Spartan Shield: 7 Key Concepts to Shield your King

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Spartan Shield - 7 Key Concepts to Shield your King

Course 62 episodes
(2 hours 6 min)
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

Defending is a super skill – one that will save you from crushing attacks and make attackers unhappy!

At some point, you’ll face opponents who just love attacking. Inspired by attacking classics, these opponents are always looking for a way to pounce at your King, sacrifice pieces and checkmate you.

At the start of his chess career, GM Gabuzyan struggled when he was attacked. He would panic and had a hard time defending his King. Every such loss made him depressed. 

But soon, his coach taught him that being attacked is not the end. And by following basic defensive principles, he could defend successfully.

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As he started learning, GM Gabuzyan couldn’t believe how easy it was to learn and understand how to defend. With more experience, his defensive skills got better. And soon, he no longer feared getting attacked.

In this course, GM Gabuzyan shares the 7 most important defensive concepts. These will help you become fearless when you come under attack and also help refute the rubbish and unsound attacks!

Below are the positions from the course:

Spartan Shield - 7 Key Concepts to Shield your KingSpartan Shield - 7 Key Concepts to Shield your KingSpartan Shield - 7 Key Concepts to Shield your KingSpartan Shield - 7 Key Concepts to Shield your KingSpartan Shield - 7 Key Concepts to Shield your KingSpartan Shield - 7 Key Concepts to Shield your KingSpartan Shield - 7 Key Concepts to Shield your KingSpartan Shield - 7 Key Concepts to Shield your King

Ready to defend like a Spartan? 🛡️

Pick up your shields! Let’s go!

Note – This course is aimed at players below 1600 online rating. It serves as a good starting point to learn about defending. To learn more advanced concepts, check out Johan Hellsten’s course, ‘Defend with Honor’.

What you'll learn

  • A simple defensive strategy to take the sting out of any attack.
  • A technique used by legendary defenders like Petrosian, Karpov to diffuse the opponent’s attacking threats.
  • How to punish your opponent for their ‘wrong’ sacrifices.
  • How to time a counterattack and use tactics while defending. 
  • Common mistakes players make while defending.

Course Content

  • media 62
  • puzzle 73
    Quizzes & Trainings
  • quiz 2
  • time 2 hours 6 min
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Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

