Chess forum by Grandmasters
2 Bishops course_section 6_video number 7. The power of monsters
Good afternoon! I just want to point out one inaccuracy in this video in time 2:55. Comentator is showing line after 23... Qh8 and is saying that 24. Qg5+ Kf7 Rde1 and Nh6+ next move is checkmate, but there is forced mate in 2 after 23...Qh8 24.Nh6+ Kg7 and 25.Qg5++ This time I checked only like 6 times before posting it here! 😀😀😀 With best regards Petrosian64
Thanks Petrosian,
Dully noted. 😀
Suggestion for Improving
I am stuck at the FIDE Rating of 1300 and nowadays I am not improving. I need some sugggestions and training plans for my improvement.
Have you seen chessmoods latest article? I think you might be able to get some help from that( Make sure not to study too much, but also not to play too much. Keep a balance. Also remember to fix your mistakes(ideally by yourself first, then you can check with an engine.) There will always be long stretches of time where your rating won't improve, or even go down, however, at least for me, you will always eventually end up having a massive improvement of hundreds of rating points within a short time span after a few tournaments.
CBV into PGN
Hi guys, I want to ask if anyone knows how to change cbv into pgn files. I have a book in CBV format and want to convert it so that I can play some endgame positions against the engine...
Daily puzzle alternative puzzle 12/12/2022
On today's daily puzzle, after 1.Nf6 f8=Q 2. e5 cd 3. Ke2 Kb4, 4. Na2 was marked wrong, even though it is an alternative answer to Nd5. (After Na2 Ka3 Nc1 d2 Ra8 Kb2 Nd3 Kc2 Nf2)
That problem has at least 3 solutions. By the way your notation is incorrect, it should read: 1.Nc3 c1=Q 2.d4+ cxd3 3.Kd7+ (3.Kb7 also wins in the same way as the mainline) Kb4 4.Na2 winning. The notation is given on the side of the board in the puzzles to guide you.
Puzzle of the day Dec 12
Hi, In today's puzzle, the best continuation has been given as 1. Ng7 which is correct of course. Is it possible that there is another continuation in the form of 1. Nf6, as one possible line will be 1.. Qg6 2. Re8+ Kg7 3. Rg8+ Kxf6 4. Rxg6 fxg6 5. a4 and this is also winning. Is my line of thinking correct? Rgds, Debasish
Correction: 5. a5
I thought that but it's very clever why it's not the right move. Try to work out a clever defence which itself is a puzzle.
NEW ARTICLE: Don't be a Fish
We have this topic in our Blog.
If you have any questions, comments or you just liked it, feel free to share your thoughts here.
What you say is true,
But, being a GM or IM does not guarantee anything...
I have tons of videos, courses, and books written by GM and IM cheaters who intentionally skip critical lines to sell their products. Now, I know them!!
On the other hand, some GMs really LOVE what they are doing: Dvoretsky, Mikhalchishin, Sokolov, Shereshevsky ... never sacrifice the quality. And... I know them as well!
The cheaters will cheat... and they will disappear
Just Keep Moving Forward... People will see and judge.
Keep Moving Forward :)
I didn't know that such people were fishing on google. I learn only from Trustworthy sources, Chessmood, chess with Suren, watch fide games, and streams of the GMs playing on lichess and . I mean, known GMs, such as Grishuk, Nakamura, or even Zhigalko and Zubov, Firouzha and others as well.
True I faced this issue too. I met an IM online on and he gave me account of his gf then i sent him 100 usd and he never showed up and blocked me. I texted all chess webs and they said show us legal court proof and they will ban him. Issue for me was I had no idea about how to file a case because he was from abroad but not India. I was also misguided a lot by many YouTube channels. I don't wanna mention their names but still sad for money they made a huge channel for tricks and traps and a lot people who are new in chess are falling into their trap. Even when I talk to beginners it take a lot time for to convince them that chess is a game of strategy not tricks and in real world tricks wont work and after i show them basic books name they feel not attracted to study chess because those channel ruined their mindset.
