Chess forum by Grandmasters
Need Help
I started playing chess in November of 2023 and I'm rated 973. Everyone I play says I'm super underrated. If I don't know my playing strength, what/how do I study?
also, does anyone know how I can find out my playing strength?
-Sarah :)
If you are 973 now, this means that sometimes you may play like a 1500 sometimes like a 500… That's why everyone think that they are underrated. The elo is the average of your last performances. It does not matter how much knowledge you have or acquire if you keep blundering pieces in one move (typical of 500), which is normally the issue in your level.
What we would suggest you from Chessmood is to follow closely the study plan for your level: See if you understand the concepts and you apply them in your games.
Also we are going to release soon another course that will include more fundamentals geared towards players below your level that it may reinforce some concepts.
But at the moment, please check out the study plan, follow it and improvement will follow soon…
I hope this makes sense…
Where to continue after WhiteMood and BlackMood Openings?
Dear ChessMood Players
I have now worked through the simplified WhiteMood and BlackMood Openings
which helped me a lot to improve my openings and get into a good middlegame. I definitely win more chess games :-)
Which course would you recommend me to step into next?
best regards
Did you read the study plan according to your level?
There you have all the info according to your rating…
Please check it out😄
Quizzes and Training
Is it just me or are these functions not working tonight?
Bro quizzes and training are working fine, just restart your laptop and check again
There seems to be a problem on trying to access quizzes and pgns. Both in the blog and in the forum too.
Sorry! There was a glitch in the system but it was restored pretty fast!
😅Still sorry for the trouble and we believe that it should not happen again, (at least this bug, something else may happen… who knows…)😅
Blundered my rook but applied some SLP skills
I stayed cautious and positional and when I saw an opening I dropped everything and went for the king…it worked
Nice game
New article: 5 Game-Changing Boosters to Speed Up Your Chess Growth
⚠️ Warning: Missing this article might keep you stuck on the sidelines of success…
How did Thailand shape the future of their chess and get their 1st International Master?
Who were the heroes and what were the 5 game-changing boosters behind the success?
Why are these 5 boosters universal, with every champion having them in common, including Magnus Carlsen?
How can you develop these boosters, or compensate for their absence?
What’s the ONE booster that is in your hands and how can you use it to speed up your growth?
Discover in our new article here👇
You might not want to brag about Prin playing in Russia in 2024 and playing Karjakin, who supports the war of aggression. Imagine you were from Georgia instead of Armenia. Perhaps compassion could be a “booster”.
How is federation supposed to be a booster, any and every federation will support a player who is performing great
What to play as black against the Bird -f4?
Hello everyone,
I am sorry but I cannot find it in the courses, what/how do we play as black when white opens with f4 the Bird opening?
Hi Henry,
😀This is explained in section 22 of the Blackmood repertoire, please check it out. 💪
Anti Sicilian 3.f4 d5 ...
1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 e6 3.f4 d5 4. Nf3 de4 5.Ne4 Nc6 6.Bb5 Bd7 7. Qe2 a6 8. Bxd7 Bxc6 9.f5! according our coach Bxe4 10. Qxe4 Qd5 11. Qxd5 exd5 12 d4 cd4 White must fight for draw!
What I miss here?
💪Please, try to evaluate the resulting position without an engine and let's see what conclusions we reach, because I would take White with my eyes closed. Very equal but with clear plans for White… 😅
problem in the exchange caro kann
Hello Chessmood Family !!!
I have used Whitemood reperoires quite successfully for some time now. however, in the Exchange Caro Kann I stumbled upon a " PROBLEM MOVE" [not problematic but dunno how to get Winning chances as White ]
the line as follows
1.e4 c6
2.d4 d5
3.exd5 cxd5
4.Bd3 Nc6
5 c3 Qc7
6 Ne2 Bg4
7 O-O Nf6
8 Qe1 e6
9 f3 Bh5
10 Qh4 Rg8!!
I'm not sure what the repertoire recommends, but I belive Bxh7 is just a free pawn.
11. Bxh7 Nxh7 12. Qxh5
Position looks a bit uncomfortable but you are just up a pawn. Hope this helps!
Hi Addheet!
