Bishop vs Pawn Endgames

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4. Bishop vs Pawn

Bishop vs Pawn

Course 76 episodes
(1 hour 46 min)
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

In many endgames, having an extra piece can mean the position is easily winning. But in Bishop endgames, you could find some exceptions.

Sometimes having an extra pawn and an extra Bishop isn’t sufficient for a win. How do you know which positions are winning and which aren’t as well as the appropriate technique to use in each scenario? ...


That’s what this course covers.

Below are some positions taken from the course:

Bishop vs PawnBishop vs PawnBishop vs PawnBishop vs PawnBishop vs PawnBishop vs PawnBishop vs PawnBishop vs Pawn

By grasping the material of this course, you’ll be better prepared to master the more advanced – Bishop Endgames!

Let's dive in!

What you'll learn

  • The positions that are drawn even if one side has an extra Bishop.
  • How a lone Bishop can stop 2 or even 3 pawns with ease.
  • The situations when the pawns overpower a Bishop.
  • The concept of 'multitasking Bishop' to understand if an endgame can be won or it is drawn.
  • Bishop vs separated pawns.
  • Bishop vs connected pawns and more!

Lesson Plan

76 episode(s) 1 hour 46 min

Students give this course an average of 4.8 out of 5 stars.

Course 76 episodes (1 hour 46 min)
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
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