it?
a4 would be my initial reaction its quite typical when black pushes a5
We could also go bg5 instead of Qe2, though I prefer Qe2 and a4 in response. Maybe Be3 first and if a4 by black take on b6 followed by Nb5 threatening some nasty checks on d6 if black takes the piece.
I have also faced this abnormal 7. ... a5 variation, and the best continuation according to my opinioin is the following: 8. Be3 Bxe3 9. Qxe3 a4 10. Nd4 a3 11. b3 0-0 12. Nxc6 Nxc6 (+0.4 advantage) orelse 8. Be3 a4 9. Bxb6 axb3 10. Be3 bxa2 11. Bd2 0-0 12. Bc4 d6 (+0,3 advantage). Anyway this may not be the best solution but I would be glad if this was helpful for you.
Scotch game continuation with c5 after Qd4 (knight exchange)
Hi All,
New member here, was just going through the scotch opening theory in detail and didn't find the continuation for the move c5 after Qd4 (exchange knight and queen occupy the centre). It appears a good move as its supported by bishop and the only continuations I could figure out are exchange queens after Qe5+ or move the Queen back to Qd1. Can someone please help me on this ?
Could you post the exact line? If its the one I think you mean, c5 is a awful move.
It chronically weakens d5 Square and leaves the d6 pawn on a half open file unsupported., why would your only options be to go Qe5+ or Qd1. Whats wrong with qd3, followed by be3, Nc3,0-0-0. Putting huge pressure on the d6 pawn and we just have much better version of the other passive lines. g4/h4/g5/h5 etc are all in our plans and we develop really quickly.
Scotch via 2.d4 / Danish ?!
1) Would it be a reasonable idea to try to play into the Scotch via 2.d4, exd4 3.Nf3, at least on a level under 2000 ELO?
An advantage would be to significally reduce the amount of opening theory one has to learn by avoiding openings like the Philidor, Petroff and the “abracadabra gambits”, the disadvantage that comes to mind is that Black cannot only reply with 3…Nc6 (transposing directly into Scotch), but Black could also play 3…Bb4+ or 3…Bc5 or 3…d6.
2) Or maybe only trying to play into the Scotch via 2.d4, exd4 3.Nf3, i f one knows that an opponent usually plays the Philidor, the Petroff or an “abracadabra gambit”?
3) Any suggestions on some lines and ideas against the above mentioned 3…Bb4+ or 3…Bc5 or 3…d6?
Thanks for your feedback, Akiba.
I think it would still be great to hear coach Avetik’s on this as the author of the “Scotch Opening” course, as the practical advantage of significally reducing
the amount of opening theory one has to learn is clearly there, while still
transposing into our loved Scotch opening most of the times. So valuable time could be
freed up for spending even more wisely on e.g. middlegame courses.
Or what exactly would be the big disadvantage of having to
deal with 3...Bc5 or 3...Bb4+ in my line given above that would negate this
advantage ?
(3...d6 is no problem, as it directly transposes into a Philidor line)
The Trompowsky Coverage
I posted essentially the same below question sometime back on this forum but never received an answer, so I'm trying my luck once more. You can ignore the 2...g6 part of the below query if you wish, my question relates more specifically to the structure arising after b3 followed by c4. :-)
Adapted from the chessable forum
Seasons Greetings Gawain,
I'm truly enjoying every minute of your fresh take on the 2...g6 Tromp, it seems like an extremely efficient way for KID and Grunfeld players alike to deal with this always annoying and popular White system.
