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Chess forum by Grandmasters

Anti-Sicilian Part 2. 7... g5 instead of 7... d6

I have a question about a line/plan black often uses that I couldn't find in the videos. If someone already asked the question or there is a video I missed please delete this.
In the line discussed in this video

1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nd4 4. Nf3 e6 5. Bd3 a6 6. O-O Nc6 7. b3
I often encounter 7 … g5 with future advances on the kingside instead of 7… d6 in the video. I think this changes the plans as compared to the video, so I wonder how white should play these positions?

Thank you for the ideas.


Yeah I also struggle against these variations but you could exchange the g7 bishop with the b2 bishop with Na4 and then later on play c3 d4

hey there,


here we play with ideas like bb2 and later trading the bishop on g7 with Na4. 
As well when black plays g4 we retreat Ne1 and play with f4.

of course ideas depend on opponent’s moves, but those are general ideas I always use here 🙂

How to analyze one's games?

Please I'd love to know if there is a video or an article that details how to analyze your own chess game…. What is the right way to analyze one's games? Most times I'm stuck on using an engine which I feel might not be the best approach always 


You might want to look at the following blog post:


Hey guys.


Didi, thanks for providing the right link to Mike 🙂

What to do?

1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Qxd5 3. Nf3 Bg4 4. Be2 Nc6 5. h3 Bh5 6. d4 O-O-O 7. c4 Qd6 8. d5 Bxf3 9. Bxf3 Ne5 10. Nc3 What if he takes Nxc4 ? How to get advantage?


Hey there!

White can play with 0-0 and even though down a pawn, White gets a strong potential of attack on the Queenside!

attack and checkmate 🙂

Hi! We have covered that variation in our main repertoire :)

Here is the link:

1.f4 Bird's Opening

I recently played a game where my opponent played 1.f4 and I didn't know how to respond properly. What is the ChessMood's repertoire against the unsound 1.f4, popular among club-level players?



They recommend 1.f4 e6 2.Nf3 f5.

You mentioned you played the Sicilian.
In this case, you will face this move quite rarely.
Just a tip, don't think of it as unsound! It is completely fine, it just has some additional downsides.

Anyways, I play with c5 and play a dragon setup.

White usually will play for E4 too, which will be a transposition to the Grand Prix.

If White plays for E3, than you can continue the dragon, or play with d5 instead.

Deja vu daily puzzle

Today's puzzle already occurred less than a month ago: Daily Chess Puzzle ( May it's not too late to replace it. 


The daily puzzle feature has been going on for a few years already. From a collection of great studies only the best and interesting ones have been chosen, so you can imagine, that there is no unlimited number of puzzles available. 

Therefore, after a while (sometimes a few months and maybe sometimes already after a few weeks) puzzles are repeated, which I think is no problem, as it gives us the chance to repeat finding the correct solution or to re-produce the solution, in case we did not solve the puzzle previously.

How I came to play waaaay to much bullet and try to stop


I'm new on chessmood. Probably like many others, I heard of it by watching Eric Rosen's videos, used the promotion to try some courses and work on my weaknesses (I focus on endgames and positional play). After my last tournament, I got motivated to work more and decided to take the essential plan to invest me even more. 
It's gonna be a long post, sorry for that, but I hope it will be a little bit entertaining. 

It's been a pattern that when I meet new chess players I tell the story of how I came to play thousands of bullet chess games (or more precisely, what I call “false bullet”, wich is 2+1 bullet). It usually make people smile, so I though I'd share it with the chessmood community. English is not my first language, so apologies if something is not well written. 


So, I've always been interrested in chess when I was a child. I got a little bit of coaching in elementary school without getting serious about it (my best friend was the one who was really good. I was at best second in school). There was no chess culture in my high school, so I forgot about it, just playing from time to time when I had the opportunity, always fascinated by how rich this game can be. As many of us, I got back into chess with the pandemics (but before the Queen's Gambit), first by watching videos on YouTube, then creating my account on 

I was playing rapid chess, 10+0. I thought that blitz was insane and I would never have time to play good moves with less than 5 minutes on the clock. My rapid elo quickly grew to around 1300, showing that I had still something from my elementary school passion. But I was frustrated, because I was loosing on time a lot. 
Many people, when they struggle with flagging, choose to try a slower time control. But I did the exact opposite. In my mind, if I began to play slower time control, I would get use to playing slower and still loose on time. So I decided to play a few 5+0 blitz game to get use to play faster. That way, when going back to 10+0, I would play faster and loose on time less. 
It worked very well actually. It make me progress from around 1300 to around 1400-1500 elo in rapid. 
But there was a side effect: I came to find that blitz was really fun to play, and began to play more and more blitz, not only to play quicker in rapid, but play blitz for the sake of playing blitz. 
Except that I was a little bit frustrated: I was loosing a lot on time when playing 5+0 chess. So I decided that I needed to learn to play more quickly and practice with 3+2, sometime 3+0. 
From that point, you probably see it coming: it worked well, my time management in 5+0 got better, but I grew a taste for 3+2 blitz. But I got frustrated to loose a lot on time in 3+2 and decided at some point that I needed to learn to play faster and began to play 2+1 bullet. 

