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Chess forum by Grandmasters

Good news about weekly articles

Hey, champions! 
As you know, after writing weekly articles for more than a year, we decided to make a tradeoff, and spend that time on producing more courses. 

The good news I want to share with you today is that nice tradition is coming back very soon ?
We'll bring back our weekly articles. 
We have already started writing them. 
And we're trying to write more about your pain points. 

Would love to hear your opinion, suggestions, pain points, desires and offered article topics. 

We have made a list already. I will add your suggestions there too and go one-by-one. 

Comment below please, if you have anything particular in your mind. 



I wold love a good tutorial about Q vs R. It is suppossed to be about the same difficulty as B&N v K, but I can do that but not QvR. Thanks - Murrel

If ChessMood could have a MoveTrainer like Chessable it would be perfect, because is much easier and didactical to memorize the Opening variations playing the moves rather than going over the pgn as most of us do. Maybe ChessMood could sell it's courses on Chessable and BTW reach a wider audience

I would be interested in tips on calculation and decision-making in general. Regarding calculation, I know that you should look for candidate moves and follow the check-capture-threat priority. I think there's more to it though :) About decision-making, I'd be curious to know how you make a decision when the continuation is unclear or there are several options. Is it just a matter of feeling and intuition? For example, it happens to me that among the candidate moves I see, I analyze one in particular because it's the most attractive to me. Then I don't find a convincing continuation, and I play a move that is not as attractive to me, but it doesn't have any obvious drawback. Often the most attractive to me was indeed the best move. I read that Tal would not necessarily calculate the whole continuation after one of his crazy sacrifices but his intuition would tell him that he should have a strong position and attacking opportunities. However, he still should see "deep enough" to assess that. I'd love to hear your thoughts on how to improve this aspect of the game! Thank you! Francesco

Time management. I recently played in a 5 round OTB tournament - time control 120 d5. All five games were decided in a time scramble with both players down to a few minutes or less. Unfortunately, I was usually the one who blundered in time pressure or ran out of time altogether. This is my pain point.

Hi Avetik It's great to see the articles making a comeback. I would be interested in advice as how to make learning more active in chessmood courses (for example the classic games videos). I think with video learning it's too easy to be passively learning and not reap the benefits of the great content. I pause the videos and guess moves but I'm not sure I'm maximising the potential of the videos.

Thanks Avetik, I'm looking forward to seeing some new articles. I found some of the old ones quite helpful. Weekly articles sounds like quite a lot of work for you! I think every few weeks would be fine. Some big topics like calculation seem better suited to a course. I guess such a course needs a lot of examples for training on, as well as advice on calculation techniques etc. For players 2000/2100 FIDE or higher I suspect this topic is probably one of the most important. For articles, one topic I am interested in is different player types and how that should impact training, if at all. It's clear that some players are more intuitive, while others are more calculation focused. And some players love to sacrifice and attack, while others are more comfortable with a positional grind and/or heading for the endgame at every opportunity. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this and how it flows into us amateurs trying to maximise our results.

Excited to learn more from the articles. Would like articles on Visualization and Calculation training. At what level to start training. How to Train. What abilities are expected at different levels just like the different levels of opening knowledge at each level (Whitemood openings, Chessmood openings, Advanced Chessmood openings). I am currently between 1200-1350 rating based on US Chess Federation system. I am able to solve 90% of the Tactical Ninja problems (1/2 way through course). However, I am unable to visualize/calculate all the different options the opponent had to defend (not using board to solve) position but I tend to be able to find the main idea/line. Thanks Bret

I would like to learn about what are the bad pieces and how to improve these pieces so they become active? How to think about a chess position? Improving calculation skills an visualisation from the beginning let say untill 2000 level. Coordination with pieces how to do that? Maybe sending games to you to analyse so you can discover our weaknesses. Some puzzle homework whatwecan do at home GR Dirk

Hi coach Mr.Avetik, I would like to know how to beat consistently ~1900-2000 elo players (I'm 2150). Against other levels I play ok, but against this group my results are tragic for psychological reasons, overpushes, many draws, I dont create imbalanced positions etc.