I observed too that noted Tromp specialist himself Andreikin has also employed 2...g6 recently, which is a good theoretical sign. Be that as it may though, I was wondering how you propose we treat the structure when White prepares the c4 push with b3. Below are two illustrative examples of what White is trying to achieve, and this is the approach recommended by GM Antoaneta, Stefanova in her (Non-Chessable) Trompowsky course:
Georgiev,Ki (2680) - Horvath,Ad1 (2495) [D00]
22nd ECU Club Cup Feugen AUT (4), 11.10.2006
1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5 d5 3.Bxf6 exf6 4.e3 c6 5.g3 Bd6 6.Bg2 0-0 7.Ne2 Be6 8.0-0 Nd7 9.Qd3 f5 10.b3 Nf6 11.c4 Qd7 12.Nbc3 Rac8 13.c5 Bc7 14.b4 h5 15.h4 Rfe8 16.Nf4 Bxf4 17.exf4 Ne4 18.Ne2 b5 19.a4 a6 20.f3 Nf6 21.Ra3 Qb7 22.Qd2 Ra8 23.Rfa1 Reb8 24.Bf1 Ne8 25.Nc1 Nc7 26.Nd3 f6 27.Be2 Qc8 28.Nc1 Bd7 29.Bd3 Qf8 30.Ne2 Qe8 31.Kf2 g6 32.Nc3 Kg7 33.Nd1 Be6 34.Ne3 Qd7 35.Qc2 Rh8 36.axb5 axb5 37.Ra7 Rxa7 38.Rxa7 Ra8 39.Rxa8 Nxa8 40.g4 hxg4 41.fxg4 Qc7 42.Ng2 fxg4 43.Bxg6 Qa7 44.f5 Bf7 45.Qe2 Bxg6 46.Qxg4 Qa2+ 47.Kg3 1-0
Stefanova,Antoaneta (2478) - Peptan,Corina Isabela (2439) [D00]
EU-ch (Women) 5th Dresden (9), 30.03.2004
1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5 d5 3.Bxf6 exf6 4.e3 c6 5.g3 Bd6 6.Bg2 0-0 7.Ne2 f5 8.0-0 Nd7 9.b3 Nf6 10.c4 Be6 11.Qd3 a6 12.c5 Bc7 13.b4 b5 14.cxb6 Bd6 15.b7 Ra7 16.a3 Qb6 17.Nbc3 Rxb7 18.Rfc1 Rc8 19.Na4 Qa7 20.Nc5 Bxc5 21.Rxc5 Nd7 22.Rc3 Nb6 23.Rac1 Bd7 24.Qc2 Rbb8 25.Nf4 g6 26.Bf1 a5 27.Nd3 Nc4 28.Nc5 axb4 29.axb4 Rxb4 30.Bxc4 dxc4 31.Rxc4 Rxc4 32.Qxc4 Be8 33.Nd3 Kg7 34.Qc3 f6 35.d5 Bf7 36.dxc6 Bd5 37.Nb4 Bf3 38.Qd4 Qe7 39.h3 h5 40.Kh2 Rd8 41.Qc3 h4 42.c7 Rc8 43.Qc5 Qd7 44.gxh4 Qd2 45.Kg3 Bb7 46.Qe7+ Kh6 47.Qc5 Qd7 48.Qb6 Ba8 49.Qxf6 Qd2 50.Qg5+ Kg7 51.Qe7+ Kh6 52.Qc5 Qe2 53.Nd5 Qd3 54.Nb6 f4+ 55.Kh2 Qd2 56.Kg1 Re8 57.c8Q fxe3 58.Qg5+ 1-0
Any insights you can offer on how best to counter White's plan of gradual queenside expansion would be greatly appreciated.
BTW, Fantastic job on Part 2, and as expected it was certainly well worth the wait!
N.B. - I copied and pasted the above from the chessable forum rather than attempt to locate my original post here. Looking forward to a reply this time around.
Thanks in advance.
I don't have an answer of course, but I always enjoy your posts and I look forward to the GMs reply :)
Hi @Kevin_D I will ask Avetik to be sure but in this variation we play h5 and we do not castle short, we delay castle, in the 2 games that you posted they all castled allowing b3, c4. In this case we start the attack sooner with h5, before the b3, c4 plan. Correct me if I am wrong but this is what I have in the Chessmood database of the course.
By the way, you posted your question regarding this 2 years ago, I found the thread, I was not here at the time to remind Avetik... (Last question of the post
Thanks Odysseus, I was thinking about the structure more in general terms but have come to the conclusion that if White plays this way it is best met by energetic play on the Kingside, still I would love to hear what the ChessMood team has to say about it.
Happy holidays,
Kevin, D :-)
Titled Tuesday / Arena Kings
Hello everyone :)
I wanted to know if Chessmood Grandmasters already planned (or did in the past) streams while playing Chessmood openings during Titled Tuesday or Arena Kings?
Have a nice day :)
There used to be streams for the online Bundesliga.
No, they do not have the time to play blitz much :-). We make them work hard preparing and analyzing the contents of the courses... ;-)
1.d4 Nf6 2. Nc3 question
In this variation (Veresov? I am uncertain) as black I know we likely play 2...d5 here, but after Bf4 I am unclear how to approach this. Normally I see 1.d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 g6 3. Nc3 d5, as in the course about Jobava line, but since here I already have d5 and not g6 I am not quite sure.
Does anyone have a preferred set up, or is this in the material somewhere that I missed? I appreciate the feedback!