The accelerating process stopped at 2+1 bullet. Why? I'm not really sure, but I think that when it came to bullet (even “false bullet”), I was not really frustrated when I was loosing on time. And I think there is two reasons for that: 1) I absolutely don't care about loosing elo in bullet; 2) more importantly I think I just feel that in bullet, loosing on time is just part of the game. When playing slower time control, even blitz, I care that the game should be decided by the position more than by the time. In bullet, not so much… until recently, but I will come to that. 
With time, I not only came to play a lot more of quicker time controls, but also playing less of slower time control. One of the reason it that I was getting better. And the more I was getting better, the stronger were my opponents, and the more exhausting were my games, especially in rapid. I needed to much mental energy when playing rapid games that I stopped playing them after work, or if I felt a little tired in the weekend, I played bullet instead of blitz or rapid. Even when I get better in bullet, with stronger opponents, bullet rely more on pattern recognition and require less calculation, and require to focus a shorter period of time. So it's easy to choose it when I feel tired, wich is quite often (sadly). 
At the same time, I came to play more OTB. I found a club in my neighbourhood, when we thend to play 20-5 games, and began to play my first classical chess tournaments. I enjoy very much longer time control OTB. In a world where we are always multitasking, it's nice to take time to focus on one thing and one thing only for a long period of time. OTB chess motivate me more to develop a deeper understanding of the game. 
Lately, I noticed that I was getting more an more frustrated to loose on time when playing 2+1. But it is a different frustration then before. When loosing on time in rapid game, I was frustrated because I was not quick enough to win. When I'm loosing on time in 2+1 now, I'm frustrated because I find the position interresting and I want to take the time to study it more. 
That's why I need to get back to rapid chess. It's not easy, because I still find it exhausting. But it's fulfilling. And I will need it to practice a more positional play and my engames. I've set up a goal to play at least 15 rapid games every weeks, so I normalized them again. 

I hope that you enjoyed that little story about time controls :) 


Interesting read…

Just an idea, but if you aren't already, you might find it useful to play with an increment? I generally play 10+2 or 10+5 when it comes to rapid as it's a bit harder to run out of time.

Anyways, good luck!

I think that it is important to learn to play different time controls, but don't play blitz to get better at rapid. You should instead work on time management, play a longer time control, or at least play a time control with an increment. Since you have a passion for blitz too, you should probably try and alternate between the two formats. Besides, your English is marvelous!

what do I do next?

Hi all!

I'm an adult with a job, but I'm really trying to get better at this game. I got from around 700, when I started, to 1100 (rapid, relatively quickly, with the rating booster courses. Then in the last year I've just gone from 1100 to 1200, and I'm a little of stuck there.

This is my account:

I did tactic ninja, mating matador, fearless worrior, spartan shield, WWP pilot, scale method, 7Qs, end-game roadmap, and must-know endgame theory <2k. These should get me to 1500, somehow. I practice tactics daily on Aimchess (I quite like Aimchess, happy to discuss if yuo want). 

I'm trying to play more games a week, because I honestly didn't have time for more than 3 or 4 (playing with 15+10). I play against Fritz offline also sometimes, to have more time to think.

Would someone who's gone past 1200 have a little time to get a look at my games and suggest what I should go back to? I seem to mostly miss a tactic at a critical point, or just get too low on time and mess up, but you may have other ideas. I'm thinking of going over some of the courses mentioned above again, but where would you say it's my biggest weaknes? I'm not sure what to study (again) other than more puzzles.



I looked at some of your games and have some fairly clear ideas about your biggest weaknesses.  But before I go into that let me just say that you are playing a lot of good chess!  It's clear you've learnt your openings and generally your middlegame play looks quite decent.


OK, I looked at your 10 most recent losses.  I focus on your final mistake, give a description, then try to categorise the mistake.


1 vs Kevinfulignati,  stumbled into a knight fork in an equal position. [opponent's resource]

2. vs Younglx3, did not move in an equal position and lost on time.  I think this happened because you didn't see how to defend the mate threat.  Also you might have been panicking because black had suddenly created a scary attack which probably surprised you.  [sense of danger] [defensive move]

3. vs henil070608, allowed a move that both threatened checkmate and attacked your queen. I don't think this was a “sense of danger” issue because you clearly saw the g-file issues and tried to prevent it with Bg3 but it was the wrong way to defend.  [defensive move] [opponent's resource]

4. vs imeydan, allowed a back rank mating sequence.  It should have been obvious that moving your rook off the back rank was risky at best.  I guess you overlooked Qxd4 but note that Qf2 also forced mate.  [sense of danger][opponent's resource]

5. vs bharath_010, in this game you were just outplayed - it happens sometimes!  If anything I'd point the finger at 19…Bxc3 because it opens a file near your king which gives white attacking chances.  So this could be categorised as “sense of danger” but it wasn't a losing mistake by any stretch, so: [outplayed]

6. vs bahmate, allowed a skewer that won a rook when you had a winning position.  That one hurt! [opponent's resource]

7. vs MichaelWatt1, gave away a piece for no good reason.  I see this was your 3rd loss in a row, so I'll call it: [tilt]

8. vs AAA357_5, allowed a winning attack which won material. When you opponent played Rg1, lining up their rook with your king on the half-open file, you needed to start smelling trouble and take action accordingly.  [sense of danger]

9. vs xiximecabloodline1, allowed opponent to get a monster passed pawn on c2. [opponent's resource]

10. vs akiratybel, tried to force the pace in a drawn endgame when doing nothing was the best course.  [tricky endgame]


So I think your main weaknesses are closely related: not seeing opponent's (tactical) resources, and not enough sense of danger.