All this is explained in the advanced section, dreev line of the
Good luck in your games!😀
Struggling to Analyze My Games
Hey everyone, I've been playing chess seriously for about a year now, and I feel like I'm hitting a wall in my improvement. After every game, I try to analyze what went wrong and what I could have done better, but I constantly find myself relying on the engine to tell me what moves were best. I feel like I'm not really understanding the why behind the moves, and it's frustrating. When I try to analyze on my own, I get stuck and unsure about my evaluations. The engine shows me where I made mistakes, but I don't always understand why the engine's move is better than mine. I end up just memorizing the engine's suggestions without really learning anything. Has anyone else dealt with this? How can I improve my analysis skills and actually understand the positions better? Thanks in advance for any advice!
You might want to read this:
The title might say blitz games, but the principles can be applied to normal games.
Here’s a structured approach that might help:
Identify Key Moments: Break down your game into key moments (opening, middlegame, endgame). Focus on pivotal points where the game’s evaluation changed significantly. The Keyword here is KEY Moments, so don't try to look at every move.
For each key moment, ask yourself questions like:
Why did I choose this move?
What other moves did I consider?
What was my plan?
What did I miss?
When the engine give you a move, try to explain the engine's suggested moves in your own words. This helps solidify your understanding. If you can't explain it, look up the concept behind the move.
Also look for recurring themes in your games. Are you consistently weak in certain types of positions or tactics? Target these areas in your practice.
I haven't been playing very long either. What I do is:
- 1. I review every game, win or lose (I still make errors in the games that I win!!) and make some notes: date, player, result, Elo for me and opponent, overall assessment, number and description of blunders, & notes re 2 below.
- 2. I only focus on moves that shift the engine evaluation by 1 or more (I'm not interested in fractional differences)
- 3. I disregard engine evaluations that entail some bizarre many-move sequence (I'm never going to remember it and there are better things to focus on!)
- 4. If the engine suggests what seems to be a straightforward response but I don't understand it - I ask here on the forum! Like this:
- 5. When I finished my first 100 games I did an overall summary and identified key things to work on (I've now started my 2nd 100 games and hope to see some improvement when it finishes!) :
Perhaps post a recent pgn and see if you can get others to comment on it and see if their comments tally with your own …
Also, another option that you could consider is to hire a coach to analyze the games together, that makes a huge different in chess improvement normally.
At least you will have good quality analysis and understand the reasons if the coach is good.😀
Price Raise
Hi to the chessmood family.
It says that prices will be raised from the the current price of around 600$ a year for the essential plan. The discounted price right now is about 400$ a year after taxes. What I'm confused about is whether or not chessmood plans to raise the price of the plans even higher than they currently are, or are they just going to revert back to the original price of 600$ and 900$ a year. If they are raising it, I probably going to buy the lifetime plan right now.
😀Hi Pencheng!
Please contact Lily at our Customer Happiness Department since you have an active membership already. Better talk directly about your membership details privately, a public forum is not the right place.
Thanks a lot, chessmood teachers!
Dear chessmood family,
I would like to say thanks to the outstanding chessmood teachers. Yesterday and today I've been playing an OTB tournament (rapid games 25+10), I played 5 games, and won 3 of them. Not bad, taking into account the level of my opponents was way higher than mine. But I was very confortable all the time playing the whitemood and blackmood openings (two dutch attack and one french attack as black, and a closed sicilian and Schlechter as white)… And somehow I managed to avoid big blunders in all 5 games!!!
Thank you very much. This would haven't been possible without the boost of confidence after watching your courses!
T H A N K S !!!
Thanks Xesc! Moltes gracies a tu! Messages likes this one makes us very happy!
Keep it on and may the Chessmood Force Be With You!
Ole, ole, ole!!!
Muchas Gracias, Amigo, for sharing this!
As, Odysseus mentioned, such messages are like fuel into our motivation.
Thanks, for adding!
quizzes change too fast
It is frustrating when quizzes zip by too fast. It would be much better for learning if we had time to reflect on the results. I would much prefer to linger and be sure I got it right rather than moving on so fast. I think forcing us to finish the quiz right up to the last move would ensure we took the time to get it right. A better solution is to stay on a quiz until we click on next button. That way the user chooses when he he/she has taken the time to master it Chessable gives the user the choice of moving on right away or hitting next button. That way the user can control the pace they are comfortable with. I often have to say wait did I see all that I should have seen and that lingering doubt forces me to go back to almost every quiz. I know there are benefits to speed but not everyone works at the same speed. Very frustrating when it jumps to the next quiz so fast.
Thanks 🙏 for your input Brian. We will see if we can implement this in the future.
