New success story: Becoming FM and gaining 116 elo in just 3 events!🚀 - Chess forum by Grandmasters

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ChessMood 2 years ago
New success story: Becoming FM and gaining 116 elo in just 3 events!🚀

Ever feel like something is jamming your full chess potential?

Maybe it’s self-doubt, past failures and even unpleasant childhood memories. Everyone faces them in some form or the other.

These mental blocks are like an invisible wall. They prevent you from unleashing your full potential!

When one of our students faced these blocks, he knew he had to fight them to achieve his dreams! And he did!

Today, we’re launching the transformation story of this student, FM William Graif! Discover:

✅The mindset shift that helped overcome unpleasant childhood memories.

✅What helped William reignite his love for chess.

✅How he conquered his failures and moments of self-doubt.

✅His journey of winning the Junior Championship of his country with a round to spare, despite being seeded outside the top 10!

✅His visit to the ChessMood office.

✅The McDonald’s story with GM Avetik, and Chicago Blitzers. 

✅ How William raised 116 elo in just 3 tournaments and achieved his FM title!

Get practical ideas to shatter your mental hurdles by reading the full story!👇
And under this forum thread, you can share your thoughts and congratulatory wishes to William.

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