I will ask our GMs about this.
Hi Matt,
After 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 d5 3.Bf4 I would go g6 and basically this is transpo to the course, but imo difference is also that very annoying line for white 3..e6 could be played here as well (as an extra), with ideas Bb4, Nbd7 and c5 using unfortunate Nc3 development.
Of course there's an additional option of 3.Bg5 (Veresov), I dont think this was covered yet, so will be interesting to see what CM GMs suggest.
Btw I used to play this as white in blitz/rapid (learned from GingerGM courses) and this 3..e6 move he mentions as being one of the best for black, so that's that.
Hi Matt,
In my opinion we can go d5 and get a transposition to the other line, or if white goes with Bg5 now, their Knight on c3 is not staying really well. It's in front of the c pawn and white will not really be able to fight well for the center.
Not so Grand Prix !
I realise that there are lots of transpositions but one recently gave me some major concerns. My strong opponent initially played the Nc6 line but then g6 not Nd4. Seems like Black can elect to go different ways and has more flexibility than White. So e4 c5 : Nc3 Nc6 : Bb5 g6 : I then played Bxc6 and he replied b/c6. I played f4 Bg7 : Nf3 and he responded with c4 !? I should have played d3 but played Qe2 and got d5 back. Anyway I got nowhere fast ! So my questions to the GM's and Pro-Members are 1) how do you reconcile Nc6 and Bb5 if Black just moves to the g6 ( or e6 ) lines? 2) Q1 is more pertinent when, as so often happens, Black takes on c6 with the b pawn.
You can just play 5.d3 before going f4 and everything is fine here :)
After 6. c4 you can play 7 d4. If he captures en passant, it is no different then 7. d3, and if he doesnt, you have the big center, and the ability to later play b3 trading his c pawn for your a pawn opening the a file for your rook, hitting his weak pawn on a7.
That's quite Grand! After Bxc6 you have an extremely good Rossolimo position where you don't have to waste time to play f4 as you get it in before you play Nf3. This is much better for white than the traditional Rossolimo and very difficult to defend as black.
I played g6 against Avetik in one of the simultaneous streams he did and got crushed so I learned a good lesson as I now know how difficult it is to play this position as black. Nd4 is essential to not get a worse version of the Rossolimo.
It would have been nice if there was a section covering Bxc6. This is a line which we face most of the time. A section that covers the plans and shows some model games could be nice.
Dear Keven,
We do actually have the explanation of the line in our videos when black plays with g6 and allows us to take. We do get a better version of Rossolimo since we can play with f4 prior to Nf3 moves.
Article: “You Can Become a European Champion!”. And I Thought – Why not?
Hey champion!
You can find GM Avetik's interview with 2021 European Champion GM Anton Demchenko in our blog:
Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas about it here.
I liked that about the "healing springs" of chess knowledge. It seems is difficult to find without the help of a coach.
Could you be more extensive about that in a future article?
Super interesting interview. You love the game, you have talent, you work hard. And from one day to another your rating drops from 2670 to U2600. Chess is really a tough game.
Thank you very much for an enlightening interview which is very useful for amateurs (who desire improvement) like me. The interview is an inspirational message as well as a strategic action plan for chess players who have higher plans in their chess career.
Notable in this interview is the requisite for establishing a good mood(e.g. good physicsl condition, playing good moves or games not necessarily focusing on the tournament outcome, etc.) while playing which is paramount as expounded in this sharing community (i.e. Chess Mood)
Right mood is important to find the right (best) move!
Again many thanks to Chess Mood!
I am very curious to know a bit just a bit of his 1.e4 :-p :-p
Chess insight from Noel Studer and Chessmood
From GM Noël Studer, a friend of Chessmood:
Just because you do something connected to Chess does not mean that you are Training Chess.
Watching some youtube video, reading a chess book on your couch or playing non-focused Blitz games have one thing in common: most people think this is training, but that is wrong.
These are all pretty passive activities. And while they can be fun & inspiring, they most likely don't improve your Chess skills.
So for the next week, count only real Training as Chess training.
Fully focused, planned sessions that force you to think with your own head and go a little beyond your limits. This is where the real improvements come from.
If you need something to plan your training or a nice Christmas gift, then get Noel's Chess Planner. It offers a simple way to plan all your training sessions and learn the most from each session. I already bought 2!
I loved the sentence: playing non-focused Blitz games ! This is what many of us do! Remember to read the post by Avetik about how to play blitz correctly:
How to know what to play if opponents play dubious sidelines
Recently I played a few online games.In both instances I got White and I played the scotch game and both times my opponents played moves not covered in the course.
