Stream with GM Gabuzyan

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Stream with GM Gabuzyan

Date: Sep 24 - 15:00 (UTC)

Host: GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

Stream with GM Gabuzyan

GM Gabuzyan crushing with ChessMood openings 2800+ players

Date: Sep 24 - 15:00 (UTC)

GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

It's not just a usual stream. It's a stream based on the courses! You will see how to put in practice what you learn in ChessMood.
GM Gabuzyan will stream playing our ChessMood openings against 2800+ players. 

You will see how good they work even on super high levels. You will see his decision-making process.
The stream also will help you to memorize opening lines and understand the middlegame deeper. 
Try not to skip such events as they are super important for your fast growth. 

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