As a coach though I would suggest that you only move, after you saw all the line in your mind. Improving your visualization and have a clear understanding (evaluation) of the resulting position after a combination is paramount. You must work on seeing this before you move, not evaluate after the combination has been done. It's much difficult but it is the right way to work with the positions.
Happy 😊 learning Brian!!
daily puzle error?
In yesterday's daily puzzle i believe that there was a mistake : instead of Nh5 Ne2 was also winning.? Am i right?
It has been replied here:
How can you get courses using moodcoins?
Hi. I'm new to the chessmood platform and apparently there is something called moodcoins. It says you can use them to buy courses but I'm not really sure how exactly we can do that..
Hi there,
Try this:
- Go to the Courses page and pick your course
- Select the option “Or get lifetime access”
- Select the option “Buy the course”
- In the right-hand section titled “Choose your payment method” the last option will be MoodCoin.
Remember that $1 = 1,000 MoodCoin. So, if the course costs $300 that is 300,000 MoodCoin.
Need to earn some more? Details are here:
You can reply in forums and post your games in best game of the month contest to quickly earn moodcoins
You can earn MoodCoins in ChessMood and spend them on buying courses.
$1 = 1,000 MoodCoin.
I have many questions about preparations for tournaments.
1- What should I do before tournaments
2- How to handle the pressure of time control
3- What's the suitable way to review the preparations
Hi Ramez,
I would suggest that you start here:
For people who play during afternoon hours, how do you play?
In about 2 weeks, i'm gonna be at my 11th grade class, and the schedule is around 6am - 2pm. How should i play on these times? I'm worried after classes, i can't play since my body and mind would be tired. My schedule used to be waking up at 8 am, play a game at 10 am then head at around 12:00.
Just play when you want to play and you feel it. Avetik talked about this on the blog if you recall it.
No need to play if you are tired, don-t you think so?
The best games of April, 2024, and the prizes
Hello ChessMood family, hello champions and future champions!
Welcome to the "Best games of April, 2024" competition.
Under this post, we invite you to post the best games that you will play this month.
The Prize fund is 350K MoodCoins which is equal to 350$.
The 1st prize - 150K
The 2nd prize - 100K
The 3rd prize- 50K
The 4th prize- 30k
The 5th prize- 20k
Good luck with your games and keep the Right Mood!
#Right Mood - Right Move
P. S.
Here are the winners of March, 2024:
Zaid Al-JAY
Roy Li
Marius Cornee
Joseph Zaffarese
cm caro kann, with the advanced idea of 7.Na3 instead of taking the queen on b6:
I watched some of the SLP course, and it definitely helped me salvage a draw under time pressure here:
Winning with the Dutch Attack! Although I didn't find any tactical blow I found an interesting middlegame plan and had a nice positional play until the end!
winning with the scotch game!!!
Cm acc. Dragon, with a scd queen:
brutal French Attack where white exchanges the light squared bishop. No castling per Avi’s recommendation
a caro kann, when black does not develop the Bc8 bishop before e6:
An amazing game by me! Destroying a Caro Kann. Beautiful ideas. I also added comments to further understand in case anybody wants to view it.
Do you think my opponent reported me for this game ;)) ?
A quicker game
A difficult game
Punishing the 5. … Bxf2 bishop sacrifice in the Scotch.
White versus Sicilian 2..Nc6 line
90+30 otb
90+30 otb
90+30 otb
90+30 otb
A closed sicilian with a great attack and a nice sacrifice :
Quite an inaccurate game by me, but I was pleased that I saw the mating attack in an instant - thanks to the Mating Matador course!!
Opponent did not play too well, but the mate in the middle of the board is funny this was my offline game where i was black
Kingside attack in Sicilian Nc6 variation.
trying out Carlsen sicilian variation
Trying out bishops opening but getting 2Ns with d4
not a chessmood opening but played really well for me
relentless attack Pieces were very happy working together lol
One of my best games where I CRUSHED my opponent.
otb 90+30
90+30 otb
90+30 otb
90+30 otb
90+30 otb
BlackMood French Attack
A flawless game in the Scandinavian
An all-in french attack with a nice queen sac to checkmate !
