Same-color Bishop Endgames - ChessMood

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Bishop Endgames

Course 30 episodes
(44 min)
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

This course will lay the foundation you need to master same-color Bishop endgames. You’ll be learning the key ideas of this ending along with their exceptions. 

We will cover positions in Bishop endgames that are winning, how to win them, the typical defensive methods to hold, and some very instructive lessons from classics where such an endgame occurred.

Each lesson is short (usually under 5 minutes) and focuses on 1 important idea.
We are not going to overwhelm you with tons of information because once you understand the key ideas, you will be well-armed to handle this endgame on your own...


Below are some of the positions from the course:

Bishop EndgamesBishop EndgamesBishop EndgamesBishop EndgamesBishop EndgamesBishop EndgamesBishop EndgamesBishop Endgames

Apply what you learn from this course and watch your confidence soar in playing bishop endgames over the board or even while calculating them in your head!

To extract the most out of this course, please watch the ‘Bishop vs Pawn’ course first. The ideas in that course will help you grasp the material of this one.

What you'll learn

  • The winning technique when you have an extra pawn in the Bishop endgame.
  • Evaluating Bishop endgames where one side has an extra pawn on the 7th rank. 
  • The standard defensive techniques to hold in this type of endgame.
  • Evaluating endgames where one side has an extra pawn on the 6th rank. 
  • Are positions with Bishop + 2 pawns vs Bishop easily winning?  
  • Practical lessons in this endgame from the real classics and more.

Course Content

  • 30
  • 44 min
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Students give this course an average of 4.8 out of 5 stars.

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play 30
time 44 min
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
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