Yeah not only online but also offline world is super dangerous. I heard from my friend that people in New Delhi are taking more than 3000 usd to train a beginner and they promise their parents that they can make their kid's level to 1600 from beginner. But see money. 3000 usd and getting only 1600 level. This is rubbish. And worse thing is they are reputed coaches in New Delhi. Even in past when I started making small contents from kids then the Secretary of my state called me and asked me to promote chess in my town. I said I tried a lot but people are not into chess in my city and then he said it's useless to make blogs for kids or anyone. Focus on earning and I said ok. I was so irritated by his words and I felt like what the hell. He said he is 1600 and takes 10 usd per hr and seriously by hearing his words I knew he only sucks time of student and get money but he never helped anyone to improve because all he talked about promotion and money. I know promotion matters in chess but it's the task of state secretory to promote chess in my town and then we can do more help because he is known to all not me. Anyways in the end I left the call and I felt irritated.
I am glad finally I found chessmood where mentors are not marketers and they care for their student's game level instead of filling their pockets. This is best mindset of a true mentor or in India we call them guru. Even ancient gurus in india were same. They cared for student but not money but modern world people are selling their useless products and mis guiding a lot people.
This article should be read by all the new chess players to prevent them from destroying their carrier.
Great article!
Thanks coach not only i am learning about technical chess but also things which are super important and nobody is talking about because most of them are fisherman and others are victims of it who doesnt know what to do ? but that days are gone now i have right mindset, chessmood and its just matter of time to reach where i belong!
Great article
Puzzle of the day, 11 december 2022
Dear CM community, seems that there is a bug with the puzzle today. Nevertheless, have a good day.
I just solved it. What bug did you see?
Opening Questions
Hello everyone! Against 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 d6 3.Nf3 followed by d4, what is the Chessmood recommendation? Is it the Najdorf? Is the nadjorf course's other sections gonna be added?
Hello Sidharth!
Our Chessmood recommedation at the moment is the Accelerated Dragon.
We may include the Najdorf again in the future, we started the course but we thought that it would be better to put all the effort in in the AD. We do not play 2.d6 but 2.Nc6...
it's okay to watch more than 4-5 hours of courses per day
hello chessmood family I start to watch courses on 2022/12/01 I did finish tactic ninja courses and I did solve 100 quiz I almost finish SLP courses I did watch 13 sections from mating matador courses is it okay to keep watching like this or should I take a break?
Crazy variation in the 8.h4 f6 Scotch
I am watching the advanced section videos on 8.h4 f6 9.c4 Ba6 10.Rh3 0-0-0 11.Qe4 Nb6 12.c5 Bxf1 13.cxb6 right now, and the lines after 13...Ba6 14.bxa7 are indeed crazy and very interesting. 🙂 However, I would like to suggest an interesting (to me at least 😅) idea from Black: 13...Bb5, to block the b-file so that it is more difficult for White to carry out Rb3 ideas. If White plays 14.a4 to kick Black's bishop away, Black goes 14...Ba6, and compared to the lines in the videos the a4 square is occupied and White no longer has Ra3 or Qa4 ideas. I understand that GM Avetik and other members of the ChessMood team are probably very busy, but I'd be grateful if a response to this idea could be suggested. 🙂
Hi lemmings Player,
This was already commented here:
Please take a look.
Course notes
Hey Chessmood fam, I'm loving the video courses, but you know what I love even more? The notes provided ! (the starter courses). The way I study is more by myself and I like reading more than watching videos (or actually doing both for best learning experience). I was wondering if I could ask the GMs to include notes in their master courses as well? Especially since the videos are supppperrr long 😅 If possible, thanks in advance!
