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Chess forum by Grandmasters

Dark Mode in the blog !

Hello ChessMood Family, I think we need the Dark Mode in the blog! ( The articles there are high quality and i spend lot of time reading them, :) thanks


I agree although don't rush dark mode in the forum too soon. ChessMood is still under development, and so far, it is amazing!!👍

Must know endgame theory - knights

It should also be mentioned that knight endgames are also considered similar to pawn endings. If the pawn ending is winning, then it's likely (but need to consider concrete examples) the knight ending is also favourable. Not always though:


New article: Detachment: Focus on growth and not the result

Today’s article is devoted to legendary Kobe Bryant who always spoke about the importance of detaching from results and focusing on growth.

About shutting up the ego that is fed from results. 

This mindset shift will help you to enjoy and grow faster in chess and in life.  

In today’s article GM Avetik shares: 

✅How one of our students raised 1,000 rating in 3 months and what was the reason behind it 

✅In his childhood he was often forgetting about growth and was focused on results and rating. What words his father used to keep him in the right direction  

✅What mindset shift helped me to survive during his toughest times
✅His KPI technique that he and many of his students use to focus on growth and not the result  

And much more… 

Read it here 👇


In a perfect world I agree, but I think in reality it's very hard to detach yourself from results. Yes for one or two, we all have bad tournaments or games, but what is the overall pattern. If it's not very much out for a lot in, it's quite tough to take a objective look and see why you are not getting results, as well as keep playing and studying hard and hoping things change. The problem with chess are plateaus, and plateaus are difficult to cross by nature. A lot of work is needed or a sudden perspective change, and that doesn't usually come by studying a couple of courses or playing sometimes 100 of more games. The other annoying things with chess is that rating is a very weak guide to strength or improvement and only can be looked at in blocks of maybe 200 points and online ratings are notoriously bad. You might get beaten by someone 400 points below you, but it's not because you are bad or playing bad, it's just that they are playing better than their grade (1600s coming top in tournaments where the top seeds are 2200+) and grading systems like FIDE being poor for progress because the 'K' factor limits the number of points one can win per game, so it takes a very long while and spectacular results to make a major difference once your grade settles. Places like do not have any indication during the game of the player's rating deviation (i.e. how stable their rating is or any indicator if the player is provisionally rated). That 1700 player (or whatever the starting rating is) if on a new account could be really 500 or 2500. Playing around that rating can be a rollercoaster, which settles as you get above or below it. Finally there are problems of different speed games. I had a 2200+ performance at the weekend, but I lost to a 1900 in the week. Why? The weekend games were 80 10, the week game was 65 10 and I had a clearly superior position before not being able to think for 15 minutes around the critical point caught up (the 1900 had been playing chess for at least as long as I had, yet some juniors with 2000+ ratings got theirs quickly and are not seasoned enough). To get a higher rating myself quicker I'd either need to leave the league behind which a lot of 1900+ players have done, or get better at making quick intuitive decisions which might be more fitting to a much stronger player than the rating above me. With every game needing to be a win, getting a higher rating when you're a big fish in a small pond vs a medium fish in the wider ocean can be really difficult. Unfortunately chess doesn't pay the way here, so getting above 2000, certainly 2200 is very difficult as you don't encounter enough competition of the right level. Have a look at the entries so far for Hastings: the are many GMs in the 2400-2500 range, yet to become a GM you need 2500, the number FMs in the 2100-2200 rating band and even an IM at 2040. To compare two tournaments (which you can't do), you're saying that effectively I've outperformed a whole group of FMs, yet the chance of my rating getting to 2300 to get such a title is really slim. Are these guy weak, probably not, but to maintain their high ratings they need to play a lot of international tournaments and no one is going to pay for that lifestyle, thus their stagnate or drop away slightly in rating deflation as they rarely get a shot at the 2650+ band and are always being sniped at from below. I think the real way to know whether you are improving or not is look at the quality of the game. Why did you lose? You didn't know something - that's not your fault. You need to focus more - how to tell when it's critical or when you should be looking out? Calculate better - is that reasonable, train it? Didn't play on in a winning position - how to be more objective? And so on... I think you notice that you're playing better even if you don't get more wins or rating point rises. The problem is when you're not improving and then you need to look at what is stopping you, or your training.

