Chess forum by Grandmasters
Make quizzes more fun
Hello, for all quizzes, is it possible to add sounds for piece moving, and also the possibility to put a music (for example a playlist of several musics, and possible to mute or not)?
Hey Luc,
Haha interesting idea))
Put some music on your phone 😁
In general we listen to student suggestions, and if some idea is being offered repeatedly we might consider working on it.
Thanks, and I hope you have a good time on our website 😉
Summarize an explanation about how to jump from 1500 to 1700
Summarize an explanation about how to jump from 1500 to 1700
Dear Emma,
Can you please clarify the question :-)
If you are following the streams, we repeatedly do racing events and one of them is from 1500 to 2000, where during the games we discuss common mistakes and issues people face at this level.
Also check out the study plans
Good luck!
French attack question when Nf3 + exd5
I am often get the following position (see picture) or a very similar one with all my pieces in the middle.
I play Nc6, Bd6, Ne7, then often play Be6 to defend the pawn on d5. Then all my pieces are really close to each other and I get pressure on the bishop on d6 or the queen on d7.
Should I not worry about this position ? Engine gives is a +0.3. Then what is a good plan? I do not like Ng5 from white attacking the lightsquared bishop or some other times Nb5 attacking the darksquared bishop.
Am I missing something in the opening? How should I defend the pawn on d5 when attacked (for instance by the Knight on c3)?
Thanks for the help !
Dear Julien,
This type of position occurs unlimited times during our events on the website. I don't know your rating but I get to play this vs U1500 level players and vs 1500-2000 level.
There are no very general recommendations it's always concrete - depending on the opponent's exact actions.
Against the Nc3 system, you can just regularly develop with Pawn c6 -Bd6-Nf6.
Another idea is to play f6 and castle long.
I often ignore engine evaluations - practically it's much easier to play for Black here.
Under this link, you can find all the recordings of our events
And you might see several games in this structure.
Thanks for the question and good luck.
Whenever I have a question about a position I get out of the opening, I immediately go look at the model games and also the past live streams to see how I am supposed to play the position by reviewing the typical attacking plans that arise in the middle game. Afterwards, I review my games to see how close I was to playing it the correct way and make adjustments accordingly. I do this over and over and over until I internalize the position so in the future, I always know the correct way to play it based on the chest mood openings.
I hope that was helpful
Lucas Chess
I recently stumbled across a chess training program called Lucas Chess. Does anybody have any experience with this software? Any particular features I should know about?
Thanks in advance
Hi Jake,
I'm guessing that you mean this one:
It isn't something I've used before but it looks quite useful doesn't it? What have you tried so far?
I use LucasChess mainly as PGN-Editor to build and train opening repertoire. Playing against “humanized” engines of various strengths is also pretty nice. A tutor in the background, chess puzzles, tournaments, a lot to keep you busy with improving your chess.
Lucas Chess has the ability to import pgn's and create a tactics training session. So, if you have your favorite puzzle collection in pgn file format, Lucas Chess will help you train with those puzzles. There is a small learning curve to set up Lucas Chess to do this, but once done your puzzle set is always available via the Tactics training menu.
My deadly bishops!
NEW ARTICLE: The Myth About Chess Tactics and Solving Chess Puzzles
Hey Champions!
We have this topic in our Blog.
If you have any questions, comments or you just liked it, feel free to share your thoughts here.
<3 Very helpful article
I liked this article a lot, it is very insightful.
Nice, Yeah fb is full of myths but whenever anyone ask me any question about how to improve I guide them learn classics, and basic endgames and tactics daily max an hr. But work on strategy. Thanks coach for wonderful article. I spent 20 to 30 percent of my time on visualization book of Ian!
Nice article. I never used to spend a lot of hours in solving puzzles. Instead I watch the commented classical games course and I am currnetly studying Bishop endgames, in which I was weak. Solving puzzles is 5% of the time I devote in chess, I solve them around 20' daily.
I have fallen for this trap. It's really eye opener.. Need to devote time for strategy, classics and endgame too.And ofcourse opening as per the level requirement.. Thanks for amazing article.. Keep writing more..
Just found this blog post and it makes total sense. I used to follow the tactics ftw advice, and I did see a modest elo increase. However, these two things has had a much more noticeable effect: implement a thorough blunder check before each move, and studying endgames. Also, reading Silman's How to Improve Your Chess, currently. Good stuff.
WWP Piolet question- EX.2
Why can't we go for other exchange after 1. … g5 2. Nf3 Bh3 3. Kxh3 Qxh3 4.Bd1 g4+ 5. Kh4 Ng6+ 6. Kh5 Qf5+ 7. Kxh6 Nf4 threatning mate on g6? I know I might be missing something but in my games I go for this type of risky shots and sometimes wins sometimes loses. What should be mindset or decision making should be here?
Dear Don,
Can you please clarify which section you are asking about? There are several EX. 2 in the course.
Thank you.
I checked the offered variation.
It sounds quite interesting either :-)
As you can see in the video GM Avetik offers several possible options for each move - the goal is the same, to exchange and simplify. In other words, trying to explain the logic of traded being good in positions with enormous material advantage😀
Caro-Kann 5...Qc7 line. Unlisted possibility 7... Nf6
I am wondering if there is any difference if black tries an “Accelerated Dreev Line” ?
In this video
and in advance section
black is always playing 7… e6. However, what if he tries 7… Nf6 instead. Does it change anything?
Hey Alexander,
It seems like 7…Nf6 is possible, but I don't see a difference.
The thing is 7…e6 keeps more flexibility and can allow some Bd6 moves at first if required, while after 7…Nf6 Black sooner or later will play the e6 move.
Quiz for main Caro Kann course?
Hello everyone.