Tactical level required to make 2300 FIDE
I think there are a few members trying to reach 2300 FIDE, and I'm wondering if you've considered what level of tactical mastery is required to get there. Obviously tactical mastery covers many things. The ability to find deep combinations is part of it, but not the most important part. I would say that being able to reliably see short to medium range tactical sequences is even more important. Most games are not won with 15 move combinations. There is the other side of the coin too. Avoiding blunders, defending tenaciously, and simply navigating sharp positions all require a keen tactical eye. And of course it must all be done with great consistency and speed. It's tempting to think that in a classical game we will very disciplined/organised/rational and thus will be able to calmly crunch through whatever tactics come our way. The reality is that we're going to get tired, distracted, short of time, perhaps all at once, such that we're not playing our best. In these situations it's incredibly helpful if we can rely solid tactical/calculation abilities. A couple of ways to measure tactical ability are blitz rating and (timed) Puzzle Rush score. Obviously blitz skill depends on many things, but it's very hard to be strong at blitz if you can't see tactics quickly. On the other hand, Timed Puzzle Rush only measures tactical skill but it doesn't test the full range of tactical skills. I believe it tests enough to be useful though. I decided to look at some actual data to get a feeling for the levels required. Here is a sampling of players around 2300 from the (currently running) 2022 US Masters. I excluded players under the age of 25, because their FIDE ratings likely lag their actual ability. See the attachment for the data. Overall, my conclusion is that one should be aiming for 2450+ blitz rating and 44+ score in 5 minute Puzzle Rush if your goal is 2300 FIDE. Please share your thoughts.
Not sure it's quite as easy as 2450 blitz and puzzle rush score, but I would say recognition and intuition is developed to the level where such scores are possible. Also puzzle rush and blitz ability isn't quite the same thing, you have to recognise what's going on in a position in puzzle rush, in blitz you already know and just need to take account of the opponent's move.
Hey everyone, I'm currently 2120 smth classical elo, dropped the rating very much this year (from 2170s), not mentioning even rapid/blitz that's just horrible - barelly 2000s. My rating peak was 2260. What I noticed is when I was at that level, I actually knew much less than now with chessmood (The saying "improve and the rating will follow you" certainly doesnt apply to me) but back then I made more draws in classical OTB with higher rated players (IMs, GMs), some games I even won compared to now (I mostly lose to them), won most games usually vs lower rated most of the time and maybe not made such stupid blunders back then as now. So that's from my perspective. I personally believe my chess knowledge is about FM level, (just not the playing practical strength) especially in openings I often surprise IMs with preparation, etc. Also I know much more about strategy, classical games, all the good chessmood stuff. But the big no 1 thing is calculation and energy during the classical OTB game nowadays. I often get good positions out of opening, but later in the second part of the game usually I often lose that gained pressure and even get worse positions with some stupid move or blunder even. Seems my age and worsening memory perhaps plays a part in this. Also I train much more than before, but my results get worse. So that's the paradoxical situation I'm in atm. I believe to get FM, calculation and late middlegame/practical endgames is key, I'm trying to improve it with various hard puzzles, tactical workbooks and so on. On the playing side I mostly play blitz 3+2 online or rapid OTB nowadays, classical is like 50 games per year for me. Please advise.
This week's Perpetual Chess Podcast seems quite relevant to the topics discussed here. Some interesting discussion about training tactics every day, puzzle rush, and the challenges of faster classical time controls. Also related topics like underrated juniors and rating deflation, the importance of 100% focus in OTB games, the importance of playing regular tournaments to stay sharp, and ageing in chess.
New course and new article: Must-know theoretical endgames
Many often struggle to win theoretically winning endgames. Or they find it hard to defend positions that are simple theoretical draws.
This is where knowledge of the most important endgame positions and concepts helps.
For example, just by knowing the concept of opposition and the square rule, you can accurately predict the outcome of almost every King and pawn vs King endgame.
Similarly, knowing some important positions and concepts in the Rook endgame, like the Lucena position, Philidor position, will make it easier to play this type of ending.
Today, we’ve launched a course, Must-know theoretical endgames, where you’ll learn the most important positions and concepts from the pawn endings, Rook endings, Queen vs pawn endings, and others.
This course is aimed at players below 2000 level. It focuses only on the essential positions and concepts without going into more depth as the specific endings under the Step-by-step Endgame Mastery section.