Which Courses Teach Positional Play?

Hello! I was curious: Which Chessmood courses teach positional play best? I know there are none by that title, but I know elements of it are highlighted here and there. Are there any future plans for such courses? If not, what resources are recommended?


100 Classical Masterpieces ( has a lot of good positional stuff.

Bishop pair, rooks (speedboat) adventures, happy pieces as well.

Also the 100 Classical Endgames course is very good for learning positional play.

Working too fast?

On Saturday Avetik asks are we working too fast and could slow down? If it's going faster than people are consuming the new sections, there always could be a quick diversion to do something else.... Perhaps another couple of sections of Happy Pieces, or completion of the Czech and Modern Pirc courses would be welcomed :)


Puzzle from previous day is displayed

Hello, Puzzle from the previous day was shown even if the new day had started. I think the moodcoin problem derives from this issue. People are solving the previous day's puzzle because it was not updated. So they are not getting moodcoins.


Thanks for the info. Very much appreciated!

I can confirm that something like what Ozan Yarci describes is happening to me too. Earlier today, on the morning of 22 November local time, I was seeing the Troitzky puzzle from 21 November. Now, late afternoon on 22 November local time, I am seeing the Kubbel puzzle which is presumably the correct one. I note that the countdown timer shows that I have about 7.5 hours remaining to solve the Kubbel puzzle, i.e. until midnight local time. But for sure it was less than 12 hours ago that I was seeing the Troitky puzzle. Anyways I solved the Kubbel (b5 etc) puzzle and got my MoodCoins. This feature has a history of bugs. Perhaps a simpler approach might be called for.

Timezone thing maybe? Seems to be working fine for me.

Here is a screenshot, similar to Ozan's screenshot, showing the issue. Local time is 12:09am, 23 November (see the clock in top right of screen) but the puzzle from 22 November is still being displayed. Amusingly it says I have 23 hours 50 minutes left to solve yesterday's puzzle.

Scotch In this insane video 😀Avetik sir covers only 13..Ba6 but I am confused what to do after 13..Bb5 as after 14.bxa7 Kb7 there is no Rb3 check. Appreciate the response as always! Love the work😀 Regards Vedant


Sorry for disturbing once again😅. In this variation I was confused what to do after 11..f5 and white's pawns are hanging which is irritating. Appreciate the response as always! Love the work😀 Regards Vedant

I think it's very rare line, only two games in database and one Bb5 !? which is probably about equal at the end. Probably according to engine 14.Nc3 Qe5 15. Qe5 f:e 16.Nb5 c:b 17. Bg5 Re8 18 b:a Kb7 19. Rc1 with compensation. interesting but didn;t work is 14. Rb3 c:b! 15.Rb5 c:b 16. Qa8 Kc7 17. Qa7 Kc6 18. Be3 Qb4 19. Nc3 Qa5! with advantage for black

Nc3 is the best move in case of Bb5, attacking the Bishop and developing for free the knight as Vikram said, but these lines are very advanced, you do not need to learn all the specific moves but have a better feeling for the position since you are supposed to play similar lines.

Game plugin (forum posts) issues

Noticed a couple of problems: If the game is long, it's not possible to scroll to the end of the game on Android. The game result is not printed in the movelist.


Thanks David, dully noted!😜

Move ordered in French Exchange

This happened to me a couple of times this week alone. 1.e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 as outlined in the course. Now here white can play 4. exd5 and I assume black replies exd5. However, now black cannot adopt the recommended aggressive setups as the f6 square has a knight "misplaced" on it. So how do we play this position? I am playing the French because Coach gave us a rather useful way to get something vs. the exchange but black cannot play this if white delays exd5 for one move. Thanks.


I think then Nc3 is kinda misplaced, white wont have easy c3 to defend d4, for example 5.Bg5 Be7 6.Bd3 Nc6! (hitting d4) now if 7.Nf3 Bg4 so 7.Nge2 Nb4 and black gets good play imo, that's what I have from my personal analysis, cause sometimes this late exd5 is played

It is not only in this move order that our plan is crossed. If 1.e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3.ed ed 4. Nc3 we will struggle to play Bd6 and Nge7. Which can transpose from your opening moves see the following forum topic for some ideas on how to play...

