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Play 1-1 against a Grandmaster
by GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
Date Sep. 10 - 15:00 (UTC)

Play 1-1 against a Grandmaster

Test your skills in a 1-1 blitz game vs GM Gabuzyan!

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1-1 call with new PRO Members Sep. 13 - 03:00 (UTC)
1-1 call with new PRO Members
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ChessMood Family vs Grandmaster Sep. 14 - 13:00 (UTC)
ChessMood Family vs Grandmaster
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Racing from 1506 to 2000, Part 1 Sep. 17 - 15:00 (UTC)
Racing from 1506 to 2000, Part 1
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Unlocked See more
Unlocked See more
Play 1-1 against a Grandmaster Sep. 28 - 13:00 (UTC)
Play 1-1 against a Grandmaster
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Stream with GM Gabuzyan Unlocked
Date Sep 08 - 15:00 UTC (UTC)

Stream with GM Gabuzyan

GM Gabuzyan crushing with ChessMood openings 2800+ players

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Webinar: The Most Instructive Moments of "Streaming Series 1600 to 2400", Part 2 Unlocked
Date Sep 03 - 15:00 UTC (UTC)

Webinar: The Most Instructive Moments of "Streaming Series 1600 to 2400", Part 2

We'll go together through the most of instructive games and the moments of the last streaming series. 

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Webinar: The Most Instructive Moments of "Streaming Series 1600 to 2400", Part 1 Unlocked
Date Sep 01 - 15:00 UTC (UTC)

Webinar: The Most Instructive Moments of "Streaming Series 1600 to 2400", Part 1

We'll go together through the most of instructive games and the moments of the last streaming series. 


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Stream: From 1600 to 2400 on, Part 14 Unlocked
Date Aug 27 - 15:00 UTC (UTC)

Stream: From 1600 to 2400 on, Part 14

Together we will raise our rating from 1600 to 2400 and during our journey, we'll explore the weak points of each level.

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Interactive lesson: Prophylaxis in Attack Unlocked
Date Aug 25 - 15:00 UTC (UTC)

Interactive lesson: Prophylaxis in Attack

How to kill opponent's ideas and continue a free attack?

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Stream: From 1600 to 2400 on, Part 13 Unlocked
Date Aug 20 - 15:00 UTC (UTC)

Stream: From 1600 to 2400 on, Part 13

Together we will raise our rating from 1600 to 2400 and during our journey, we'll explore the weak points of each level.

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Webinar: Typical Mistakes in the Openings Unlocked
Date Aug 18 - 15:00 UTC (UTC)

Webinar: Typical Mistakes in the Openings

We learn, we practice, we fix! This is how we become better! Webinar about typical mistakes in the openings.

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Stream: From 1600 to 2400 on, Part 12 Unlocked
Date Aug 13 - 15:00 UTC (UTC)

Stream: From 1600 to 2400 on, Part 12

Together we will raise our rating from 1600 to 2400 and during our journey, we'll explore the weak points of each level.

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Stream: From 1600 to 2400 on, Part 11 Unlocked
Date Aug 11 - 15:00 UTC (UTC)

Stream: From 1600 to 2400 on, Part 11

Together we will raise our rating from 1600 to 2400 and during our journey, we'll explore the weak points of each level.

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Stream with GM Gabuzyan Unlocked
Date Aug 06 - 15:00 UTC (UTC)

Stream with GM Gabuzyan

GM Gabuzyan crushing with ChessMood openings 2800+ players

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Stream: From 1600 to 2400 on, Part 10 Unlocked
Date Aug 04 - 15:00 UTC (UTC)

Stream: From 1600 to 2400 on, Part 10

Together we will raise our rating from 1600 to 2400 and during our journey, we'll explore the weak points of each level.

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Stream: From 1600 to 2400 on, Part 9 Unlocked
Date Jul 30 - 15:00 UTC (UTC)

Stream: From 1600 to 2400 on, Part 9

Together we will raise our rating from 1600 to 2400 and during our journey, we'll explore the weak points of each level.

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Stream: From 1600 to 2400 on, Part 8 Unlocked
Date Jul 28 - 15:00 UTC (UTC)

Stream: From 1600 to 2400 on, Part 8

Together we will raise our rating from 1600 to 2400 and during our journey, we'll explore the weak points of each level.

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Interactive lesson: The logic of the openings Unlocked
Date Jul 23 - 15:00 UTC (UTC)

Interactive lesson: The logic of the openings

Have you ever thought that each move has a downside? Even 1.e4!  Are you surprised?

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Bonus event: Simul game, GM Avetik vs PRO Members Unlocked
Date Jul 21 - 15:00 UTC (UTC)

Bonus event: Simul game, GM Avetik vs PRO Members

GM Avetik will play simul games with our PRO Members and will comment the games during a LIVE stream. Take your seat!

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