Eg : 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 ed4 4.Nd4 Bc5 5.Nb3 Bb6 6.Nc3 and here my opponent played Qf6. In the game I continued Qe3,Be2 and then went for Kingside attack but it did not work so well.
It would be very helpful if you could give some advice regarding how to orient in these kind of positions.
* I mean Qe2 and Be3 {instead of Qe3 Be2}
7.Qe2 followed by 8.Be3 is fine, 7.Qe3 followed by 8.h4 is also strong.
Maybe you could share the game to see what went wrong
Exactly as Akiba Rubinstein said, this is the right plan. Nothing wrong with it. Then you have to continue playing well, the opening is good.
Accelerated dragon new chessable course
Hi guys,
Found that chessable just released new accelerated dragon course by Plichta.
If someone buys it, could you write if there is some new stuff in main lines and esp interesting is new maroczy setup for black as I see he recommends new trendy line 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6 5.c4 Bg7 6.Be3 Qb6!?
Ouch on the video price tag, even at half price. I know recording of video takes a long while, but he's only an FM and you could get the chessbase and thechessworld courses for that and still have plenty of change for your chessmood subscription.
Never found chessable to be a good site for opening repertoire.
Another note is it's 51 hours of video. Does it really need to be that long. Showing variation after variation isn't really teaching.
@Paulius_Juknis I would recommend you to not change the lines, you already know the variations with Qa5 and have a very good feeling for them as we saw in your posted games, you got very good positions and a bit more of time at the end would have been key. The next time you will get the time since you know the opening very good and you have experience with it. Do not lose your time changing opening lines, you already have a good repertoire and you understand the ideas very good, we all know that... Stick to the lines, which have been approved and revised by proven strong GMS, everything comes together with time...
Regarding the repertoire on the Accelerated dragon by Pitchka, after checking it a bit more, I am 100% sure that it is based on Avetik Grygorian's repertoire from Chessmood. This is the one that I have been playing and studying the last 2 years and boy, it is so identical in so many lines. Even some novelties that were never showed before Avetik's team analysis, Pitchka uses them too. What a shame or maybe great FMS and great GMS think alike, right? Maybe I am too distrustful. Who knows? By the way I think that he used the Qb6 idea on the maroczy in order to not make it so obvious that the main line was Chessmood's one. The picture shows one of the key ideas that Avetik found and he also found the the same one, the Rb8 that Avetik is so proud of on the videos:
When black play in paulsen system vs grand prix
Coach, i don't find this variation en te sections, can you help me what we have to do ?1.e4 c5 2.Cc3 e6 3.f4 a6
You are lucky Chico Malo,
This was already in the list since it has been asked before too...
Avetik in his latest video shows how to play against the Hybrid setup in the Sicilian with e6 and a6.
It starts with 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 e6 3.f4 a6!?.
Black is trying to trick us with the move-order. But with the right moves, we will be the one attacking their King!
He'll show you how, step-by-step, in the advanced section we’ve added to our Anti-Sicilian
(Part 4) course. Click the link below to check it out
Question on software
Hi, in what software does Avetik make its videos, that it can make moves with figures of one color in a row?
Ex .: Opening Principles 101, 30. f2 and f7 weaknesses 25 sec..
Thank you!
I suspect it's just the latest Chessbase, whether there is the need to input null moves or not I don't know. You can also do this via scid for example by inputting a null move (though I don't remember if there is a keyboard short cut or you'd need to do it via the mouse). There also may be some editing going on which makes it look smoother.
Yes, Chessbase 16 is the interface used for the recordings. There is the possibility of entering null moves too as David explained.
While we are talking of null moves, nulling out the opponent's moves in a row except forcing ones such as recaptures or collection of sacrificed material can be useful for exposing plans which might be possible to follow. It also gives appreciation of the dim view the engine takes against irrelevant moves in that several null moves in a row (standing in somewhat for something irrelevant) quickly boost the score of the position.
Knight Sacrifice on Move 3
I’m new and very excited to be here. Last night I watched the Chess Opening Principles 101 video and was very excited by the portion about the knight sacrifice on move three. I play a coworker several times a week and he frequently plays 1….e5 2…..f6 as black. We sat down to play today and the game went like this.