You can watch the course from here 👇
Also, GM Gabuzyan has written an article where he shares the must-know positions from the King and pawn endgames. Read it here 👇
Share your thoughts under this forum thread.
Dear GM, I have watched and digested this course. A long time ago I was shown a simple way of mating with bishop and knight and was wondering if you were aware of this. Just set up say Bb3 and Nd3 and use the king to shoulder. By extension a Bb5 and Nd5 forms a barrier and you use the king to shepherd the other king into the corner. This I had worked out for myself and was pleasantly surprised to find recently in Dvoretsky. I know this is only for the 2000 range but I would love you to explain R and B v R sometime. I have spent days and still am unable to grasp it even though I managed to win over the board as my opponent had even less understanding ! Thx Mike
New article: The Complete Checkmate Patterns List (with examples)
While working on creating the Mating Patterns pdf, we thought ‘What if instead, we publish it as an article?’
This way, you can easily access all the checkmating patterns, with their definitions and examples.
So you can simply check this list whenever you want to memorize or quickly refresh your knowledge of a checkmating pattern.
Here, we’ve covered every important mating pattern, including the Queen to the pawn, and also mate patterns involving different pieces.
Click here to check out the complete list of mating patterns👇
Share your thoughts below.
Nice. Would be useful for a few of these handouts on the openings as well. I do a lot of this work manually and it's time consuming.
Proposal: Titled Tuesday stream with CM openings
I feel the 2200-2800 stream needs a change. How about replacing it with a Titled Tuesday stream? Pros: * strong opponents * competitive * increment (3+1) * time between games can be spent on analysis Cons: * may need to use your main account * CM openings may end up in databases What do you think?
That's a cool idea. Maybe not every week, but I would like to see it at least once!
Interesting idea, but GM mentioned on streams that still there are many suspiction (smart cheaters) playing in TT. Games of course land on TWIC on weekly basis and then to chessbase..
Would very much like to see this also ?
Thanks for playing TT today! I enjoyed watching the stream and hope to see more of this. Instead of watching other players' games, could perhaps quickly analyze the opening phase of the previous game (can use opening explorer/engine if necessary). This would also nicely compensate for speaking less during the game.
Caro-Kann - black's Rc8 & Nb4 or Nxd4 idea
In various different variations when the white queen goes to c2, typically after black plays Bg4-h5, black puts a rook on c8 and threatens to play either Nxd4 or Nb4, exchanging white's strong bishop. How should we generally approach this? Retreating the queen to b1, or playing Nd2-b3, allowing Nb4? Example variation below: 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. exd5 cxd5 4. Bd3 Nc6 5. c3 Nf6 6. Bf4 Bg4 7. Qb3 Qd7 8. Nd2 e6 9. Ngf3 Bd6 10. Bxd6 Qxd6 11. O-O O-O 12. Rae1 Rab8 13. Ne5 Bh5 14. Qc2 Rfc8 15. Nb3 Nb4
14 a3 is given in Squeezing the Caro-Kann with Bg6 15. Bxg6 hxg6 16. Re3 b5 17. f4 a5 18. Rh3 b4 19. axb4 axb4 20. Qd1 attacking the kingside etc 14... Rfc8 15. Qa2 a5 16. a4 14... b5 15. Qc2 Na5 with 16. f4 Nc4 17. Nb3 a6 18. Nc5 or 16. b4 Nc4 17. a4
In general, I wouldn't recommend allowing Nb4, usually Black goes Bg6 and the Bishops get exchanged so Queen steps on d3. Or if Bishop doesn't go to g6 often we go to Ne5 the other Knight f3 with Qe2 or other options.
To summarize Nb4 and exchanging light squared bishop isn't good.
Benko Bg5 ?!
Twice now my opponent has played Bg5 in the Benko. So d4 Nf6 : c4 c5: d5 b5 : then Bg5 . What to do in this quasi Tromp position. I tried Ne4 but was not entirely satisfied with my subsequent position.
