In GM Studer's Mind

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In GM Studer's Mind

Course 12 episodes
(3 hours 36 min)
Creators GM Noël Studer

GM Noël Studer commentates on his best games! 
Around March 2021, GM Studer started writing weekly blog articles. And in a few months, his blog, NextLevelChess, exploded in popularity! 

People loved the content! His advice was easy to understand, relatable and actionable. And the same thing also happened when he launched his course Next Level Training

Now imagine him walking you through his best games, including his wins against super Grandmasters (2700+), and revealing his thought process in a simple and crystal clear manner that he is so famous for. 

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That’s what he’s going to do in his course!

Through his best games, you’ll learn about dynamic chess, including – attacking with all your pieces, dominating the position with excellent piece play, breaking up the center, playing with an isolated pawn, and more. 

It’s not just about chess technique. You’ll also discover the mindset hacks to improve your performance, what it takes to beat stronger players, and much more!

So get ready to dive inside the mind of a Grandmaster Studer to take your chess to the next level.

What you'll learn

  • The practical decision-making of a Grandmaster in a real game.
  • How to play (and beat) higher-rated opponents?
  • Practical tips on playing vs lower-rated players.
  • His victories against super Grandmasters (2700 elo+).
  • The art of attacking by bringing all your pieces. 
  • Dominating the position with piece play.
  • Making decisions in dynamic positions and a lot more!

Course Content

  • media 12
  • puzzle 52
    Quizzes & Trainings
  • quiz 1
  • time 3 hours 36 min
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Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

Diego Clerici
Diego Clerici
I love this course, clear explainations of the games and very high level opponents. I'll check other ChessMood courses too.
admin image
Dear Diego, Thanks a lot for your kind words, it's great to hear that you are enjoying the website. Good luck!
Claudio Abud
Claudio Abud
Very well annotated games and needless to say , very instructive, thanks so much for commenting on your best games !
admin image
Thanks a lot :-)
Vikram Medelin
Vikram Medelin
Very good explanation and interesting ideas in opening and middlegames. Thank you
admin image
Thanks for your kind words, it's great you enjoyed this course :-)
Okke Miram
Okke Miram
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Thank you :-)
Yash Ambica
Yash Ambica
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Naman Dafria
Naman Dafria
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Just okay?
Konstantinos Pantelakis
Konstantinos Pantelakis
I simply recommend it to everyone
Ovi - Silver Cloud
Ovi - Silver Cloud
Thank you Noel for your great help explaining ideas, thoughts and strategies of your past games. They sure helped me a good bit!
Paulius the Witcher
Paulius the Witcher
Nice games! I especially enjoyed 1,4,9. Really great insights how GM thinks and also cool and exceptional to the courses to include the loss and how to deal and learn from it psychologically. Enjoyed it and learned some hidden and attacking patterns hopefully!
Tomas Hanak
Tomas Hanak
Very instructive lecture from GM Studer! I really enjoyed instructive comments, lots of practical tips and those tactical exercises! Once again I must say, that it is shame, that there are only 10 commented games instead of magical 64! + small observation: Noel lost the only game in this series to Bortnyk, because he didnt know chessmood aproach with 4...Jg8 5.f4 c5 6.Jf3 and Jh6! :D :D :D
Adam M.
Adam M.
Excellent! Really nice explanations, full of good practical tips and nice background stories too. Love it!
GM Noël Studer
GM Noël Studer

Born in 1996, Studer earned his international master's title in 2014 and his grandmaster title in 2017. His achievement of the latter title at the age of 20 makes him Switzerland's youngest ever grandmaster.

Born in 1996, Studer earned his international master's title in 2014 and his grandmaster title in 2017. His achievement of the latter title at the age of 20 makes him Switzerland's youngest ever grandmaster.

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quize 52
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time 3 hours 36 min
Creators GM Noël Studer
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