I'm working my way through the main Caro Kann course having been through the smaller basic WhiteMood course initially. Very much enjoying it however I am wondering whether there is a quiz for the main course as I can't find one?
Perhaps it hasn't been formulated yet but I wanted to check that I haven't missed it. I find the quizzes for the other courses a very useful way of learning the principles and suggested main moves.
Hmm…it appears not, but there is a ‘Take a Test’ option.
Doing better. Still got blunderitis haha
I was going to resign but figured I can always just go punch a wall when I inevitably lose…then I pulled off a little SLP
Well recovered.
Never give up, never surrender!
Miss of the day #2
OK, you may remember around a month ago that I posted a tactic that I had missed and hoped that in doing so it would help me to spot such tactics in the future.
This time it's not so much a tactic as it is failing to calculate far enough when considering candidate moves. Again, I'm hoping this post will help me to remember this game and not repeat my error.
So, I'm playing as black and it's my move - what should I have done?
Bxd4 Kxd4 then c5+ then it is checkmate in 17
Another small tactic!
If you were low on time (under 1 minute) then I suggest that you do not worry too much about it.
When low on time, our brains kind of turn tactics off and go for other ‘dirty’ tricks, or one move threats.
If not, then this type of tactic is good to take note of!
(Especially if you are very low on time and can trade of the a4 pawn, that would be a draw even if you flag!)
Thanks everybody.
Armandas - I wasn't low on time, I was low on tactical ability! 😉
Do I have a neurological problem?!
I have had a week off chess. I am still forgetting utterly basic things like checking for threats. ???
I hope you don't.
Could be a lack of concentration. Maybe these techniques are not yet deeply in your mind.
( I don't know how long you've played chess ) It will improve with time. But believe me:
Even after many years you will never be completely free of these elementary mistakes 😉
Try playing slow games and using the time.
The Blunderproof course will help you.
Don't worry, it happens when you take a long break.
Maybe do some simple tactics and watch the Blunderproof and Tactic Ninja courses? A bit of practice should help clean the rust ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
Okay its fine Just do an hour of meditation per day
Calclman Exercise not clear
I don't see any line that gives white a clear advantage like all the other examples in this course. After Rxe3, fxe3 (exercise continuation) is the worst continuation possible. If white just plays Bg2 then black can give another check with the knight and the position gets very unclear. According to the course we should've stopped calculation there and look for something better, but there is nothing better. I'm not sure if this exercise fits this chapter.
The thing is, Black just wins a pawn.
Are you going to reject that just because you aren't winning more or it isn't mate?
I would think that winning a pawn would make the move good…
daily puzzle
2 days with the same puzzle. Yesterday i solve it at the first try but I did not get moodcoin.
Daily puzzle seems in hollyday. Fid I miss something?
Nah same here. Surely it's back tomorrow?
Same for me.
same remark for me: it s frozen and does not update since sunday.
should we ask the mods about this?
Hey guys,
Thanks for noting. We are aware of the issue - will be solved.
Good luck to everyone Champions!
New podcast with GM Kevin Goh: Think big and believe in yourself
🎯GM at 36
✅CFO of a biotech startup
🏆Hosting the World Championship in Singapore
GM Kevin Goh has one of the most impressive resumes!
How does he crush his big goals, consistently?
GM Kevin Goh on the ChessMood podcast⬇️
Apple Podcasts:
Webinar practical pawn endings
Hi David,
Last week you said at the end of the webinar “practical pawn endings” that you will provide the pgn’s in the forum, it would be great, if you could do that – please also provide the pgn’s in the forum for the webinar “practical rook endgames - part 1”, just as you did for part 2 already. THANKS!
Hey Didi,
I notified David about this post, he will check it, thanks :-)
Hi Didi!
I have just added the PGNs here:
Rook & Pawn Practical Endgames PGNs
Hi everyone!
I am attaching the PGNs from the Rook and Pawn Practical Endgames webinar.
Bug in one of the puzzles
In the Rise of the Champions course, the new chapter 7 has a bug in the training section after 9. Win with a pin. Puzzle number 8 gives a wrong answer for the correct solution.
Hi Ivaylo!
Thanks for letting us know about the issue :)
Simul Game
How to review simul game I played yesterday?
On the "events" page you can watch all the finished events again:
Hey Guys,
Thanks, Thomas for supporting and providing the link.
Dear Madison, I remember you had issues with starting the game - so just reminding you need to be active on the Lichess when the simul is starting.
I hope you enjoyed the event,
Good luck :-)
GM Avetik
Dear GM Avetik,
I hear you got a new Motorcycle. This can be fun and exciting!
But please be careful! they can be very dangerous.
Congratulations on acquiring your new motorcycle! This must be an exhilarating addition, bringing a sense of adventure and freedom. Enjoy every moment and the new journeys ahead.
While I share in your excitement, I also feel compelled to express a word of caution. As thrilling as riding can be, it also comes with its risks. Your well-being is invaluable, not only to your loved ones but also to the entire ChessMood community. You are a cornerstone of, and your safety is paramount to us all. Your unique approach and calming voice have inspired many, and it would be a great loss to not have you around.
Please ride safely and take all necessary precautions. We value your presence immensely and look forward to many more of your insightful videos and contributions to the chess world.
Wishing you all the best for a safe and joyous riding experience!
Thanks, Steven!
Thanks a lot!
I have this philosophy that everything starts with oneself.
If parents aren't happy, their children will not. A child's happiness starts from the parents' happiness.
Well, I'm too young to talk about things like this, I'm just sharing the way I look at life.
And with having full freedom in my heart, you will feel the "freedom" in the courses, the joy, the fun…
And with all this, I deeply appreciate your beautiful post, and caring for me.
I promise, to be careful and take care of safety.
And yeah, I'm super blessed! I'll be all right! :)