Yuya Sato
Yuya Sato
This course is excellent. Before taking this course, I often panicked when facing an attack. I would weaken my pawn structure, leaving myself vulnerable to being overrun. However, after taking this course, I have gained a clear understanding of how to respond to typical attacking patterns, implement effective defensive strategies, and identify the right moments to execute counter attack. As a result, I no longer feel overwhelmed under pressure. Moving forward, whenever I come under attack, I will begin by taking a deep breath and staying composed. From there, I hope to gradually apply the techniques I have learned and internalize them through practice. By taking this course and reviewing its content, I feel that I have laid the foundation for approaching attacks with the right mood. Thank you very much Mr. Gabuzyan.
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Dear Yuya, Thanks a lot for your kind words, I am excited to know that you feel better about your defending foundation. Also I can see that you are regularly watching the courses, good job! Keep it up!
After this course, none of my opponents can get through my defense. I feel so confident now. Thank you so much
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
It's amazing to hear this - thank you!
Henry Yang
Henry Yang
I usually get in time pressure when getting attacked.
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
I hope this course knowledge will help you to make better decisions :-)
Henry Yang
Henry Yang
Shreyash Buva
Shreyash Buva
Thank you for course
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks for your nice feedback :-)
we love this course
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks :-)
Sanj Dica
Sanj Dica
Great course thanks
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thank you as well 🙂
Riccardo Volpati
Riccardo Volpati
Hi Gabu , as usually great course for defense ; Thanks a lot
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Hi Riccardo, Thanks for the very nice words, I appreciate it a lot.
Edgar Kab
Edgar Kab
Very accessible concepts and positions to solve. I never thought about the different defensive concepts in this way. Would recommend!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Edgar thanks for your nice words :-) It's important to understand the concepts behind the examples - and if you do that, it will be easier to find the defending ideas.
Hugo Asensio
Hugo Asensio
The best course to defend yourself
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Unfortunately, this doesn't help in a street fight :-) Only on the chessboard:-))))
Hugo Asensio
Hugo Asensio
Ashwin Iyer
Ashwin Iyer
Really helpful course to strengthen your defensive skills...simple but Very effective!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks, Ashwin! Simple, but very kind words :-)
Juan Garcia
Juan Garcia
Amazing course! I didn't realize I had so many resources for defense. Now my king will be much safer! Thanks!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks for the nice words! Yeah. King is the boss on the chessboard - so the safety is permanent :-)
Sanj Dica
Sanj Dica
it helps a lot. :)
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks! Why 4 not 5? :)
Sanj Dica
Sanj Dica
Why is one star missing? Because you are missing, and the video isn’t the same without you!
Paul Batchelor
Paul Batchelor
Great Course!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Great words :-) Thanks!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks for the nice words! I hope this shield will Guard you from many attacks :-)
Vishnu V
Vishnu V
Excellent course with few advanced test positions
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks, Vishnu, If you are looking for more advanced defense, check the Defend with Honor course - which is advanced course on that topic :-)
Ahmedabad AboElnile
Ahmedabad AboElnile
How you can make amazing course like this , I love it so much thank you👏👏
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thank you so much! It's an amazing feeling to read such a nice feedback!
‫سرادر Sirader
‫سرادر Sirader
Thanks for all information 🙂
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks for kind words :-)
Gabriel Cattoir
Gabriel Cattoir
This is Spartaaaaaa ! All kidings aside, an amazing course and very good explained! I love it that you went over all the alternative lines and explained why they work or don't work. This is the difference that I love from you all! You make me understand chess and not just "know the best line". Defending isn't the easyest subject and I probably didn't understand all the fine nuances but I do feel so much stronger as a player/defender. I'll rewatch this course a lot until I am strong enough to defend my king with honor. Now, on to the test. 90% ... I'll come back with my shield or on it.
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Gabriel - thanks for this amazing feedback :-) Reading this makes me smile, and I am super excited yo know you liked it so much) Good like dear SPARTAN!
Darshil Iyer
Darshil Iyer
Really awesome course Now I can even defend my positions better
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Great! Happy to see this :)
Tony Weir
Tony Weir
As with all the courses, fantastic content with clear explanations. The advice on accepting sacrifices was, for me, a revelation. In the past I was more likely to decline, even if the win wasn’t obvious, and would then suffer and most likely lose. Not any more - accept, keep active and perhaps give back material on favourable terms.
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Another great feedback from you Tony, excited to know you liked this course as well :-)
Saeid Mousavi
Saeid Mousavi
Outstanding course and very well presented. At the end of conclusion section it said to go to the quiz but that was the end of the course and there is no quiz after test section.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks, Saeid! Our bad. We've renamed it. In the course page, can you see "Take a test?" This is what we meant.
Saeid Mousavi
Saeid Mousavi
Thank you Avo It's great. Thank you for the amazing course. Could you reply to my message on Facebook as well please?
Chris Knight
Chris Knight
Great course, well broken down into possible options to watch out for, and linking in well with tactics too.
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks for Kind words Chris :-)
Ace Mckareb
Ace Mckareb
Fantastic course! Everybody loves to become a ferocious attacker but to really become better in chess, we must also be a great defender. Not many instruction out there for learning defense. This course is the rare one.
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks dear Ace, - yeah it's super important the ability to defend, when everyone loves to attack :-)
Eric Stolen
Eric Stolen