Hello GM Avetik, Since there are so many GMs in the Chessmood team, it might be interesting for the members to see an article about the journey from beginner to GM from different perspectives - what the training looked like, what were the hurdles you had to overcome at various stages (beginner to 2000, 2000 to master, master to FM, IM to GM etc.), what were the critical changes you made to progress to the next change. Maybe psychological aspects, training, help from coaches, anything else.

daily puzzle

Is there any way that I can check the previous daily puzzles I did? or If I missed the couple weeks, How can I find them? Thanks


You can access previous daily puzzles by manually editing the URL. For example here is the URL for the puzzle from 7 April: Btw, today's puzzle was a fun one.

A possible method is to manually create a Chessbase file (or lichess study) and input and save the positions. I did that a little bit

Question from Caro-Kann game

In this position, Is Ne5 or Nbd2 preferable? I did post this in Facebook chat but would like a definite feedback.


Hi Inguh,

Both moves are good and logical. Ne5 is good as it's active, Nd2 continues the developement.

Good luck!

Schlechter Variation of the French Defense: Line After 9. a3 O-O

I've been studying the course on the Schlechter variation. I'm on 3...c5, specifically on this video: Around 1:50 into the video it covers the line 9. a3 O-O 10. b4, and he says the following moves should be Bb2, Qe2, and Rad1. I've been playing around with this line in Stockfish and Qe2 never seems to be a good move. The best I can get is: 10...Be7 11. Bb2 Nd5 12. Qe1 a6 13. Rd1 This has an evaluation of about +1.1 But if I enter Qe2 instead of Qe1, the evaluation drops to about -0.3. I suspect it's because the black knight can then come to f4 and fork the queen and the bishop. The queen's forced to move anyway and the bishop is lost. I'm visually impaired and the video moves rather fast, so I could have missed something, which is why I wanted to post it here. Input would be appreciated.


Sorry, can't figure out how to edit my post, but here are the exact moves leading up to that line: 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Bd3 c5 4. exd5 Qxd5 5. Nc3 Qd8 6. Nf3 Nc6 7. dxc5 Bxc5 8. O-O Nf6 9. a3 O-O 10. b4

Qe2 and centralizing the rooks is a very good and general plan, that of course must be adjusted depending on what Black plays. In this structure after 11.Bb2 the knight on c6 is misplaced. In these structures, the knight should be on d7 to do a good job. 

Again we cannot and will never analyze all the engine moves, but in this position both bishops are located in very good squares pointing to the king side, Black-s bishop is not developped and once you locate the rooks in the center it will be difficult to place it in a nice square. 
After Nd5, as you said, Qe2 would be a mistake because it will allow Black to exchange the Light Square Bishop with Nf4 and we would lose our best piece at the moment without any compensation.

?In this case I would play just Qd2 renforcing the c3 knight and preparing ?the rook centralization, and see how the opponent moves… 

Hi Brandon,

I do support the idea of ChessMood Odysseus, however, my attention went to another point. 
The position you were playing around with an engine seems to be pretty deep and I don't believe it will happen super often.
The engine can be our friends, but sometimes it's not the best time investment to stick around some rare positions, looking for engine numbers.

I think that investing time to learn this game better through many practical courses which we offer will be better :-) 

 Good luck!

Practical Skills

Hello everyone I feel that somehow when I actually play I don't really play at the level I would like to. I feel like I am lacking the practical skills I need. I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of some chess principles but I do not know whether I am applying the or not. Any suggestions or tips would be welcome. Thank you in advance


Sounds like there is a vast possibility there which would be hard to give a useful answer to. Unless you can pinpoint to a specific area the only suggestion would be to get a master to look at some of your games and find areas for improvement. If you analyse and check / or use an engine are there patterns? E.g. getting a strong position the sabotaging it by giving away key points to the opponent. And then start to ask why you did that.

