Learn the Sicilian Defense: Accelerated Dragon from a GM

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Sicilian Defense - Accelerated Dragon

Course 58 episodes
(3 hours 52 min)
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan

You’ll face the mainline 1.e4 in many of your games.

So you need a reliable opening repertoire that you can use with the Black pieces — one’s that solid enough to hold off any engine lines and active enough to give you hopes of fighting for an advantage.

After many brainstorming sessions, our Grandmaster team found the one that matches our expectations perfectly — Sicilian Accelerated Dragon! ...


Below are some diagrams from the course:

Accelerated DragonAccelerated DragonAccelerated DragonAccelerated DragonAccelerated DragonAccelerated DragonAccelerated DragonAccelerated Dragon

Once you finish this opening, you’ll have a reliable repertoire that’ll serve you well even against the preparation of Grandmasters.

Additional Resources: Once you finish this course please watch the other 2 courses on Maroczy Bind setup starting with the standard Maroczy Bind first. Some White players prefer this setup against Accelerated Dragon so you must be prepared against it as well.

What you'll learn

  • The strategies for both sides in the Sicilian Accelerated Dragon.
  • A move-by-move guide, backed by cloud engines, to get a comfortable position with Black. 
  • Model games to show how you can handle the middlegame positions arising from the Accelerated Dragon opening.

Lesson Plan

58 episode(s) 3 hours 52 min

Students give this course an average of 4.9 out of 5 stars.

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Course 58 episodes (3 hours 52 min)
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan
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