Counter the English Opening


80 EPISODES (4h 2m)


GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
Buy this course for $200

One of the most popular 1st moves you’re likely to face with Black is 1.c4, also known as The English Opening.

It’s a solid opening where the structure often remains flexible and closed.

Many amateurs struggle to play against such openings because often it’s easy to make a reckless move that can create long-term problems.

So how should you play against 1.c4? ...


This course will give you a practical repertoire starting with 1...c5! 

Below are some of the diagrams from this course:

English OpeningEnglish OpeningEnglish OpeningEnglish OpeningEnglish OpeningEnglish OpeningEnglish OpeningEnglish Opening

Once you finish the course, you'll feel very comfortable playing against 1.c4. 

Let's start the journey!

What you'll learn

  • A full repertoire to counter the English opening with 1.c4 c5! 
  • The strategy for both sides in this opening.
  • A rare but perhaps the strongest continuation against one of White’s solid setup — the Botvinnik System.
  • How to counter White's double fianchetto setup in this opening?
  • Model games to help you grasp the key ideas and concepts in this opening and more.


Lesson Plan 80 episode(s)


Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.