I have some specific ideas for how to improve these things which I'll add in another post.  In terms of ChessMood courses the two I'd suggest to go over again are: Fearless Warrior and Spartan Shield.





Looking at the calendar, we are running out of days left in August! Avetik, when you sent out a message saying “But FixMood is coming in August!”, did you mean August 2024, or August of some other year?  


Just joking!! It would be nice to see the debut of the new tools, but I'm patient.
Much love,



Dear Jeff,

Augus7 2037!

Hahaha)) Joking as well. My friend will be a little difficult to mention the exact dates, please stay alert to the updates.


P.S. I guess you started attending the streams again, keep going!

Blitz Online

Hello, my name is Dariel. I am 18 years old and I am a chess player with an elo of 2245. Online chess is very important, it serves as training and increases our level. The elo is even used as a measure to know if we are improving or not. Less than a week ago I came third in the National Youth Championship in my country. There were 12 of us and we all had a similar elo between 2200 and 2400. The other players have from 2600 to 2900 in lichess and, whether in blitz or bullet. I am not a follower of bullet but I do not get good results online even in blitz. My normal elo is 2300, when I am good 2400 and when I am bad I can go down to 2200. It has been like this for a long time and I cannot change that. Even though I get good results against these players in classical games, I cannot match their results online. Due to my life circumstances I always have an intermittent connection which makes me lose many games but I don't take it as an excuse because others suffer from this illness too. Maybe I don't have the ability to play fast and well or... I don't know. What happens to me is that when I play blitz online I make absurd mistakes and I stay far below my level and my chess knowledge. I am writing to you because online blitz is a necessary tool to play and practice what I have learned. If you could help me with some advice or tool to change what happens, I would be very grateful. Greetings.


My online peak rating is far lower than your undesired range, but perhaps I can provide some perspective. 

Why do you want to be good at online blitz? Is your primary goal to be good at online blitz, or to become a better over the board chess player? I feel that most amateurs, including myself, are too addicted to blitz chess and it hinders our development as a player. You are on the opposite side of this spectrum, which perhaps isn't so bad.

How do you feel your time management is in online blitz? Are you consistently in a time scramble? If your internet is forcing serious concessions on the clock, perhaps increasing the time control would help.

Sorry for all of the rhetorical questions, but perhaps reevaluating your goals with online chess is necessary.

Congrats on the 3rd place finish! Hopefully you find the answers you're looking for, whether in my reply or elsewhere.


interesting request. Not sure, but i’m thinking that:

might be worth reading again.


Good luck in your quest.

Hello Dariel,


It’s clear that you are a talented chess player with impressive accomplishments, especially with your recent success at the National Youth Championship. It’s understandable that you’re frustrated with the disparity between your classical game performance and your online blitz results. Here are some suggestions that might help you improve your online blitz play:

Focus on Tactics Training: Blitz games often hinge on quick tactical calculations. Spend time daily on tactics puzzles to sharpen your pattern recognition. Websites like Lichess and have excellent tactics trainers that adapt to your level, which can help improve your speed and accuracy under time pressure.

Simplify Openings: In blitz, it's crucial to save time in the opening phase. Stick to opening systems you’re extremely comfortable with, even if they’re not the most theoretically challenging. This allows you to conserve time and energy for the middle and endgame where many blitz games are decided.

Improve Time Management: One common issue in blitz is running out of time while searching for the "best" move. Practice moving more quickly, even if it means sometimes making less-than-perfect moves. Learn to trust your intuition, which you’ve developed through classical play.

Blitz-Specific Practice: Regularly play short time control games, but try not to get frustrated by losses. Treat these games as practice rather than as a measure of your actual strength. If possible, analyze your blitz games afterward to understand where and why you made mistakes.

Mindset Shift: Blitz is a different format and requires a slightly different mindset. It’s more about practical decisions than deep calculation. Accept that mistakes will happen, but the key is to make fewer or less critical mistakes than your opponent.

Internet Connection: If possible, try to play in a location with a stable internet connection, especially during important games. Lag or disconnections can be very discouraging, and minimizing this issue can help you focus more on your play.

Physical and Mental Conditioning: Like in classical chess, staying physically and mentally sharp is crucial. Ensure you are well-rested and in a good state of mind before playing online blitz, as fatigue can exacerbate mistakes.

Lastly, remember that blitz rating is not the ultimate measure of your chess ability, especially when you’ve already proven your strength in classical chess. Use blitz as a tool for sharpening your skills but don’t let it define your overall self-assessment as a player.

I hope these tips are helpful to you, and I wish you the best of luck in your continued chess journey. Keep pushing forward and stay focused on your improvement!

The best games of September, 2021, and the prizes

Hello ChessMood family, hello champions and future champions! 
Welcome to the "Best games of September 2021" competition.
Under this post, we invite you to post the best games that you will play this month. 

The Prize fund is 350K Moodcoins which is equal to 350$.  

The 1st prize  - 150K
The 2nd prize - 100K
The 3rd prize-  50K
The 4th Prize- 30k
The 5th Prize- 20k

Good luck with your games and keep the Right Mood! 
#Right Mood - Right Move 

Here are the winners of August:

Jaylen Lenear
Vladimir Bugayev
Yuma Okabe
Karl Strohmaier
Paul Alejandro Cardones


The End Move!!!

Using Avetik's idea in a 3+0 game!

Got it from here:


Tried & won benko & scotch as suggested by chessmood opening in 5 min. format

Not a perfect game, but I took advantage of the chance he gave me!

