Learn the Sicilian Defense: Accelerated Dragon from a GM

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Sicilian Defense - Accelerated Dragon

Course 58 episodes
(3 hours 52 min)
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan

You’ll face the mainline 1.e4 in many of your games.

So you need a reliable opening repertoire that you can use with the Black pieces — one’s that solid enough to hold off any engine lines and active enough to give you hopes of fighting for an advantage.

After many brainstorming sessions, our Grandmaster team found the one that matches our expectations perfectly — Sicilian Accelerated Dragon! ...

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Below are some diagrams from the course:

Accelerated DragonAccelerated DragonAccelerated DragonAccelerated DragonAccelerated DragonAccelerated DragonAccelerated DragonAccelerated Dragon

Once you finish this opening, you’ll have a reliable repertoire that’ll serve you well even against the preparation of Grandmasters.

Additional Resources: Once you finish this course please watch the other 2 courses on Maroczy Bind setup starting with the standard Maroczy Bind first. Some White players prefer this setup against Accelerated Dragon so you must be prepared against it as well.

What you'll learn

  • The strategies for both sides in the Sicilian Accelerated Dragon.
  • A move-by-move guide, backed by cloud engines, to get a comfortable position with Black. 
  • Model games to show how you can handle the middlegame positions arising from the Accelerated Dragon opening.

Course Content

  • media 58
  • quiz 1
  • time 3 hours 52 min
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Students give this course an average of 4.9 out of 5 stars.

Beth Butler
Beth Butler
Nice job with the course but some people play 4nxc6 how do I respond
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thank you, Beth! This is an old course, and we're going to update/re-record it soon. Thank you!
Great Course.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thank you!
Alessandro Pelagatti
Alessandro Pelagatti
Asthonising course
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Gracias, amigo!
Alessandro Pelagatti
Alessandro Pelagatti
De nada senior 😉
Jem Mai
Jem Mai
I will surely try it!!!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Let's go!
Jem Mai
Jem Mai
My last tournament was a little sad in the first 3 games but in the 4th, I used the accelerated dragon and won and in the last round I used it again in the last round and I won again. Because of it I've reached 1900. Awesome!!!!!
Tony O'Donovan
Tony O'Donovan
Fantastic course I am starting to use the accelerated dragon brilliant
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Luca Matera
Luca Matera
Great course! loved it, I think there is a mistake in section 3, after 10. Qd2 d5 11. exd5 Nxd5 12. Nxd5 Nxd4 13. Bxd4 exd5+ 14. Be3, you recommend d4, which leads to pretty equal position after 0-0-0, insted Bh6 wins. Thank you!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Stek, thanks! You're right. Will fix this during re-recording.
Subash Chandra
Subash Chandra
This course gave me confidence playing Sicillian after playing London and Caro for the past two years. Rating also increased in chess.com.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Great! What's your new rating?
Subash Chandra
Subash Chandra
i was lingering around 1550 to 1575 for two years before playing Dragon. Todays point is 1650 after started playing/studying Accelerated Dragon course from Chessmood.com. Thankyou GM Avo sir for the great course.
Prayan Sai Kumar
Prayan Sai Kumar
I liked the course and I have learned a lot from watching the video's! It was mentioned in the one of the beginning video's that 7...d5!? (better weapon to play for a win when compared to the usual 7...0-0 8...d5) against 7.Be2 will be covered in the advanced section. Where can I find this? I also liked the fact that 10.Qd2 was covered so deeply in the very last (advanced) section. Can that also be done for 10.f4 d6 (checked deeply), which is nowadays the main line with approximately 200 games in the database?
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks! There are many things we'll change, but most probably we'll re-record the full course.
Barnabas Apro
Barnabas Apro
This is very useful
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Alexander Chen
Alexander Chen
Ver Y helpful
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Onkar Paldhe
Onkar Paldhe
Its too good to be true, I got to know the structures so well that gave me real confidence to play c5 and dragon variations, otherwise I used to play only safe caro-cann and hope to get a win somehow or draw the game, now I'm looking forward to play with black pieces and get a smooth win in my most of the games.. Hope to get a same video series on catalan too, Thanks in advance, kudos for the great work you're doing, Best Regards, Onkar Paldhe
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks a lot, Onkar! "Too good to be true," hehe :) Nice one!
Matt Young
Matt Young
As a newbie, it'd be really helpful to have quiz type exercises after each video section to reinforce the lines. (My ability to retain from just watching isn't great so doing a lot of clunky memorization and pausing videos)
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks for sharing this. Matt, we're adding quizzes and our FixMood feature soon. Hopefully, it'll help a lot. And by the way, this course wasn't meant for newbies :)
Thanks GM Avetik. This course is excellent. I often use this course to prepare against my opponents. Of course not easy to remember all the lines but very handy small modules to prepare against specific opponents. Thanks again.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thank you, very much!
Bu Bu
Bu Bu
my brain just broke.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Please, with Fedex send to us, we'll repair and send it back :)
Shoeb Dewan
Shoeb Dewan
After finishing the course I think I have become sicilian master
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Hehe :) Have you finished the Sicilian Sidelines as well?
Shoeb Dewan
Shoeb Dewan
i will try it
Dharshvesh Raj
Dharshvesh Raj
admin image
Thanks :)
Ar Ray
Ar Ray
Great course but where can I find the model games to understand the opening better?
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks! Please check out the RockNRolling sections.
Guillermo Moreno
Guillermo Moreno
Best curse that I ever take it!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
O, wow!
Naman Dafria
Naman Dafria
Jorge Felix Cabezas
Jorge Felix Cabezas
Liam Jesunas
Liam Jesunas
Yoel P.C
Yoel P.C
Es un curso increíble, como todo lo que hace ChessMood
Jalal Asha
Jalal Asha
Ed Craddock
Ed Craddock
Fantastic... an ambitous fighting repertoire against 1.e4
Daakshin Arun
Daakshin Arun
So well prepared and easy to follow. It added one more opening in my repetrior.
Marlon Fernando
Marlon Fernando
logical play
md. redwan ullah
md. redwan ullah
I love it.
Giorgos Kechagias
Giorgos Kechagias
Jyotisko Sengupta
Jyotisko Sengupta
Mohit Bayyarapu
Mohit Bayyarapu
This is a good course.
Artyom Manukyan
Artyom Manukyan
Prasanth T
Prasanth T
Shahinur Haque
Shahinur Haque
Max Cacciatore
Max Cacciatore
WIM_Siranush Ghukasyan
WIM_Siranush Ghukasyan
Sharan Sridhar
Sharan Sridhar
Excellent course but little tough to memorise all lines
Devansh Shah
Devansh Shah
InSane _AbHi
InSane _AbHi
I finished the course finally. It took one week but I not only memorized all the ideas but I learnt the variations so well. I will apply ten times revision process and will master all lines and ideas. I can say must course for those who wanna fight against 1.e4.
Vahe Suqiasyan
Vahe Suqiasyan
David Hakhinyan
David Hakhinyan
Martin Wittke
Martin Wittke
Faysal Akgül
Faysal Akgül
Muizzuddin Yaqeen
Muizzuddin Yaqeen
So well prepared and easy to follow. It added one more opening in my repetrior.
GM Avetik Grigoryan
GM Avetik Grigoryan

