Play 1-1 against a Grandmaster

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Play 1-1 against a Grandmaster

Date: Feb 21 - 15:00 (UTC)

Host: GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

Play 1-1 against a Grandmaster

Test your skills in a 1-1 blitz game vs GM Gabuzyan!

Date: Feb 21 - 15:00 (UTC)

GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

In this event, you’ll get a chance to play a 1-1 game against a Grandmaster! Test your skills, use everything you’ve learned and do your best. We wish you good luck!

For participating, you will just need to write your nickname in the live stream chat, so GM Gabuzyan recognizes that it's you and accepts your match request.

If your nickname ends with ChessMood, it will be easier. For example John_ChessMood or Any_ChessMood  

You can challenge playing with one of the following time controls: 3+0, 3+2, 5+0. 

The games will be in 

See you soon! 

Note: While our events are exclusively for Pro Members, between February 15-22, Essential Members have access too.

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