Speedboat Adventures | Power Your Rooks Through Open Files

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Speedboat Adventures | Power Your Rooks Through Open Files

Course 86 episodes
(2 hours 40 min)
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

Controlling open files is an important strategic concept that helps you apply pressure on your opponent, paralyze the movement of their pieces, and infiltrate their position.

This course will teach you the key ideas and concepts in order to achieve this...

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Below you can find some positions taken from the course.

Open files, open linesOpen files, open linesOpen files, open linesOpen files, open linesOpen files, open linesOpen files, open linesOpen files, open linesOpen files, open lines

There are model game positions that will help you to understand how to implement the key concepts in your own games.

Ready? Let’s go!

What you'll learn

  • What makes open files so important?
  • How to fight for open files by making exchanges or sacrifices.
  • How to prevent your opponent from entering your camp by controlling key entry squares.
  • What are useless open files and why you shouldn't occupy them.
  • Which open files are the most important to control?
  • How to create the Alekhine Gun to dominate an open file
  • Lessons on using open file from the games of Grandmasters
  • How to make the most out of your Rooks on the 7th rank and more.

Course Content

  • media 86
  • puzzle 102
    Quizzes & Trainings
  • time 2 hours 40 min
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Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

Sara Sengenberger
Sara Sengenberger
Very handy ideas! I especially liked the section on useless open files. Like many lower-rated players, I tend to move my heavy pieces blindly onto open files without thinking whether that is a good plan in the specific case.
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks a lot, dear Sara! I am excited you have enjoyed the course.
Vishnu V
Vishnu V
I am 1700 rated player,I am good with double bishops.After watching your course I am enthusiastic to use double rooks and queen in my next classical tournament,and also the rook entry into the enemy camp.Sincere thanks
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks for nice words! I hope you crush them with heavy pieces :-)))
Vibhav Bondalapati
Vibhav Bondalapati
I did not know the power of this until I joined Chessmood. I knew it was important, but you showed it in a really good way. Really liked it, And I rate it 10/10
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks for this fantastic feedback! Yeah, knowing how to fight for the open files is a super important skill!
WOW, thank you so much coach, that was simply awesome! god bless your efforts!! i will make you proud in upcoming games and dedicate my success to you! one suggestion, we have Rook and Bishop courses, how about the KNIGHT MANOVEURS, I'm waiting, thanks a million!!!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thank you so much for your kind words! Good luck in the upcoming tournaments!
Petrisor Gavrila
Petrisor Gavrila
Very instructive, like always!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thank you so much!
Alan Marcuse
Alan Marcuse
Great and very helpful. Haven't know yet that there is so much to learn about this topic.
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks, yeah heavy pieces are important!
Mahit Viyan Akula
Mahit Viyan Akula
Nigel Fleming
Nigel Fleming
Did this course a while back and just went over it again - excellent material. Now doing the “take a test” positions, which really I really hope will help keep it fresh in my mind. Great course!
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Thanks a lot!
Shubhi Gupta
Shubhi Gupta
Very nice course, helping me a lot to improve in both positional and aggressive positions
admin image
I am glad this helped, thank you 😊
Solomon Thuo
Solomon Thuo
Really good, learnt somethings that i have never encountered before
admin image
Thanks! Hope you enjoyed this 😊
Devendra Parmar
Devendra Parmar
really helpful
Devendra Parmar
Devendra Parmar
really good
admin image
Really thank you 😊
Nils Philipp
Nils Philipp
Well-chosen topics/patterns. And I especially found Section 11 with the test positions very helpful. Also, I liked that some examples are taken from commented games.
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Robert J.
Robert J.
Thank you for this wonderful course. It’s very instructive and easy to remember.
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Thanks for kind words Robert!
InSane _AbHi
InSane _AbHi
Ovi - Silver Cloud
Ovi - Silver Cloud
G is getting better and better at teaching. Thank you much for the excellent lesson!
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Thanks Ovi!
Gil Holmes
Gil Holmes
GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

Hovhannes Gabuzyan became a U-16 Olympic Champion in 2010. Two years later, at 17, he achieved the Grandmaster title.

He was the World University Chess Champion in 2016, the Armenian Champion in 2017 and 2021, and has represented his country at the prestigious Chess Olympiad.

He believes time is a person’s most valuable resource. This philosophy reflects in his swift play on the chessboard and his training methods that focus on squeezing the most out of one’s time.

Hovhannes Gabuzyan became a U-16 Olympic Champion in 2010. Two years later, at 17, he achieved the Grandmaster title.

He was the World University Chess Champion in 2016, the Armenian Champion in 2017 and 2021, and has represented his country at the prestigious Chess Olympiad.

He believes time is a person’s most valuable resource. This philosophy reflects in his swift play on the chessboard and his training methods that focus on squeezing the most out of one’s time.

You may find it useful to read our article on open files.

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play 86
quize 102
Quizzes & Trainings
time 2 hours 40 min
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
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