Hey there,


Norbert left you the link for the same discussion we had in another thread.


Good luck!

courses rating is it for fide or / lichess

hello .. I want to ask about courses .. some courses for 800-2000 rating .. is this for fide rating or lichess rating if i am 2100 on lichess should I watch it or i must watch something more advanced


Birmingham Open 2022

A nice performance with 3/5 in the open coming joint 9th and 2202 performance rating. Quite possibly I could have played on in the final game and gone for the win, but wasn't sure my king was safe enough (not analysed it yet). Makes up for missing Scarborough (due to wife having Covid) and bodes well for a good performance at Hastings. Think I'm playing around 2100-2150 at present in 80 10, though need some more experience to speed up in faster league games where I'm failing to convert winning positions due to time trouble which keeps the rating down. Games to follow.


Round 1 game (Black): 7(B) - not the first time an opponent has done this. It also occurs in the c3 sicilian where White doesn't play Bc4 first to 'force' Nb6 closing the queen's diagonal before Bb5. Punishment for not castling earlier coming up - no doubt why there isn't 4. c3 section in the course as o-o should happen on move 6/7 anyway if White delays. Could this be the avoiding blunders lesson about the first round being a hazardous one? Plus I think in the both the opening and endgame we let our guard down for tactical shots. My opponent learns the hard way. 11(W) I thought Ne4 was a bad practical move. Note the computer suggests 11. Qb3 swapping Qs which is even worse. If you're going to play Ng5 and be a piece down you need to become an axe wielding maniac and attack, attack, attack as violently as possible. Practically I was expecting Qf3 or psycho-harry with h4 etc. Ne4 Be3 etc is too slow. As in the SLP course, opponents need to be scared and tricked and simple routine developing moves don't do that which also allow the opponent to develop. Black still has to castle, work out how to get the bishop out, White has a strong centre cutting off the kingside from defenders so that's the only hope. 13(W) Harry comes too late to the party 14(B) I did think about trying to get f5 f4 in here, but I thought about exf6 the knight gets a nice d6 square, so why give my opponent any chances at all. I really want to swap queens and Qd3 is what I'm aiming for. Note also I don't give a stuff about the d-pawn if White wants to capture fine, I'll play e5 to open up the centre and bring in the rooks. d7 isn't that scary and it looks like I could even sac the knight on d4 if White declines e5 with d5 (not that I would have played that over the board). 16(B) give the material back. White's position is dreadful and he can't castle, so the only thing keeping him alive is the centre, so kamikaze knight for 2 central pawns. 29(W) look out for tactics in the endgame. No doubt White isn't feeling great, but this just makes it easy for me. 35(B) h5 would have been quicker, but so many ways to win. 1/1

8(W) c4 is an interesting alternative keeping Ns on after Nb4 Nc3 d6 exd6 Qxd6 but can take some weird turns so you'd need to know it before attempting it. 9(B) d5 had to be played here 10(W) not only is d5 stopped, but the idea is to encourage e6 weakening the dark squares and as opposed to Ng5 first, c5 is under attack 12(W) the engine thinks exf6 here, but I thought opening the f-file and allowing Qf5 helped Black. Either way Black's dark squares look a mess right now. It seems that after Bg5 and Qe3-d2 Bh6 is on the cards swapping off the dark squared bishop. 12(B) h6 had to be played hence why my move wasn't as good as taking the pawn. 15(W) a4 to make castling queenside uncomfortable 22(W) unfortunately Rxd5 and Qd5+ doesn't work because of Ra1 mating. The computer's suggestion of h3 was better since Kf1 never worked out for me. One engine line looks to play Rxd5 with 2 pawns + B for the exchange. Now it's a problem of technique - a pawn up, how does White win? I guess this is what separates 2000 players from 2300s, but how to see and it and train it? 30(W) the engine thinks Kf2 keeps going, but would you? 1.5/2