I agree with David - the description of the challenges you are facing is quite vague. If you are able to clarify or give more details then you might get more helpful responses. Other than that, the only tip I can offer is to try playing some slower games. It is quite difficult to apply newly acquired knowledge if you are playing blitz games and nothing else (assuming that is the case).

Evans Gambit

I've just started working with a coach recently and one of the openings he showed me was the Evans Gambit. I've found limited resources on it to see whether it is really a good opening or not. I'm still evaluating whether this coach works for me or not so I'm trying to look more deeply into the things he teaches me. Any opinions on the Evans Gambit? It goes 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. b4 I'm new to this site so not sure if I'm posting this in the right place.


I'd say the Evans is a fine opening for developing players to learn about the initiative and get more comfortable with sacrificing a pawn. It should score quite well unless the opponent is well prepared. For example I advised a friend to give the Evans Gambit a try and he did so. During the following 2 years his blitz rating went from 1550 to over 1800, while his rapid rating went from 1800 to 2000, and he kept playing the Evans throughout that period. For stronger players it's best as a blitz opening or perhaps an occasional surprise weapon at longer time controls. You can still get a ton of value out of ChessMood without playing all the openings. For example I'm selectively adding some CM lines to my repertoire but will probably never play the full CM repertoire. The middlegame and endgame courses are also tremendous and quite extensive. If you like both your coach and ChessMood then you should have a discussion with your coach about which parts of ChessMood to work on and which ChessMood openings to use.

Unless someone is playing at a super GM level any reasonably reputable opening is fine. Whats most important is that you play openings that you feel comfortable with.

Idea behind 10. g3 move in the 8.h4 (4...Nf6,6... Qe7) Scotch ?

HI Chessmood Family! Im trying to understand the purpose of the g3 move for white that pops up in variations of the recommended h4 line in response to black playing Qe7 in the Nf6 variation. I understand that benefit created by playing h4 (Potential to crash kingside, rook lift to attack Ba6, Bg5 move, prevention of ...f5 in some lines), however I do not feel I quite understand the reasoning behind playing g3 here. On the surface it seems the possible benefit of this move could be white strengthening the f4 square and making g2 available for the light square bishop (At the cost of losing the possibility of playing Rh3). However it seems like many of the standard plans that occur later in the h4 line still work regardless of if g3 is played. What am I missing here? Thank you :) Any thoughts?


I'm not a GM o IM but I can say what I feel in this position (I played it but not occur very often). I think you could move Bh3/Bg2 and free the movement of the queen like Qe4 move that it's thematic/ and castle (you need to take care of the bishop on a6 first) it's possible. I think this position it's very theoretical and it's not simple this h4 line. GM Gabuzyan say in stream (the last one) that this opening line need some time to feel and play! The line is very strong and resourfulness.

Didn't Sensei provide a compare and contrast in the video discussing that position?

Hi Joseph,


The purpose of g3 is to develop the bishop and castle. White often take the bishop to h3. They are trying normally to continue the game with good development.

Good luck!

Avetik's chessbase board theme.

OK this is not about chess and unnecessary but I can't find Avetik's blue board theme.Where canI find it?


I think it is custom made... To have a board different than the rest... It is nice, eh? At the beginning I did not like it, I even told him when talking the first day, but now I like it a lot! Long live the blue board!

No name :) Why you hide your name? :) 
It's custom build :) 
Credits goes to our magic designer :) 

I know this is an older post, but I also wanted to find this board theme. Since we couldn't have it directly, I just made my own. I attached an image of what I came up with. If you want the same textures I used, you can download them for free here:

Blackmood opening

Hi! wondering if theyll be a blackmood opening for d4 (dutch defense) coming out? thank you Edgar


There is still no exact date, but Avetik is recording like crazy these days. 

