Bishop vs Pawn Endgames

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Bishop vs Pawn

Course 76 episodes
(1 hour 46 min)
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

In many endgames, having an extra piece can mean the position is easily winning. But in Bishop endgames, you could find some exceptions.

Sometimes having an extra pawn and an extra Bishop isn’t sufficient for a win. How do you know which positions are winning and which aren’t as well as the appropriate technique to use in each scenario? ...

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That’s what this course covers.

Below are some positions taken from the course:

Bishop vs PawnBishop vs PawnBishop vs PawnBishop vs PawnBishop vs PawnBishop vs PawnBishop vs PawnBishop vs Pawn

By grasping the material of this course, you’ll be better prepared to master the more advanced – Bishop Endgames!

Let's dive in!

What you'll learn

  • The positions that are drawn even if one side has an extra Bishop.
  • How a lone Bishop can stop 2 or even 3 pawns with ease.
  • The situations when the pawns overpower a Bishop.
  • The concept of 'multitasking Bishop' to understand if an endgame can be won or it is drawn.
  • Bishop vs separated pawns.
  • Bishop vs connected pawns and more!

Course Content

  • media 76
  • time 1 hour 46 min
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Students give this course an average of 4.8 out of 5 stars.

Shruti Pe
Shruti Pe
Great course, Gabuzyan!
admin image
GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks a lot :-)
pierre Wavresky
pierre Wavresky
Very good, as usual.
admin image
GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
As always thank you :-)
Alan Marcuse
Alan Marcuse
Everything included, great as always.
admin image
GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks Alan :-)
Okke Miram
Okke Miram
admin image
GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thank you!
Okke Miram
Okke Miram
Miro Ok
Miro Ok
i like !
Tanush Dokka
Tanush Dokka
Pretty good not bad!
admin image
GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Juan Ramirez
Juan Ramirez
Etupendo y geniales ideas y acertigos
admin image
Casey Davis
Casey Davis
Usual good course, but one in which GM Gabuzyan has slowed down his delivery speed so as to enable things to be more readily understood. Also felt like there were more deliberate pauses for the student to engage with puzzles and try to solve. Enjoyed it and felt learning was easier than the rook v pawn course.
admin image
Thanks for Casey, this is also easier topic than rook vs pawn 😊
InSane _AbHi
InSane _AbHi
Bradley Loh
Bradley Loh
Artyom Manukyan
Artyom Manukyan
WIM_Siranush Ghukasyan
WIM_Siranush Ghukasyan
Jean marc LEPRETRE
Jean marc LEPRETRE
Pratham Lohakare
Pratham Lohakare
Chris Garrett
Chris Garrett
Mateo Jackson
Mateo Jackson
GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

Hovhannes Gabuzyan became a U-16 Olympic Champion in 2010. Two years later, at 17, he achieved the Grandmaster title.

He was the World University Chess Champion in 2016, the Armenian Champion in 2017 and 2021, and has represented his country at the prestigious Chess Olympiad.

He believes time is a person’s most valuable resource. This philosophy reflects in his swift play on the chessboard and his training methods that focus on squeezing the most out of one’s time.

Hovhannes Gabuzyan became a U-16 Olympic Champion in 2010. Two years later, at 17, he achieved the Grandmaster title.

He was the World University Chess Champion in 2016, the Armenian Champion in 2017 and 2021, and has represented his country at the prestigious Chess Olympiad.

He believes time is a person’s most valuable resource. This philosophy reflects in his swift play on the chessboard and his training methods that focus on squeezing the most out of one’s time.

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play 76
time 1 hour 46 min
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
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