Caro Kann exchange
A brilliant game in which the opponent gave me a chance to attack and I finished him off with a brilliant rook sac
opening prep against some guy who plays 1.d4 2.c4
some benko fun - more dopamine rush here than dutch imo😄
Good attacking game against Sicilian with Bg2 closed line. As guided by GM Avitik in the course, if black plays e6 and a6 we need to place our Bishop in g2. 90+30 otb
scotch game: youtube variation, watching these guys taking 3 mins for a move they didnt prepare for are the funniest thing ive seen lmao
I haven’t studied our chessmood course for playing against first move b6 so I just played off of instinct. managed to play 100% accuracy through 12 moves and my opponent resigned
My very first French after watching the Blackmood French Attack course, and against Schlecter Variation!
White played 4.c3, I replied with the recommended e5 and it turned out better than I expected!
A great attack against the carokann !
Kramnik would call it interesting 😅:
A recent OTB game
A game in the French attack with advance variation
brilliant middle game in the benko
A quick miniature I played OTB in a tournament in France(Classical). I played Black and have included 2 variations which i had found during the game and I thought were really beautiful. I think I deserve a prize for those alone!
25th move queen sac game :
A very tactical game that featured two rook sacrifices followed by a bishop sac to seal the deal.
Typical CM Antisicilian attack A game that starts with a mouse-slip from black😂(i played c6 instead of c5)
A not-very-usual line led to me, as black, feeling disheartened after 5.h5. But i quickly regained my composure and decided to fight for it till the end no matter what, and look where it led me to :) A fun, wild, dynamic game that is sure to keep you on your toes!
Hello, chessmood family. It would be overly presumptuous to say that this game deserves to be among the best games of the month. But I am very proud of it, since this was my first game and my first victory using the whitemood repertoire against the Caro-Kann defense. There is this guy in my chess club that always uses the Caro-Kann against my 1.e4 and always beat me unashamedly. But I feel that from now on he can start trembling in fear!! Muahahaha!
The game ended after a nice tactic (Ninja tactics forever!) combining a discovered check and a double check gaining the queen…(Pity that when I analyzed the game afterwards I saw that Black could have played …Kh7, ruining my tactics
Dear ChessMood team, I played this Grand-Prix attack in round 3 against 1786 FIDE rated player in a FIDE rated classical OTB tournament on 8th April. Thank you for bringing such an educational course for all of us.
// A brilliant attacking game with an unusual finish in the grand prix
8. h4 f6 Scotch
I destroyed a Stonewall with yet another rook sac. I'm especially proud of my timely …a5 and …e5 pawn breaks
A typical French attack!
A game in the Smith- Morra gambit declined. with a brilliant move somewhere in the end
A sketch game where black try to switch to an alapin without success and then try a cheap trap that worked :
I got resignation from my opponent as a result of a windmill.
Trouble on the h file in the Kalashnikov
Hi, friends!
A hilarious cat-and-mouse game.
attacking game
70+15 otb
An attacking masterpiece for white
An attacking tactical combination
A nice win in the French advanced
A win the French Defence KIA variation. I was Black
I was white
k😀ing side attack against the caro kann
A typical attack with the Grand Prix!
Funny checkmate in CM French
A typical French attack, advance variation. White resigned without too much fight
Managed to play a good game against strong competition in the benko gambit
A model positional game.
Hello, here I apply for the “Best Game of April”
I played a 10 min Scotch with strong pressure on the kingside and the opponent (100 rating points more than me) was getting nervous. Mate in 19 moves. I do not get such results very often :) best regards
I played this game at the ALTO in Charlotte last weekend. My opponent was rated 2288! The time control was G/110 minutes with 10 sec increment.
French attacking game - I was black
Opponent played rubbish opening against me and he paid for it a strong attack with a brilliant Knight Sacrifice
Model Philidor defense againsy Bg4
I was possessed by the soul of the great Paul Morphy in this game! For a moment, I thought I was going to reproduce move by move his famous game at the Paris opera, but it was still faster!
My first 100% accuracy! Only 4 centipawns lost
Not bad. Trying to equalize and gain counterplay on queenside as black against a somewhat automated opening, white got an “uncomfortable” position. The errors made by white were almost “natural” with that mood.
Sorry if it didn't say the time or anything, I wanted it to be anonyous as it was a OTB game
I played as black. Is there a limit to the number of games I can post? I know in the lichess game of the month, only the first game you post will be counted as your entry.
FIRST GAME WITH FRENCH ATTACK LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))))))))))))))))))))
I sacrificed my knight and rook for a crushing attack and checkmated him with a queen sacrifice
Scotch game
first game with greymood openings.
Also what do I do against bf5 when I haven't played bd3 already?
(Move 4 of the game)
A good game with a planned 16. Nb5 after ensuring the escape king d7 square was closed. A good attacking game overall.
pretty nice end tactic which forces mate.