9(B) I forgot the theory here, and should play O-O then Rb8 as in the course. Be6 encourages Nd5 and Qd7 isn't available. 10(B) trying to blunt the bishop doesn't work. The knights just don't have good squares. 17(B) If the knight gets to f4->e6 I'm in real problems, hence Bh6, but it appears d4 is a mistake due to f4 where any capture on f4 allows capturing on d4. 21(B) Ng4 needs playing otherwise the protection of d6 is cut off. 23(B) cxb4 gives c5 for the knight 27(W) a great move. Tempting would be Bxa8 getting the exchange back, but it's level. With Nd5 there is no time to get the rook off the diagonal because of Nf6 and it's looking to remove the best blocked of the pawn. 28(B) a sneaky bit of SLP as if Qxc4 then Rc8 taking the rook away from recapture of the exchange and threatening to capture back on c3. 1.5/3

Again in the blunderproof course it mentions about not being aware of tactics especially in the endgame. My opponent a junior started to lose interest once his ability to attack was removed, and fell for several tactics in the game where a lot of care was needed. 5(W) as an alternative to our Bc4, d4 may transpose into a Levenfish dragon. 6(W) dxc5 is possible here going into something similar to our g6 anti-sicilian lines, as is d5 8(W) dxc5 is preferable here 11(W) dxc5 again, but I didn't like the idea of opening up the diagonal 13(W) Bxd4 with e5 if Nf6 instead as Qc7 I guess discourages e5 17(W) Perhaps a practical try since the queens will swap, but the engine doesn't like it, perhaps the king is getting in the way 22(B) Rb8 is better as Rb6 puts the rook in one leg of a fork on d5 and if b4 cxb4 Rxb4 the rook has to swap. On b8 it can go to c8 23(B) Black is starting to lose interest since Rd1 leaves a pin, f7 although not capturable after Ng5-f7 is a problem, and the king doesn't have a future on c7 since it's getting into the other leg of the fork. 25(W) and now the tactics the opponent wasn't looking for start to fly (the engine needed prompting here) 26(W) I'm happy to swap off the bishop which I think gives me chances, but the engine prefers Rd2 I guess to try to pressure d6 with the other rook coming to d1 and Black's pieces not well placed to defend 27(B) again Black is switching off, there are tricks here 31(B) a passive king and an open d file with a step off point at d6 33(B) spotting the theme yet? Yes he's not looking for tactics deep enough, this just blunders the pawn as the king can be forced to h8 otherwise there is a loss of a rook and the a pawn will queen 35(W) the engine thinks this check to push the king back is wrong as there will be later checks to push the king back 37(W) the engine again thinks Ra7 and a4 letting the e5 pawn go. Not an easy choice with the clock ticking. Also Ke4 is better since the g-pawn may drop but so does c5 and the Black king is cut off. 40(W) Re3 is a strange idea - Ra7 and a4 - I don't like the hole on b3. What I did see would have been better after is Rh4 getting the Black pawn to h5 and now g5 can't be covered so the king can walk in 43(B) Kb5 was better. For two passed pawns this is not easy to win 44(W) Rf4 dropping the e-pawn for the f pawn is better. Only if the pawn was on h5 now. 49(W) long engine lines with Rb1 here 49(B) 'but now I've [he's] gone and thrown it all away....'. Again not enough paying attention to what the 'win condition' is. If I swap rooks he's a goner, and this is allowing me to do so unless he gives up another pawn. The passed f-pawn is a monster. 53 (W) the e-pawn drops as well. There were a few more moves but both players low on time didn't record further. I swapped the f-pawn for the g-pawn, won the h-pawn doubling the h-pawns, but 4 pawns up the b and c pawns were pushed up the board also sheltering the king from checks. 2.5/4

Nice comments and very appreciated! You performed very well and yes, studying and playing in tournaments is very different. 