When your opponent plays something we dont know, just follow principles! And take advantage of their mistakes too hehe!

Pirc squeeze

This game was a total tragicomedy but I found an excellent trap on move 23...h5! to do SLP and to reach a winning position, I went on to play the stunning move (engine top move) 34...Nb4!!

Sicilian Defense

 Sicilian Defense

Good Game

Opening went terrible but middlegame I outplayed. Happy to find Nxg2 but follow up was slight wrong. but it was fun

Really a nice win;

Antisicilian fun game with lots of mistakes and missed tactics

Antisicilian attack

Win with CM Scotch against 2600 IM

I enjoyed this game, even after I realized I missed a chance to pick up his rook. I didnt miss the chance to snag his knight though!

Piec defence

A good win

I could win this draw match

Now learning new openings. Here total domination in new theory

Strong Knight vs Bad Bishop

99% accuracy benko…probably going to get me banned from :)

Green_Keo vs shamatict123: B50 Sicilian Defense: Modern Variations •

Not a perfect game, but won against a opponent +400 higher rated than me.

 Slav Defense

Queen's Gambit

 Scotch Game

 Caro-Kann Defense

A nice king walk by the end!

Tal Mode!

CM French

CM Antisicilian

CM Caro

Antisicilian attack

CM French 19 moves

CM Caro with 3 queens in the end :))

CM French trap works well

As i said last month, every time i play this CM Antisicilian variation i got a very interesting game, 18 moves...

Total positional domination in Caro Exchange

Full initiative play

Wild  scotch

This weekend I played in strong rapid tournament in Tallinn "Remembering Paul Keres".

I managed to start with 5 out of 5, winning 3 GMs in a row and 2 of them with Chessmood openings!

Round 3 against GM Daniel Fridman. Maroczy Bind. I sacrificed exchange with 18. ... Ng4, got full compensation on dark squares and later even an advantage. In time trouble position was simplified and became drawish. My opponent kept on playing and blundered a rook.

Round 4 against GM Aleksandr Volodin. Haven't managed to equalize with white after the opening but 30. f4!! saved the day :D

Round 5 against GM Kaido Kulaots. 8. ... Re8 in accelerated dragon in action. Won a pawn with 15. ... Nxe4! tactics and realized it smoothly.

Caro killed

Squeeze in Antisicilian

Game from Titled Tuesday. Qb6/Na6 idea in Benko mainline, premature e5 from White, small tactics in the end to finish off opponent.

Quick KO in London 

Good Game!

Double sacrifice fire on board

English for black with small tactics in the end

Benko against 2600 from today's bundesliga

Caro quick win against 2400+

Lunati4ec vs Green_Keo: A08 Zukertort Opening: Grünfeld Reversed •

Defeated another 2400+ rated opponent.

Win a nice game with a last move !!

My games with White.

gp against pirc win

Another beautiful game.

Antisicilian attack


Crushed a real FIDE 2300 with Caro-Exchange. Caro is dead. Hence Proved!

His fide profile

Almost perfect French

Benko against FM, the end is embarrassing though :)

Scotch attack

Positional domination

exchange sacrifice!!

super move Nce4!!!!!

Alekhine against 2400

Differnt move order from ChessMood Opening but similar attacking idea.

Risky piece sacrifice paid off.

A game against a much higher rated player that finished in a really cool endgame.

A good win in English Opening: Symmetrical Variation


Fast demolition in CM french, just forgot that 12.Nc6 would be faster win

Back in the ring for best game :-)

After 1. f4, I decided not to play my old repertoire (1. ... e5) but to play 1. ... c5 what could transpose into Sicilian and will lead to positions more typical for the ChessMood repertoire.

Playing normal moves in the opening lead to a middlegame in which I was able to outplay my opponent.

Alekhine's Defense: 

good game!

Antisicilian against 2500

Benko against 2400

Perfect CM London

French attack

Blundered the whole queen and still won :))

The power of two bishops against FM

Benko, missed cool tactic in the end

CM Caro

very beautiful queen trap!

Active play

Almost perfect game against Ponziani!

win a nice game

Played a few good games at Titled Tuesday today, in the first round won a GM with black

In 3rd round, after, watching GM Gabuzyan stream :), won FM with CM French

10th round Benko against FM

Last round win in Scandinavian

pretty nice endgame

the queen transfer

bishop pair

beautiful pieces attack in 1minutes!

A nice win

Won a very nice game with move Rxd6!(move no.31) & Qxf7+! (move no.34)  using CM scotch & my opponent left the game.      Moves 20-23 all forced moves to win and amazing rook sac to open up opponents king on move 22.  This was a blindfolded game that I played. (That is why low quality moves in the opening). But there is an amazing queen sac at the end, especially since I played it blindfolded. (I am playing in a different account than normal.)

An attack against the weak castle

super tactical game against FIDE2100!

Ending the month with a bang! When your opponent plays garbage in the opening, punish them!

Good games seem to come in bunches! 

And another! I couldnt fully remember this line, but it is dangerous for our opponents even if we just remember some of the ideas!



The best games of August, 2024, and the prizes

Hello ChessMood family, hello champions and future champions! 
Welcome to the "Best games of August, 2024" competition.
Under this post, we invite you to post the best games that you will play this month. 

The Prize fund is 350K MoodCoins which is equal to 350$.  

