Train Tactics with GM Avetik

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Train Tactics with GM Avetik

Date: Feb 13 - 15:00 (UTC)

Host: GM Avetik Grigoryan

Train Tactics with GM Avetik

Tactic Ninjas, sharpen your tactical eye by solving puzzles with a Grandmaster!

Date: Feb 13 - 15:00 UTC (UTC)

GM Avetik Grigoryan

Champions and Tactic Ninjas, you’ve probably heard hundreds of times how important tactics are in chess.

And in this interactive lesson, you’ll train tactics with GM Avetik by solving puzzles.

GM Avetik will guide you, sharing useful tips on where you should be paying attention. As you follow along, tactics will magically start flashing in your mind’s eye. 

It’s a great way to sharpen your tactical vision while interacting with other ChessMood students!

Anytime you have a question, immediately ask GM Avetik in the chatbox. 

The stream will be hosted on Zoom. 

Note: This is a closed event only for ChessMood PRO members.

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