I hope that you had a great time visiting the Peaky Blinders hometown! 😜

Note this is a missing section from Sicilian Sidelines, the KIA vs the sicilian, since e4 is not yet played, and it's also a reasonably common avoidance line, thus 2. g3 section doesn't really cover this, although 2... d5 seems a fine alternative. 7(W) I'm playing closed sicilian style right now, and White still had an opportunity to transpose with 7. Nc3, but I suspected he was going for the KIA. 7(B) e5 is also an option stopping d4, as is Nf6 9(B) perhaps o-o is objectively better since it leaves the centre tension and doesn't allow White to split the board. 14(W) engine prefers Rb1 Be3. My opponent was playing fast, on auto-pilot perhaps wanting to get it over with quickly. 15(B) surprisingly the engine thinks Black is slightly better now. The dark squared bishop is a useful piece later, Bb5 is an option to get rid of the bad light squared bishop, and what exactly is the bishop on g2 doing? 16(B) the engine likes the pawn snatch on b2, as well as h5. Rb1xb7 isn't a problem due to Bc6 then O-O. 18(B) a6 looks a good idea in retrospect 21(B) bxc6 with counterplay is better. The queen just isn't as useful on c6. 23(B) Nf4 just didn't work. The idea was to avoid a longer term plan of the B coming to d3 via f1, but the emphasis has to be on longer. The knight is a useful defender. Now White is ahead again. 25(B) Qc2 needs to be played now, as Rc1 is annoying and likely winning) stopping the Q pivoting to the kingside. 30(W) Rc1 needed to be played to keep the advantage. 36(B) agreed a draw here as wasn't sure about longer term king safety, the engine thinks Be7 (my intended move) and Rc2 is winning though. Be7 Rg4 Rc2xb2 and the king can hide on e7 if the queen comes to the kside. Perhaps I should have continued as there was nothing to lose given if the opponent had won, I'd have learned something.

Happy pieces_5. The Queen in attack

Hello champions! I just want to point out one mistake, which I found in the analysis of game Ahues vs. Alekhine. After 32 Dxf1, commentator shows variation which starts with 32...Rxf1 33. Ke2 Rg1 atc., but there is mate in one with 32...Jb2++. With best regards Petrosian64


Thanks and welcome to the family Petrosian 64! We will take note of it and we are glad that you spotted this, this means that you were paying attention! Thanks and happy learning!!!😀

Anti-Sicilian with 2.Nc3 d6 (Part 1) Advanced Na5

I have a question how to play against Na5 11.Be3 black doesn't take bishop immediately but plays b6 (with idea Bb7 and pressure on e4 pawn or even Ba6). It is logical move to develop bishop.


Can you provide the exact moves Inara? That would be very helpful or an screenshot… Thanks!


Anti-Sicilian with 2.Nc3 d6 (Part 1) question

In video it says 1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 d6 3. f4 g6 4. Nf3 Bg7 5. Bc4 Nc6 6. O-O e6 7. d4 cxd4 8. Nb5 d5 9. exd5 exd5 10. Bxd5 Nge7 11. Bxc6+1. e4 d6 2. Nc3 c5 3. f4 Nc6 4. Nf3 g6 5. Bc4 Bg7 6. O-O e6 7. d4 cxd4 8. Nb5 d5 9. exd5 exd5 10. Bxd5 Nge7 11. Bxc6+ in video it says bc and we are pawn up. But nothing is said about 11. Bc6 Nc6, so we cannot get pawn.


Hi and welcome to the family!!! This question was already asked and solved 2 months ago, please check it out Inara:


And happy learning!

Any news on when Blackmood courses or the French and Dutch Main courses will be added or updated?

I understand these courses takes a long time to make. I am just curious if there is any idea on updates to blackmood repertoire. Or when the French and Dutch main courses might be added. I was waiting for more updates on these until I renew my membership. Thanks for all the hard work and good content.


We have not an specified agenda for these courses. As you said courses take a lot of time when done properly and we are not in a hurry to publish courses just to publish them. First we are finishing the courses on the middlegames and endgames, blunderproof, how to win winning positions and how to try to win lost positions. Then we will go back to the openings. But we can not say any dates.😀

NEW ARTICLE: Mysterious Backward Moves on Diagonals

Hey Champions!

We have this topic in our Blog.
If you have any questions, comments or you just liked it, feel free to share your thoughts here. 


An excellent collection of examples! Thanks!

These are the best examples of 'invisible moves' that I have ever seen!!!