The 1st prize  - 150K
The 2nd prize - 100K
The 3rd prize-  50K
The 4th prize- 30k
The 5th prize- 20k

Good luck with your games and keep the Right Mood! 
#Right Mood - Right Move 

P. S.
Here are the winners of July, 2024:

Saphira Bond
Jake E.
Alex Ung
Abhiraam Devulapalli
Manolis Kouk



Saphira Bond
Jake E.
Alex Ung
Abhiraam Devulapalli
Manolis Kouk,

Good luck to everyone on playing great games with a great mood this month 😀


Almost a perfect game in my favorite (weird) pet line in the Dragon.

Not my best game for sure, but SLP at its finest! You can SLP at the titled level, too.

Check out this #chess game: MTineer vs bsz_hu -

Play •
This game was an Exchange Caro Kann where I played as White. I put up a crushing kingside attack and broke through with pawn breaks f5! and e6! Then I finished with a rook sacrifice.

Chess: teodorberintan46 vs K1NG_OF_THUNDER - 116575193375 -
This game I played a Nimzo Indian and went on to create a kingside attack which ended with the stunning queen sacrifice 16…Qh4!! This was a beautiful miniature.

Just playing fun chess today and this happened.

The attack starting at move 23 was just too much for him.

Nf4 was a nice clearance tactic.

A very nice game illustrating how to punish an opponent who violates opening principles. I got a nice lead early in a game which I was able to convert all the way down to move 61 without blundering anything. I am very happy about this one.

dubious sac in Kalashnikov defense with a lucky end - from RTU open classical game

A Scotch game!

A Pirc Defense. There'was still one error but I think the lead was clear all over the game.

Completely destroying a Sicilian with 2. …. e6. Great middle game accuracy! Here I'm not using our repertoire in ChessMood.

Yesterday I was dreaming of The great Mikhail Tal.I hope you can guess the rest .One of my best games .

I am also attaching the game gif

two attacking masterpeices in the french

Riga RTU Open B, yesterday.
First time I have tried the whitemood opening against the English (I have always suffered a lot against the English).

I know, there was a mate in 3, but I was absolutely sure he had promoted the pawn to Knight and captured the Queen in less than 1", without thinking (I had seen all the variations several moves before, thinking about 30'). And less than an instant after I realized that I missed THAT mate I calculated long before.

Against The Philidor Defense.

Destroying an almost 200 elo stronger player in the Scotch


Nicolussi, Hieronymus - Turel, Tugrul (

My try to playing Scotch game as GM Avetik

Check out this #chess game: MTineer vs ArmanBung -

Actually can I switch my month of game to this one?



Here's a nice game I (~1950) won as black in OTB slow play against a stronger player (~2050) using the Nc6 line in the French Tarrasch:

But I have a question: after 6.Bd3 I rejected 6…Nb4 because 7.Be2 c5 8.c3 Nc6 gives white a main line position with an extra tempo (compare against 1.e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Ne2 Nf6 4. e5 Nd7 5. Nf3 c5 6. c4 Nc6). But in the game after 6…f6 white can play 7.Ng5 and the position is hard to play for black (I had this in a later game against the same opponent and was lucky to draw) - how to play?


Also: are you still planning to do advanced courses on the French and Dutch? You do still recommend them for over 2000, right?

Simply an Alapin.

Started learning Benko gambit a few days ago and got this beautiful mate today:

Mac Cutcheon gambit.

nice win in 17 moves vs the grand prix witih a pawn sacrifice to open the centre

A near perfect game with multiple piece sacrifices 

Someone tried The Elephant Gambit against me. What was the answer?!

Let's remember what has GM Avetik said in the course!

After some moves there was no Elephant anymore!


Like a knife through butter.

countering the modern with the gran prix attack, unfortunately my opponents left the game.

Attack in CM Antisicilian A good attacking game, Where I exploited my opponent's lack of counterplay in the form of a kingside attack.

A stafford Gambit with 98% accuracy.

My first ‘brilliant’ game in the KID!

I was not fimiliar with the Nxe4 ideas, so I found this by myself.

Engine says I misplayed the attack a little, but this was mainly because I failed to understand that I wanted to remove the f4 pawn from the board!

Anyways, was fun :)

EDIT: Again, here is the study with notes :)

The rook never made a move.

Suffocation mates do not come up very often. I think its been years since my last one even though I play too much blitz…

Plenty of blunders including losing the Queen but applied SLP… for me!


Playing very accurately in a Sicilaian with 2. …. Nc6.


A short game in Rapport-Jobava System.

f4! And a nice checkmate to finish

Attacking The Pirc Defense even I missed a mte in 2. Always lazy when winning!

My opponent played a strange move Qh4. I went all in.

Check out this #chess game: MTineer vs Christoffer_Froesta -

Positional squeeze

Overwhelming a carless opponent in a Sicilian 2. …. Nc6.

Annother Stafford!

CM advanced French 

Against a Scandinavian.


Bxh3 is not entirely correct (g5 first), but still gave me a strong attack

When opponent deviates early in Accelerated Dragon (7. Bb5?).

Again opponent is playing carelessely in Accelerated Dragon!

You are right to insist on calling it the French ATTACK. In this game, white made no blunders, but was probably lost after just two passive moves, and could have resigned on move 16 (although that would have denied me a beautiful checkmate):

Maybe it was The Dragon day!! It's my third game posted here today with this variation (The Accelerated one!).

Crushing the opponent with attacking chess and crushing the sicilian french variation


Nice win in Benko Gambit Accepted in 5.e3 


French Advanced game-very high accuracy. The line is where black plays ..Bxd3 then follows up with ..c5.