Hopefully it will be out soon, very soon.? 

I got an email today that said it would be coming out next Tuesday - April 26, 2022

Anti Sicilian

In the Anti Sicilian line 1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 g6 3. f4 d6 4. Bc4 Bg7 5. Nf3 Nc6 6. O-O Nf6 7. d3 What if Black play Bg4 now without 0-0, the idea is Black delayed castle. Therefore, White can not move Qh4 on time, Black can always threat to capture Bxf3 and Nd4 without worrying about white Rh3. How can we deal with the knight on d4? Thanks


In that move order, you should play 3. d4 (part 5) after 2... g6. At the end of the line h3 seems to be fine, if White captures then Qxf3 Nd4 Qf2 with a small advantage and if the bishop retreats then e5 trying to punish Black for not castling. Getting Qh4 in successfully is often the exception not the rule.

Yes, exactly, in this move order, yes, as David pointed out, you should check the part 5 of the antisicilian course:


But if you reach this position via another way, then you have to play h3 and recapture on f3 with the Queen. There is no direct attack and you have to play more positionally like relocating the c3 knight, etc. but White is in good shape.?

How to stop blunders?

Hey, champions! 
I'm about to start recording a new course about “How to stop blunders.” 

Any ideas on how to name it? 
What about “Sharp eye”? 


The best I've come up with so far is 'What the check?!: Avoiding blunders' Yours is nicer and keeps the two word 'skill' theme, although there is the phrase Eagle Eye meaning the same thing. I suppose there is the one word Sharpshooter too, but perhaps avoiding the link with war is preferable right now. I suppose there are more generic and enigmatic two word ones such as 'Look out!', 'Oh no!', 'Not again!' and the one word 'Embarrassed!' and I suppose an honourable mention for Britney 'Oops I did it again!'

Blunderman - stay sharp! Antiblunder hero Blunderworld adventures :)

How about "blunder buster"

Blunder Proof Your Game

How about - The Anatomy of Blunders or Do you Wonder why we Blunder? Most blunders at amateur level are caused by four things: 1 - Counting Errors 2 - Drifting aimlessly without a plan 3 - Only considering the positive side of their moves and ideas without trying to find the best ideas of the opponent. 4 - Hope chess - Deliberately playing bad or dubious moves because they contain a trap we "Hope" our opponent does not see. Sounds familiar? ;)

Blunder Avoidance Blunders Away Blunders be gone Avoid the blunder thunderstorms

Wonder why you blunder?

Throwing Blunders into the Trash Can!

Blunderbane! The cure for needless mistakes!

Blunderstand your mistakes.

Caro-kann 5...Qc7 with 6...e5

Hello Chessmood! Had in one of my OTB games this variation 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 cxd5 4.Bd3 Nc6 5.c3 Qc7 6.Ne2 and now e5!? (the usual move is Bg4) Havent seen this in course so assumed this was not ok for black, but here's the game I played and actually got worse position out of the opening. Searched chessbase also but didnt come to conclusion what the best way/plan to play is. 2 good moves are 8.Bb5 or 8.0-0 but what next? Play vs IQP? White is kinda behind in development and need to stabilize first. Please make your suggestions, thank you.


I'm not sure if you saw my response in the other thread but I think 10.Bf4 is a small but definite improvement over 10.O-O that was played in the game. Black's position is a little less dynamic once the knight is no longer on e5.

Balogh Defence

Hi coach - was playing an OTB tourney over the weekend, and my opponent really surprised me with 1.e4 d6 2.d4 f5. I played carefully for a few moves - Nc3, Bd3 aiming at the weakened light squares, and when I had the chance to play Qh5+, Bxg6+ and Qxh8 I thought he was just busted, but quickly realised that I was in trouble. Looked at it today, and I fell for the main idea of the opening ? I gave back the exchange and the extra pawn to get a playable ending, which I did manage to win, but it was not nice being surprised like this! Any plans to do a course covering it? I recently had an OTB game where a strong opponent played the Latvian Gambit, and because of the great course on that, I blew him away ???


