1.d4 sidelines like the London System, the Trompowsky are easy to learn, flexible, and solid.
Additionally, many chess players today hate theory or are lazy to learn it. So they turn to such sidelines to fix their opening preparation.
Because of this, there’s a high chance you’ll face 1.d4 sidelines, whether you are an amateur or a Grandmaster! ...
So you need to have a sound repertoire that not only guarantees you equality as a bare minimum but also allows you to play ambitiously with the Black pieces.
With that in mind, our Grandmasters have prepared this video course.
Below are some of the positions that could arise from this opening:
Ready to prepare against 1.d4 sidelines? Let's start!
What you'll learn
- The mindset of players who play the 1.d4 sidelines.
- How to stop your opponent from playing 20-odd moves of London System (1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4) on autopilot.
- How to fight for the initiative as Black in the London System within the first 10 moves, a strategy that takes many such players out of their comfort zone.
- The idea of the Trompowsky Attack (1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5).
- How to play against the Trompowsky Attack without memorizing too many complicated lines.
- The right way to counter the trendy Jobava Line (1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 g6 3.Nc3) where White is waiting to launch an attack on the Kingside.
- How to fight against White's other passive options in 1.d4 sidelines and more.
Lesson Plan 47 episode(s)
Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.