Carokann Exchange interesting move order

Hi Chessmood friends, Recently I played a game where I faced a line against Carokann. 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. exd5 cxd5 4. Bd3 Nc6 5. c3 g6 6. Bf4 Bg7 7. Nf3 Nh6!? 8. O-O O-O 9. Re1 f6 This was the first time I faced this Nh6 idea and I have no idea how to played against it as black will get the initiative after e5 move. Any good suggestion against this line?


From memory you want to play c3-c4 when black does this sort of thing. Open up the centre to take advantage of their weird piece placement. Not sure if it 100% applies in this precise line, but I'd be looking for the right time to play c4.

This was already debated here. But you play c4 opening the center before they play e5. Check it out:😀


Also maybe you do not need Bf4 because the Black Bishop will go to g7… Go Nf3 and 0-0 and c4 directly if possible.😀

Hi Wensitn,


F6 move weakens a lot a2-g8 diagonal and the Black King. That's why my recommendation is to play with c4 and open the position.

Daily puzzle answers

I got my first Chessmood coins today!! First time I have solved the Daily puzzle correctly on the first attempt. There have been some occasions where I've not managed to solve the puzzle after attempting multiple combinations, and have had to concede in frustration. Is there a way of seeing / getting the solution if you have failed the puzzle?


You solved the today's daily puzzle in one go? Congratulations. I failed. And the solution brought a smile to my face. I guess the only way to see the solution is to keep trying. Which is the goal of the puzzle get you to retry until you see it (or until you cheat yourself by using an engine assist).

Hey Rob? Guess what? I too got my first Chessmood coins today! Solved it on my first try.

Hello Rob, To make it better from the educational perspective we don't provide the solution :-) Otherwise, a student can give up and see what was the right answer. However, I believe that finding the right solution even through struggling is much better for chess growth! If some examples are very difficult, the Tactic Ninja course is a great help to improve the tactic and calculations. Best wishes ?

Btw, Today's daily puzzle is beautiful! (Sorry to up this thread but didn't want to make a new one only to say that ? ; But I recommend everytone to have a look at it ?)

Benko Course - Advanced Modern section

Hi Chessmood, GM Swapnil Dhopade has a course on Chessable (Lifetime Repertoire: Benko Gambit) where he tackles both of the problem variations that are mentioned in the Advanced Modern Benko videos in the Chessmood Benko Course. Against 8.a7 Rxa7 9.Nf3 he gives 9...e6 Against 8.e5 Ne8 9.h4 Bxe5 10.h5 he gives 10...Qb6


What do you think of this course, I want to buy it to complement


Greetings to all, I am from Venezuela now I have lived in the USA since April, I would like to know if there was any option to watch the videos in Spanish, since I still do not speak English well


Unfortunately not. There might be subtitles and translations some time in the future, but as far as I know there are no plans yet and it's a big job if it were undertaken. The English in the videos is mostly clear despite a few hybrid words and the odd mispronunciation, but given English is a third language for our GMs they do remarkably well. Given that much of chess culture is in English (Russian aside) and given you're based in the US now, it might be a good way (and motivator) to improve your English. Also while English is a hard language because of irregularities and the number of words, getting some fluency isn't so difficult given the number of films, songs, web pages and so on available. It's much harder for the English to learn foreign languages well because you don't get the same immersion possibility. If you get stuck on a few words they'll be help in the forum. Also Google translate may help a bit. Give it a go and see how you get on, it will get easier and the subject is always chess.

One other thing, you can now slow the videos down to half the speed. That might help you catch things that were too fast.

The creators of Avetik and Hohvannes use English as a third maybe 4th language. They have made solid English improvements over the last 3 years and can be an inspiration for those who are just learning it now. Buena😀 suerte

 Marcos, we have so many hours of videos that it is not possible to subtitle everything, the cost is too high and learning basic English for chess is not so difficult if you try it a bit. Always the same vocabulary is being used, you will learn it in no time… 😀
And just in case:
 Marcos, tenemos tantas horas de vídeos que no es posible subtitularlo todo, el costo es demasiado alto y aprender el inglés básico para ajedrez no es tan difícil si te esfuerzas un poco. Siempre se utiliza el mismo vocabulario, lo aprenderás en poco tiempo... 😀
You can do it!!!💪

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