Hi Nigel,

The variation you are asking about is extremely rare and at the same time very easy to play as white. I believe the line which you went for Is the only hope for the opponent. There can be many moves like e5 b5 or something like this and we will not be able to record it all. Seeing variation like this, which doesn't have a big logic we need to develop the pieces well and fight for the center. Instead of Qh5+ I just recommend developing, castling and using central files for the rooks.

Good luck :-)

Crushing All Sicilian Sidelines. 2. a3!?

Hi, Looking at the great course and material I wondered if you could give any advice on the best way to handle this rare sideline?

It is quite rare but there are a few players in my local area who play this as a surprise weapon thanks to the book published by Bezgodov from Chess-Stars publishing.  I'm sure others may come across it from time to time.
It can be very dangerous if not handled with care and I have even played it myself a few times.

For example, 1.e4 c5 2. a3 g6 3. b4 Bg7 4. Nc3 cxb4 5. axb4 Nc6 6. b5 Nd4 7 Ra4 and black can't develop his Knight to f6.  So if 7...e6 8. Bb2 Ne7 9. Nce2 and white wins a pawn.   

So it is tricky and knowing a good way to handle this variation would be useful.

A link to some variations can be found from the contents of the book at 

2a3_contents.pdf (
Hope that helps in coming up with a recommendation.
Thanks a lot.


I've asked for it. The passive 2. Be2 probably should have a note attached to it as well, though probably doesn't need more than a suggested line. GM Jones even gives it a quick mention that some GMs were experimenting with it as well as a line given in GM Pert's DVD. I think d3 and Nge2 are probably covered enough by other lines and will transpose. f4 probably needs a few more lines in missing variations (I posted about this before) as it's very common at club level.

Why take 4.. cxb4? Instead, let's go for the main move 4.. d6 and then if white pushes b4-b5 the knight will be protected on d4 and no problem in developing g8 knight to f6. Also, it would seem non-principled to exchange the c pawn for the b pawn.

Hi Adam,

On the sidelines, we have 1.e4 c5 2.b4 which is sometimes similar to 2.a3 but we are going to make updates in the very near future and 2.a3 will be included!

Improvement after 1 Year on ChessMood

Hi Guys, I'd just like to share my happy news that I have found working on the ChessMood courses very effective at improving my rating. Filled in lots of holes in my understanding through the classical games and my openings are now better than they have ever been. This has led to an increase in 200-400 points in every rating I have only the OTB is left now as that has been delayed a lot through Covid and lack of games. I hope everyone else has as much success and fun as me at studying here. I've attached the progress graph from Lichess. Good luck everyone!


This is fantastic, it proves again that the system works and it makes us all very proud. We (the chessmood team) are always very, very happy when we hear such news! Good work and constancy with the right guidance is paramount when learning… 

Let's see how it goes after your second year, you will have understood better the ideas and will have more experience… 

Looking forward to it!!! Ah! And CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! ?????? 

Congrats Adam! I have more questions :-). Approximately how much time per day have you been spending on chess over this period? What other ChessMood courses did you study apart form Classic Games and openings? Did you read any chess books during that period? BTW, I wish there was a thumbs up button for posts.

Congratulations! ?

Well done Adam!


Thanks for sharing with us your success story. This is the best compliment we can get - the growth of our students!

Wish you good luck and keep increasing your elo!

That's great news man! ? Wish I could make such a rapid progression (I think we're similar playing level?), curently stuck at 2200-2300 on chess_com for over a year. You must be studying very effectively? Which things do you feel helped you most and what have you improved most significantly, is it calculation? I mean what do you feel changed most dramatically that is reflected in your games?