After having a successful playing career where he became the Armenian Champion in 2010, GM Avetik Grigoryan found his passion for chess coaching and switched to it full-time. 

Since then, he has guided many ambitious players to become Grandmasters and International Masters and has over 10 years of coaching experience.

He believes anyone can improve at chess, with the right mood and proper direction. And with that vision, he founded ChessMood in 2018.

After having a successful playing career where he became the Armenian Champion in 2010, GM Avetik Grigoryan found his passion for chess coaching and switched to it full-time. 

Since then, he has guided many ambitious players to become Grandmasters and International Masters and has over 10 years of coaching experience.

He believes anyone can improve at chess, with the right mood and proper direction. And with that vision, he founded ChessMood in 2018.

The Accelerated Dragon variation of the Sicilian Defense arises after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6

As you can see from the opening, Black fianchetto their Bishop to the g7-square via g6. After that, they're ready to develop their Kingside pieces and castle.

Once fully developed Black wants to play the …d5 pawn break at the right time if given the chance. 

After the 4…g6 move, White usually has 2 ways to respond:

  1. Continue normal development with 5.Nc3

  2. Play the Maroczy Bind setup, starting with 5.c4. Because the e4-pawn isn’t under attack, White has this option to play and clamp down on the center. The arising setup is known as Maroczy Bind.

So if you’re planning to play this opening with the Black pieces you ought to have a repertoire against both these systems.

History of the Accelerated Dragon

The first game in this opening was played between Hugh Alexander Kennedy - Marmaduke Wyvill in the London Knockout tournament in 1851. Black won the game.

The difference between Normal vs Accelerated vs Hyper-Accelerated Dragon

The normal Sicilian Dragon move order is 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6.

Black delays playing the pawn push …g6 till the 5th move. 

In the beginning, you saw how the Accelerated Dragon starts. Black plays …g6 on the 4th move.

The Sicilian Hyper-Accelerated Dragon arises after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 g6. Here Black just takes 2 moves to play …g6. 

So the difference between all the different types of Dragons is how fast Black plays the pawn push …g6 to fianchetto their Bishop. The faster Black fianchettos their Bishop in the opening, the more “accelerated” the line becomes.  

Is the Accelerated Dragon sharp?

You’ll get active positions where you can attack and fight for an advantage, even with the Black pieces. At the same time, your position will be solid and a slight inaccuracy won’t immediately cost you the game.

So you can say the Sicilian Accelerated Dragon chess opening is a mix of aggressive and solid lines.

Is the Accelerated Dragon a good chess opening for Black?

With the likes of top chess players such as Gelfand, Ivanchuk and Dubov playing this line you can be assured that the Accelerated Dragon is a safe and sound opening.

In this opening, both sides have good chances to play for a win. 

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time 3 hours 52 min
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan
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