It's rare for me to post a game with 1.d4.

Check out this #chess game: MTineer vs perumaloo7 -

Check out this #chess game: TulioYra vs MTineer -

A Solid Alapin.

A nice Scotch!

It's rare for me to play a such perfect French!


WWP…Just reviewing again and it always comes in handy! Sorry for the bullet “no play sin”

This was a neat game.

Especially calculating Bxh3 and Rg1 to a forced win!



I played OTB tournament recently and I managed to play very nice exchange Caro-Kann game as white!




A nice game in the Caro (as black).

This was a very weird implemention of the fishing pole trap!

(I wonder why I know the motif so well … ) 

Ok, so it's a non standard opening, but it's what I like to play and I was playing like this in honour of the anniversary of the passing of the late, great Mike Basman . Just because it's a little bit weird doesn't mean it's not good! From move 30 onwards I played on increment and if it had not been for the ChessMood Endgame Roadmap course I wouldn't have been able to convert.



fun Stafford

When the opponent uses The London and ignores  castling!

Caro kann

Attacking The Petrov with brutality!

A perfect game against The Scandinavian. 
I have defeated an International Master and I gave a pawn sacrifice for piece improvement And I Won!!!
I Played a Good game It was an excellent game where when an opoonent makes a mistake in the opening and exploiting it..It was fantastic game..
The game shows that how to manure the knight to the best out posting squares and how to improve the pieces flexibly…The game was full with positional play where we can learn on piece improvement..
This is a game where when the king is weak and how to attack the king…
Amazing Attacking game..

An Attacking game where black king at the last had come to f5 and got checkmated..

In this game In the move 20..There was continuous Rook sacrifice and then Bishop sacrifice and got a winning position i was in time trouble that too in a blitz game when i have 30 sec I have found 20…Rxe4 then Bxf4!!! With A Candidate Master (CM) 2197 rated player…

As usual in The Scotch!

Accelerated Dragon:


Swallow's Tail Mate: (Thank you GM Avetik for the Mating Matador course!)


Punishing Black when they do not develop:

Still not perfect in The Scandinavian but it was a good game.

Never Gonna Give Up

Wild king hunt

P.S I was black

Attacking The Modern Defense. This Is my Best Game

messed it up in the opening but came back with a strong attack after my opponents mistake

very solid game with Dutch.

Total domination in a Sicilian with 2. …. Nc6.

Continuing punishing Sicilian with 2. ….. Nc6!

Here's a Ruy Lopez quickly won with a rook sacrifice

I wouldn't normally share multiple games in a single day, but a Greek Gift sacrifice deserves it 

an good attacking with french dream variation

Hope you like it.

an good attacking french just beating any other mistake


an good attacking scotch game #Right mood Right move

hope you like it


Against The Philidor Defense.

I've learned recently our repertoire against Sicilian side lines. Here with 2. Be2 strange move!

I gave a smothered mate in the Scotch.

When opponent is careless in a Scotch!

Opening Avenger

I used to have some dificulties in this line of The Scotch. Here I played a perfect game.

A perfect Alapin!

Bishop sac for a great mate with two knights!

Mouse slip on move 12, meant to go 12. Qf3, but it didn't matter in the end.

My first and best OTB game of the month in the anti-sicilian.

Dominating a Caro-Kann with Avetik's Line! With some inacuracies I should avoid next time.

Another perfect Scotch!

Not my best middlegame but there's a nice SLP at the end of this game:

Everyday I biecome a little more dangerous against The English (Haven't finished the course yet).

Played today in a Simul at Valby.

I don t know why it does not show the last couple of moves, but they were:

33. dxe5, Qxe5

34. Qxe5, Bxe5

35. Rd5, Bf6

36. Rd6, Be5

37. Bd4, Bxd4

38. Rxd4, Nc5

39. Rd6, Nb3

40. Rg2, opponent resignet

I just dominated the game with the French attack. (There are some inaccuracies which I should avoid later)

Chess speaks for itself.

Now I added 2 other games. Nicolussi, Hieronymus - Turel, Tugrul (

a quick win against the YouTube variation Qh4 in the scotch . Played in the Ridef rapid tournament , 15+5 .

Grand Prix Attack

Opponent was rated over 300 pts higher than me.  Includes a kingside pawn sacrifice and a pin on the N on f6.

a good old french attack gaining the white main bishop:


After analysing the game with engine, I realized that I played a great game!

And an Accelerated Dragon to finish the month!

Another perfect Alapin!

Still dominating The Alapin!

A very solid game againt The French Defense.

White against Nimzowitch defense

Hello, champions!

How are you? Thank you for sharing your games. After going through them, we found many instructive moments and plenty of reasons to smile.

Now, onto the prizes:

1st Prize: Jake E. It was instructive how you built up the pawn storm on the kingside. The highlight was your Queen sacrifice in the middle of the board. It was a killer move! Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the game. Well done!

2nd Prize: A Guy Who Plays Chess. You really know how to play attacking chess! From how you took the initiative on the kingside to finishing the game with a sacrifice, your play was clear and effective. Nicely done!

3rd Prize: James L. Your Greek gift sacrifice was an interesting one. What really stood out was how you continued afterward. We really liked how you kept your patience and got all your pieces, especially the queenside rook, involved before delivering the final punch. Excellent game!