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3. f6
3. Nxe5. fxe5 here I told him what a stupid move he had played
4. Qh5+ g6
5. Qxe5+. Qe7
6. Qxh8. Nf6!!!
And my heart sank because my Queen was trapped and I wasn’t smart enough to get her free. Later in the game I desperado’ed her for the second rook. Is there an easy way for me to get my Queen free after 6…..Nf6? How should I have played this better?
I looked at Stockfish which says it’s still +6.5 after the Queen gets trapped. It sure didn’t feel like +6.5 when I was playing it. Stockfish provided very little insight.
Hi Ben
Doesn't d3 then Bg5 or Bh6 get you back into the game, as you an exchange + 2 pawns up, then you just trade off on f6 or f8?
Saturday theme tournaments + Friday webinars
Given we will soon have the b3 course and have finally got to 2400 in the webinars, is it possible now to consider bringing back the theme tournament soon for a few weeks with the follow up webinars which were very useful as a summary/prematch prep. Suggested line up (courses not in the first set of tournaments):
Jobava (assuming the lines are still valid as there was some concern on the forum in one or two)
Alekhine (assuming it will be completed shortly)
b3 (assuming it arrives in time)
An additional suggestion would be some of the ideal setups in the opening principles 101 course against the hippo etc. Or even against few or no moves made by Black to help understand the importance of fast development.
Guess what - I support David's motion :-)
A problem against our Bd3 against the French. (6...Ae7)
Yuffa's game against Bluebaum, from 2018 analyzed in chesspublishing. 1.e4 e5 2.d4 d5 3.Bd3 dxe4 4.Bxe4 Nf6 5.Bf3 c5 6.Ne2 Be7 (this move is the one that poses a new scenario, without Nc6). What is best for white? Maybe we could continue with 7.Nbc3 0-0 (7 ... Nc6 would transpose to our main line) 8. Be3 Qc7 9.0-0 cxd4 10.Nxd4 a6. This position seems comfortable for Black, he has a central pawn e. What does the coach recommend? I read in a forum post that they were working on this line. Another interesting option for Black instead of Qc7 is to play with his e-pawn. 8 ... cxd4 9. Nxd4 a6 10.Qe2 e5 11.Nb3 Nc6 12 Rd1 Qc7 (it seems that Black's position is more harmonious). What does the coach recommend for this 6 ... Be7?
Yes, Avetik is finishing the Alekhine and then we will update this line in the French too, this is in our list and I will make sure that it will be published in the advanced section very soon. I remember that after 7.Nbc3 0-0 we should play d5 right away exd5 Nxd5 Now we have the d5 square and c5 can be a weakness. Still, please wait for Avetik's update.
It's been a long time that we all thought 6...Be7 is very strong
against our tricky 3.Bd3 in French.
However, recently, Avetik finally found a strong way to play for White and proved it with engines.
Did he record it to show everything he found?
Yes, of course
Note: The section is really advanced
Power of the bishop pair - more sections coming?
Having almost worked through this course (very good may I add), it mentions at the bottom more sections are coming, though in the introduction text it mentions 11 sections. Is there more to come here or is the 'more sections coming' message in error?
Hi David,
As you have seen by now we have 11 sections.
We may have more sections, or more material on the existing sections as well. By now it's not decided since we are working on a lot of material in different directions.
Good luck!
Sicilian Defence, Accelerated Dragon
7.Nxc6 variation
7...b6 8.e5 Ng8 9.f4 Nh6 10.Qd2 o-o 11.o-o-o d6 12.Bc4 Ng4 you suggested you showed here 13.Bg1 line and i am confused what if white plays here 13.Bc5
Hello :)
We will check it out and get back to you soon.
I checked the LTR on the dragon by the FM Pichta from Chessable and the author only analyzes 12..exd6 and does not include Bc4 in his 1460 lines of repertoire, I guess that not everything can be included in a course.
Correct! 12...Nf5 13.Bf2 h5 is stronger!
2B vs N - Power of Bishop Pair 1.4
In this video, it demonstrates the idea of separating the knight and king and trapping the knight. However in the initial position I found a shorter way to win:
1. Be8!
Now the knight has no squares.
1... Kh8? 2. Kf7 and the knight has to give itself up else Nh7 3. Bd4+ forces it into the pin. Or also 2. Bh6 wins
1... Kg8 2. Bh6 Nh7+ 3. Ke7 zugzwang and now the knight has to give itself up else Kh8 4. Kf7 and only the knight can move and is lost.
Nice one @David_Flynn
Hi David,
That is doable as well.
We wanted to highlight the main idea of separating opponent's king and the knight which is the general strategy for that specific endgame.