The games I prefer to play: a pretty positional game, no fireworks, no sudden tactics, almost without errors, with the typical monster blocker on d6 against a passed pawn and the bishop pair.
A good reply against a scandi with portuguese gambit:
A decent Dutch attack with tons of hanging pieces in the end
I think this is the most attacking game I have played in my life!
Where should we upload the games for the “Best games of the month”
good attack and the end tactic was beautiful. the position instead of capturing the hanging queen. Won with +13 material
Crushing London system with the Dutch attack! I felt comfortable from the first move, with a clear plan of what to do all the time. Thank you very much, dear CM coaches!
nice attack vs the caro kann
nice attack in the scotch with rook sac for mate Nice move Bg5
Hi, good night.
I've just finished a very beautiful - minigame.
It's about pins.
Have a great day tomorrow, May first.
A nice Otb win with white in a senior event in Montreal against a ex champion of Senegal
i went for the knights domination over the bishops and it paid off !
Champions, how are you?
Thank you for sharing your games. We saw some really creative ideas! It brings a smile to our faces every time we see you follow the openings you learned or apply what you learned from any of the courses. Keep it going!
Now, onto the prizes:
1st Prize: Kiran Vanbrussel for playing this beautiful attacking game! 14.Nxg7, sacrificing the Knight to prevent g6, is a cool idea. It’s impressive how you punished the opponent for ignoring their development and King safety! Well done!
2nd Prize: Armandas Ledas. Alphazero would be proud of this 😊 Kh2-Rh1 is a very creative maneuver. Rf6!! and Rg6!! was the best moment, leaving your Rook hanging for 2 consecutive moves! Thank you for sharing your game along with the annotations!
3rd Prize: Regis H. You played a classy attacking game in the Advanced Caro-Kann. Being brave enough to push 19.g4 shows how well you understand the position. And 30.Ng6 was a fine finishing touch! Good job!
4th Prize: Abhiraam Devulapalli. The biggest highlight of the game has to be 16…Rg4—such a beautiful move on the board that it can be easy to miss. Also, you developed all your pieces at such a fast pace, and that made a big difference in the end! Excellent game! Well done!
5th Prize: Joseph Zaffarese. Quick development, good knowledge of the opening. It’s a joy to see 22.Nf7! and how you grabbed the initiative before wrapping up the game. Nicely done!
Congratulations to all of you.
And thank you once again everyone for sharing your games!
Good luck for the next month’s contest!
Why make may only accessible for pro members? Pro members aren't the people who need mood coins. The people who don't have pro members are the ones who need these coins. I hope you reconsider this horrible decision (whether by accident or not). Thank you
It's a crucial issue at present this best games platform is only allowed for the pro members.
However, the members who are not pro have no platform to show their patterns.
Moreover, there is no blog for us who are not GMs. If there were a blog for amateur players, we could share our feelings via our blogs.
11-5-2024 Daily puzzle answer
Dear chessmood,
I was solving today's chessmood puzzle (Study by Troitzky) and I found a different answer.
After 1.Nf4+ Ke4 2.Ne2!
idea is that if the rook stays on the same rank then 3.Ng3+ followed by h7-h8=Q wins for white.
And if the rook stays on the same file than direct 3.h7 seems to win for white as well!
Just to find out if my answer is also correct.
I agree with you! Ne2 seems to also win.
Yes, i saw the same thing. There were two clever solutions.
These puzzles are fun.
💪Yes, sorry this may happens sometimes, we always try to avoid these double solutions problems but we miss some from occasionally. If we look at the bright side of it, it is good because then we see who is doing their homework solving the daily puzzles when you post a message asking this. (Sorry, it was meant as a joke, hopefully you will understand it)…. 😅 What is true is that you also worked more deeply the position too.😀
What to do on Online Training?
Every night, my coach schedules a training. The problem is sometimes it's tiring, and one time, I fell asleep on my chair. How do I fix this? Thanks.
I think that you should try talking to your coach. He will know better than anyone else since he knows you. 🤔
My first win against a titled player
Hello everyone here is my first win against a titled player. Thank you Chessmood family for all your help and video lessons. I couldn't have done it without you!!!
Congrats. Bxf6 instead of taking the queen was a nice one!
Thanks Henry! You are definitively playing well. Last month you also got a game of the month prize if I-m not mistaken! Well done! Keep it up!!! 😁