4th Prize: Chess Forever. It looked like you had some initiative on the kingside. Then, boom — there came an unexpected move that led to a forced checkmate. Nice job finding the move and executing the beautiful mate!

5th Prize: Tony Weir. You finished the game with a two-knights checkmate! Rare and beautiful! Your game also shows the value of better center control and more space. Well done!

Congratulations to all of you!

Thank you once again to everyone for sharing your games.
All the best for next month’s contest!

Theoretical Opening Knowledge

Hello, I was wondering how deep the theoretical opening knowledge of someone who is 2000 on would be. I am hovering around the high 1700s, and I'm taking a deep dive into some openings, because I find my knowledge in them to be quite lacking. Thank you!



I hover around 2100 on

Personally I know my theory up untill moves 10-15.

The most important thing though is to understand your middlegame plans, where the pieces go, etc.

So mainly pay attention to your middlegame plans, and try to outplay your opponent!

I know some lines 12-15 moves deep in my favorite openings. However, in most games I would guess I'm out of book by move 6 or 7. The key is to play lots of games and analyze, so that optimal piece development becomes natural. 

For instance, I recently played this game. 

(I added annotations because I'll probably submit it for game of the month)

I was basically out of book on move 2, since 2.e3 is very passive and uncommon. But I applied principles I know from the London System and Carlsbad structures, to arrange my pieces in a way that I knew was comfortable. 

I suppose my final answer is that opening theory is fantastic and can win you some games, but understanding generally principles is largely more important at my 2000ish chesscom level. Acquiring this knowledge is done by creating a vast mental database of personal and master games. And, of course, by studying openings themselves.

Best of luck in your studies!

Until you become 2400+ on (rough estimate!) or 2000-2100+ FIDE, I'd say deep theoretical knowledge is somewhat unnecessary. Knowing enough to get into a good middlegame is enough to get to around 2200

Of course, this was the case for me, (on my practice acc I'm around 2400ish) and on your level (and even up to 2000) I'd say strong tactics, basic endgame knowledge, and positional understanding will do much more to your play than knowing 10-15 moves of theory.

That being said, it's better if you avoid things with too much theory (cough, Ruy Lopez, Najdorf, KID, cough). You may need to remember exact theory for playing against opening traps, but everyone needs to do that.

So, if you're going to ask me how much I remember in my openings, I'd say around 10-15 moves (for my level I don't really put that much time into them!), but for 2000 I'd say ‘enough to get you into a comfortable position'. Depending on the opening you play, that could be 5-10 moves, or it could be 20-25 (DON'T play an opening that has that much theory unless you've got 10 hours a day for chess haha)

Of course, this is just my take, and I'm generally kinda lazy when it comes to opening prep, so yeah…I've managed to get away with things because of my (comparatively) better tactics and understanding of the position.

Anyways, good luck! Hope you found my ramble helpful ( ̄▽, ̄)╭ 

black repertoire

Hi, I wonder why the simplified repertoire for black (rench and Dutch) is totally fifferent from the Step-by-Step repertoire (Benko and Accelerated Dragon). This means I have to learn completely new openings if I get better?!


Hi Alwin, welcome to the family!

No, not at all. I do not know your rating but this year hopefully we will publish the French and Dutch for advanced players 2000. Still, you can play the Blackmood openings all the time, we have some members more than 2500 that play them all the time with success… No worries there, we have you covered…😅

rossolimo 5. c3 line

in the rossolimo c3 line white has an interesting resource 16. Ba3 after the piece sac followed by 17. Bd6 trading their bad bishop for our good one 

the engine gives white a ≈ +1 advantage. What would you suggest to play here?


Dear Samuel, 

I looked at that position, it's possible to capture the pawn on e5 or play with Qb6+.

In both cases Black gets 3 pawns for a piece, and even though the engine says White is better, practically I would prefer the Black's side.

The engine is a perfect playing machine, however for humans playing such a position for White will be quite challenging!
In our courses we don't always recommend top engine lines, instead focusing on positions which will be easer to play :-)

Why You Should Reject Draw Offers?

Hey Champions!
We have this topic in our Blog.
If you have any questions, comments or you just liked it, feel free to share your thoughts here. 


So it might actually be better to lose winning positions than meekly agee to a draw in them? 

Even I can draw with grandmasters!

Give me the paper and pencils, I'll prove it! :)

In 1978 - I guess many of the readers of this post weren't even born yet - I played in a zonal tournament in Amsterdam. In one of the rounds my opponent was the late GM Tony Miles, who was to win eventually, together with GM Jan Timman. I was Black in that game and after I appeared to be very bad in the opening (a Dutch Defence) I had managed to reach a seemingly equal rook endgame. At about move 44 or 45, White offered a draw. My reasoning was as follows: why would one of the best GM's of that period propose a draw to me, an FM with some 300 elo points less? Obviously he must have seen he's worse and that I have winning chances, right?

Though I didn't see a win for myself, almost on automatic pilot (following the above reasoning) I played on and lost. After I had resigned, Miles grinned triumphantly and said 'Next time you take the draw!'

All other players in that tournaments and the local Dutch journalists covering the event were amazed I had dared to decline a draw against such a strong player, as if I had committed some heinous crime. But there you are: I had done so and of course was a bit disappointed with my loss. So while I agree with the statement that you should not accept a draw simply because you are playing a far better opponent, I made a resolve not to act in the same way again if I didn't see a real advantage for myself and go for the half point.