This is fantastic!!! 

Congratulations Adam. That is truly inspiring. I'm quite new to the process so it's good to see success stories. I see from your graph that you had a big step up soon after joining , then a period of stagnation before sustained growth after mid '21. Can you explain what the growth / stagnation / growth was due to? Just out of interest how much did you play as opposed to study?

Amazing!! Thanks for sharing; that is really inspiring and motivating! Congrats!

Tactics Ninja Course / Quiz

The tactics ninja course is great, my favorite course so far!! ?? I am just in the middle of doing the quiz, which is also great, even though I find it of course much harder on my FIDE 1650 level with the random sort order, not knowing the topic - but that is the point and I will just have to repeat the quiz until I know most (all?) patterns! Just one little observation for number 189, which probably needs a slight correction: the accepted solution is Ne4, dxe4, Qg3+, Ka8, Qxe1. Instead of Qxe1 I entered Ra4# (mate), which was not accepted as the solution. Probably the change should either be Kc8, Qxe1 or Ka8, Ra4#


The quiz is great, and I'm sure the examples come from the courses having seen a couple I recognise already. Also while I found the course easy, the quiz is certainly good for up to 2000 and beyond and doesn't suffer so far from the overly easy or unrealistically difficult problems many compilations suffer from.

OTB games vs ~1900 using CM repertoire

Hi guys! I'm participating in Lithuanian chess semifinal and have played couple of games using chessmood openings this was a great caro variation with Qc7, I tried playing like in the model game Petrosyan - Safarli, would like GM opinion what I did wrong and how I should have converted that ending, thanks Got GP played against me, but not CM variation with 4.Nf3, so I knew what I was doing, proud of d4 move, please suggest improvements Will post more games, if they're relevant to chessmood repertoire. Thanks guys and back to the fight!


I'm not a GM, but in my opinion, you should have kept the bishop pair and avoid Bg5/Bxf6. If I'm not mistaken, you already did something similar in a previous game (where you took on f3). Thank you for sharing your games :)

Hello Paulius, Thanks for posting this. I think your posts are some of the most interesting in the forum. Please keep them coming! I too am not a GM. I guess I am at a similar level to you. I only looked at the first game, and will share my thoughts about that one. OK, the game: 18.Rxh8!? I understand that it's nice to swap rooks to increase the advantage of the bishop pair. But I think there is no hurry to do this because black is not going to move away from the h-file. In your notes you mention Bd2 which I think is a good alternative. Overall in this position I found myself somehow wanting to organise a q-side expansion. Regarding the decision for Rxh8 vs Bd2 (or some other building move). I think that when playing a weaker player, it's often good to "give them enough rope". In other words, sometimes it's best not to force the pace and ensure there is sufficient opportunity for your opponent to make mistakes and weaken their position. 28.Bg5. Here it seems you have successfully organised a queenside expansion and should strongly consider 28.c5. Grab that space, limiting the scope of the knights and looking to make the black king uncomfortable. Also, c5 at this point cuts off the black queen from the queenside giving you a free hand there. Black will have e5 at some point but has to be worried about ending up with a weak d-pawn, and opening the centre for your bishops. An immediate e5 seems risky, for example 28.c5 e5 29.dxe5 Nxe5 30.Nxe5 Bxe5 31.Bf4 Nd7 32.Bf5 winning material. Perhaps 28.c5 e5 29.dxe5 Nd7 (or Ng4) but then 30.b4 and your pawn structure is better plus you still have the bishop pair advantage. Note: all the above was written with the engine turned off. Now I just turned on the engine to check, and can see it also likes c5. The Q+B vs Q+B ending looked tricky. Nothing obvious springs to mind there. Overall aspects of this game reminded me of game 11 (Tartakower vs Pirc) from 100 Classical Masterpieces. Btw, in that game I liked g4 more than b4 (at around move 16). I remember that I verified with the engine that it's also a good move.