I play Ne4 here. If Nf3 we take the bishop, clear advantage and get rid of the blocker on the dark squares. If any bishopmove we go Qa4 check. If they went back and block with the bishop we get the bishop anyway. If they block with the knight we get the pawn on c4. There's a line after Ne4 where they play Nd2 ignoring the hanging bishop, but they trap you after with h4. In most scenario's we can take on c4 however and hold the pawn with check and development on the queenside. But yeah its all weird lines after that move. Ne4 is always correct I feel tho.
I haven't encountered Bg5 there before. For a bit of fun I ran Stockfish 15 to depth 48 on the position. The top four moves, with scores, were: Ne4 (-0.12), Qa5+(0.15), b4 (0.19), a6 (0.20). Ne4 might the most testing, but can lead to some unusual positions. I'm not sure it's worth investing the time to figure out how to play those positions well. I think b4 is a nice simple response that should lead to similar play to some other lines in the ChessMood repertoire such as 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.Qc2 b4.
In the Benko course there is a section, Upcoming updates. Here (around 14.00) Gabuzyan recomends bxc4, along with some short analyze
Hi Keven,
As Mogens recommended in this thread, I am speaking about it in the upcoming Benko Updates file.
Good Luck!
Website improvements
Some suggestions for further improving the website: 1. Once member has logged in, remove all ads: "unlock courses" buttons, testimonials, steps to improve, etc. They take up a lot of space (resulting in unnecessary scrolling) and aren't useful to people who've already been converted. 2. Default to "log in", not "sign up". I understand why the latter is the default, but people log in 100x more often than they sign up. 3. Make forum compatible with iPhone. iPhone and iPad (and possibly also MacBook) use special characters for apostrophes, quotation marks, etc., which the forum rejects with a "please type text in English" message. This also means that completions for words such as "let's" don't work. 4. It would be great if the website search showed results while typing, e.g., to quickly navigate to a course.
Another problematic character is three dots as in "12...Nf6", which iPhone automatically converts to ellipsis, which is again rejected.
Too much marketing drives people away - what's the catch and association with hardsell/poor products that need heavy marketing. As mentioned before a less in your face 2 minute video would cover much of it and be there if you want to know more. Generally the need is there when people come (they really want to improve) all they need is showing what's on the site will make a difference.
Just found another bug: 5. On iPhone/iPad, quizzes don't work reliably. Every few positions (perhaps related to changing page orientation or accidentally zooming the page), the quizz gets stuck, pieces can't be moved anymore, and reloading the page doesn't work either. Only way out is to press the browser back button. 6. Moving pieces in quizzes is difficult on iPhone/iPad. It would be much easier if I could select source and target square than having to slide the piece across the board.
I would like to see a better profile feature. Currently there is something called a public profile, but as far as I can tell it's not public at all and only the ChessMood staff can read it. By default, all details on the current profile should remain private. But let people somehow control which information is viewable by other members. This would enhance discussions because a little background information helps put things in context. And it would promote a sense of community.
Found another forum bug: 7. When editing a post that contains an empty line (such as this post), the empty line turns into multiple empty lines.
One more to add to the bug list. It seems on Android if you scroll during a quiz the page locks up.
Here's another forum usability issue that I keep running into: I type a long response, then accidentally click "Reply" above the post instead of "Send" below the post. As a result, the entire response is lost, and I need to type it again. Still waiting for #3 to be fixed. iOS compatibility of the ChessMood website could be improved by having a ChessMood employee regularly use iPhone or iPad.
I would never ...
...have played such an flawles attacking game before I met Avetik Grigoryan! 👏
Endgames and training
It probably should mention at the end of Must Know Endgame Theory that as well as practising with a partner, you can practise practical endgames that rely on the knowledge in lichess puzzles. You can select themes of pawn, rook, knight, bishop, queen and queen and rook endings and well as general endings. Playing enough of these puzzles and analysing them when wrong decisions are made should help improve play and give a feeling for them.
I think sparring endgames with partners is a great way to improve endgame knowledge/ technique. Now if only we had a community of like minded people who were intent on improvement.......