PS A few years later I played in a strong rapid tournament in Brussels, the Olivetti tournament. You were paired in groups of four, Swiss system. At one point I was in a group with ex-world champion Spassky, Tony Miles and a fourth player whose name I don't recall. Spassky methodically took me apart in a Closed Sicilian in which he was White, and in my game with Miles I was also Black. He played 1.d4 and I went 1...f5 again, as in Amsterdam. He snorted and remarked: 'Still playing that rubbish?!' This time I managed to win. Now an apt comment would have been to say after his resignation: 'Not bad, that rubbish, eh?' but I was so over the moon that I had beaten such an icon, that I just smiled and didn't say anything, quietly enjoying my 'revenge'.

A former coach of mine always said the proper way to respond to draw offers is to say “make your move and I'll consider it" (if they haven't moved yet).    At least in USCF, the rule is: “Make your move, offer the draw, and then press your clock—it's the law. Make your move—while it is still your turn—on the board before offering a draw, next offer the draw, and lastly press your clock. That is the correct procedure for you or your opponent when splitting the point by agreement.”   If playing OTB, there's no reason to accept or refuse the draw until you've seen your opponent's move.   Then decide based on your goals whether or not to accept (if you're playing at the World Open and will win $10,000 with a draw, then of course take it).

using pgns

Dear friends, could somebody please explain to me how to use the pgn files given for practicing? Many thanks in advance!


To use the pgns, you must use an analysis board such as or then paste the pgn in the box. You can study the moves so you dont forget!

After you download the opening pgns, you need to add the moves you learned from the course.
I suggest you check the article below  -

As for the model games, I usually like to play over them to understand the opening ideas and key plans. 

You can use a pgn to open a position and the moves in an analysis board. Alternatively, if it is an opening pgn file, you may use it to study variations in platforms such as chessbase, chessbook, lichess studies, etc. You can also add model games by pasting the pgn of the game and annotating it to specify that it is a model game. 

Closed Sicilian with 2...d6 3.f4 a6

Hello) What to do after black moves 
1.e4 c5 
2. Nc3 d6
3. f4 a6
and then b5, Bb7



After 1.e4 c5 2. Nc3 d6 3. f4 a6 you might think that black might take a benefit from waiting for 3.f4 as the idea of delaying this move is to discourage the move d5 by atttacking it with Nf4 but as 2.d6 doesn't contribute to that advance you can just play like in 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 a6 3.g3 Bb7 4.d3 d6


You would have to try and combine the ideas of a 2…a6 grand prix, knowing that black won't play for d5. A line I like with white is to play a4 to prevent b5 immediately after 3…a6, and then putting the bishop on c4, and going for a normal d6 grand prix setup. The good thing about the grand prix is that it is a setup based opening, so you don't have to worry about every single move your opponent can play!

Counter the Czech Pirc

Hello everyone,


  1. I love this course which I have just “finished”
  2. After 5.e5 Ne4 6.Qf3 f5? 7.exf6 Nxc3 in the course is given 8.Bd2 but I think 8.f7+! (an idea we will see again later in the course) is stronger.
  3. After 6.Qf3 Nxc3 7.Bd2 is given but no more variations. For example 7. ..Bf5 was played by big names.
  4. For sure this move and several others (like 7. ..Qd5) where planned to be in further videos. But there's written: “The other sections are coming soon”.

    Was it forgotten?  (This “soon” seems to be already quite old😄 ) I've seen this text in the “d4 sidelines” course as well, and I am still missing Torre and others.

    Would be great to hear from you. Thank you!


Dear Thomas,

As you can see on the website, we have several courses on going and I can't mention about the exact dates for the updates.
Will ask you to stay alert to the updates.

Good luck :-)

Bird to French

Hi Chessmood family


I have a question about the transition from Bird to French as described in the Blackmood course. 

After 1.f4 e6 2. e4 d5 3. e5 the course suggests continuing like the French, eg 3… c5.  I believe this 3…c5 option would be consistent with Option 1 of the Advanced French, but in the French course Bd7 is recommended as a preferred option (after 1. e4 e6, 2. d4 d5, 3. e5)

My question is whether 3…Bd7 is still fine in this Bird move order , because 4. d4 is likely for a transposition to the French course, or whether there is any problem in this line that would make 3…c5 stronger? 


Hey there,


It's still possible to play with Bd7, however with f4 white has more space on the Kingside, and can sometimes have stronger attack, that's why we recommend to adjust ideas against f4 strcutures.

Nightmare of Rossolimo


Section 2 - 5.c3: 

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 g6 4.0-0 Bg7 5.c3 Nf6 6.d4 cxd4 7.cxd4 Nxe4 

8.d5 Nd6. After 9.Nc3 in the course is given 9…Bxc3! which seems to be the best move leading to an advantage for black. 

But in the “Review of 5.c3” is given 9.Nc3 a6. 9. ..a6 seems clearly inferior to 9. ..Bxc3! I think Avo confused 9.Na3 and 9.Nc3 in the conclusion. After 9.Na3 we do play 9. ..a6 which seems best.

Would be good to check / confirm what I think.

Btw I love this course!


Hi Thomas, 

Thank you for your message and for your kind words about the course 😊


You're absolutely right. Against 9. Nc3, the best move is indeed 9...Bxc3. And against 9. Na3, the correct move is 9...a6, followed by Na7 after 10. Bd3. 


We've noted this, and we'll make the necessary corrections in the Review section as soon as possible. Thank you very much for pointing this out! If you have any more feedback or questions, feel free to reach out.

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