In the first game, you went for 9.g3, in the course Avetik suggests Qg4.

Min. 9:01

I would go for Qg4 instead of 9.g3. But what is important is that after 9…h5, 10.Bg5 allows you to have a good position and neutralizes the opponent attack. Instead by playing Nbd2 you allowed h4. After Bg5, you can play later h3 and g4 against an eventual h4 after exchanging Bishops. This is where I would start next time, but I will ask Hovhannes to see what he has to say…

Another game with Qc7, this time opponent prepared this rare e5 move, please suggest how to play against it, imo instead of Bb5+, 0-0 was a better move

This time I faced Trompovski attack and knew chessmood repertoire quite good I think, but didnt get sufficient imbalance to play for a win. Please suggest improvements.

Got a benko game, but still didnt manage to win, almost all draws in this tournament against 1900-2000 opposition. Still having huge trouble winning against this rating range Played Qc8 chessmood variation, but missed typical f5 move at critical moment. Ready for critique :)

Finally won a game (after all the draws) with french Bd3, but opponent was well prepared, crazy game with 2 knights vs 2 bishops ?

Won the last game and took 7th place :) Normal tournament, managed not to drop the rating as well. Here's final standing You can also see there all the games which were live as well

Pgn files for Rock n roll streams

I love the best of streams (rock n roll white and black). Is there a way to obtain the pgn files of the selected games. Is there a software that converts videos to pgn files? Thank you in advance


If you want to achieve this you can use "openingtree"(free on website). You selected a username and you can download the game (all the game). It's very useful if you need to understand a position and what idea to follow!

Sicilian 2.Nc3

In the line with 1.e4, c5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Bb5 what if Black plays Nf6 instead of Nd4 or g6? Should we take Bxc6 immediately and then play d3-f4?


Yes, this is exactly the approach, cripple the Black pawn structure and play as you said. Check the games on the streams courses in this variation.?

Need your help

When I lose a game I lose interest in playing chess. This thing affects my mind for the next rounds and I play worse even against very lower-rated players. In short, when I lose a game (even against titled players) I lose my mood, energy, momentum, and interest. Please help me to remedy this.


Defence mechanism maybe? You don't want to feel bad or feel you aren't as good as you should be? Wondering what others might think?

That's an interesting question! Personally I decided to take a break from chess, I'm done right now :D

Every person feel different emotions when he/she lost a game. The emotional pain and frustration is lived in many ways. Losing is a part of life, and chess teach how to lose (in some case very badly). need to understand if you need a break from chess, manage some break during the week and also (and very important) improve your training!!

Last month I was around 2400, now I'm under 2200 ? And the worst is that I'm studying every day for many hours since then ? I decided to quit for some months, until I'm motivated to play against because right now I can't play good moves because I don't have the right mood :) Have a good continuation everyone, thank you for the great content Chessmood team!

I've faced some challenges with tilting and of course frustrations with not playing as well as I'd like. I really like Avetik's emphasis on Right Mood. Right Mood = concentration + positivity + joy. I think most of us find the concentration part fairly easy, and the positivity not too difficult, but it's easy to overlook the joy part. We have to remember to enjoy actually playing chess, regardless of the final outcome. This is actually the most important part, because if we don't enjoy it then why do it? I can also highly recommend the section about maintaining a Growth Mindset (GM) in Aagaards Thinking Inside The Box. It's a similar message, although expressed slightly differently.

I totally understand you. I used to take my losses similarly so that I would study but not play. What helped me is Capablanca's quote " you may learn much more from a game you lose than from a game you win. You will have to lose hundreds of games before becoming a good player". So every time I play a game I try to remind myself "ok, either I win or I learn". I agree with Peter M and that reference to Aagaard's book, which also helped me immensely. On a similar vibe, I would suggest you listen to GM R.B. Ramesh in this interview with the Chess Dojo

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