I really got a lot out of this course. I watched it twice and learned more on the second viewing, because it covers many tools and principles of defense. GM Gabuzyan does a super job presenting the material with detailed explanation at a nice pace. I also really appreciated his positive attitude. Overall a very helpful and inspiring course. Thank you GM Gabuzyan!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Dear Eric thank you so much for such a kind words, I am super happy you enjoyed the course :-)
Avery Ho
Avery Ho
Very good and detailed
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thank you!
Jean Dominique
Jean Dominique
very good
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thank you :-)
Super Champ
Super Champ
It helped me so much in vidya chess tornament last round completely defending but won by spartan shield concept and with 6points out of 7 rounds i became first in under 10 category
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
I am excited to know it helped to win a tournament, congrats!
Kyle Sun
Kyle Sun
Great course. Defense is very unique since I've always only thought about attacking (and also the idea that attacking is the best defense). I would lose to some lower level players that are more aggressive than me, but no more! Thanks GM Gabuzyan!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
I am happy to read this! Tell sorry from me to your lower rated opponents :-)
Exact Ly
Exact Ly
In the test for Q25, the bishop is on c2 and not on d3! Thus, instead of Nb7, the correct answer is Nxc4! Either way, I like this course!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Ooooh! Thanks for sharing it. I will fix it right away.
Varun Vallinathan
Varun Vallinathan
i love this course . and 2 monthes before i dont know all defensiive tactics know i got many knowledge from this course
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Rishit Shah
Rishit Shah
A very useful booster to win. Thanks
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yogesh vishwakarma
yogesh vishwakarma
Great course
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Henry Singletary
Henry Singletary
I found this course so helpful because I always need help in defending my king from an attack. I really like the way GM Gabuzyan teaches and makes it so simple to understand. Just like all your other courses, well done!
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Henry! Thank you very much!
Shaun Sedice
Shaun Sedice
Even though I am a strong player, I found this a helpful course. It contained lots of valuable techniques I needed reminding about. Thank you. I will look at the "Defend With Honor" course soon.
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Thanks! Yep! For more advanced players Think Like an Honor by Johal Hellsten will be a good choice!
Narasimha Rao
Narasimha Rao
Well structured and adds value to every minute you spend on this course. Thanks to GM Gabuzyan for his wonderful course.
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Abdelbary Alshamekh
Abdelbary Alshamekh
when i was being attacked i was only pushing i didnt think of any of this haha thank you sir
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You're welcome! Now you will defend with honor :)
Aqil aziz
Aqil aziz
i love it
Antonio Addivinola
Antonio Addivinola
The course is well-structured and gives a fundamental understanding of a topic (often underrated) like defense. GM Gabuzyan illustrates in a detailed way interesting positions where the seven defensive weapons find their application.
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Thanks a lot!
Very good teacher, so clear
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Seif Eldeen Mostafa
Seif Eldeen Mostafa
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Thanks :)
Adam Elazab
Adam Elazab
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Vedant Mudaliar
Vedant Mudaliar
great course
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Giorgos Kechagias
Giorgos Kechagias
Brilliant, must-watch course for rapid improvement!
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Thanks a lot!
Mason Ma
Mason Ma
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Hehe :)
Sameh Abdalla
Sameh Abdalla
Great course
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Thanks :)
Sergio Carrera
Sergio Carrera
A very important and often underestimated topic, explained superbly
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Gracias, Sergio!
Leslie Smith
Leslie Smith
Spartan Shield - A great name for a great course! GM Gabuzyan delivers another excellent course with clear concepts that simplify understanding. The example positions will make you think and then really understand when the logical explanations are presented. Well done and fun as well!
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Thanks, brother Leslie!
Thomas Bolme
Thomas Bolme
Great course. For a newer player, this totally changed how I see the board. In particular the mobilization sections were super helpful. Thank you so much!
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Great! Thanks, Thomas!
Tony O'Donovan
Tony O'Donovan
Fantastic course
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Thanks, Tony!
Claudio Thoux
Claudio Thoux
Another excellent course from chessmood, love this one because helped me to think about defense in new ways (such as counterattack). Thank you for these lessons coaches
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Thanks a lot, Claudio!
Mark Beveridge
Mark Beveridge
I love this course helped me see the board in new ways and learn many good things. Thank you for these lessons GM Gabuzyan
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Thanks too, Mark!
Kamel Hamoudi
Kamel Hamoudi
Fantastic short course about defense.
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Thanks, Kamel!
Debasish Bhattacharjee
Debasish Bhattacharjee
A 5 rating on this site is a mere formality. I am yet to see any course that should be rated less.
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Hehe :) Thanks a lot, Debasish!
Ovi - Silver Cloud
Ovi - Silver Cloud
Excellent lesson again from the geniuses at Chessmood!
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Haha :) Muchas gracias, amigo!
Tony O'Donovan
Tony O'Donovan
Another brilliant course from chessmood
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Thanks, Tony! Stay awesome!
Jean marc LEPRETRE
Jean marc LEPRETRE
Very good lessons
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Vedanta Kirkire
Vedanta Kirkire
Nice explanation
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Vache Kocharyan
Vache Kocharyan
Very good course?
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Is it a question? :) We think so, haha :D
Shobana R
Shobana R
emad naser
emad naser
GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

Hovhannes Gabuzyan became a U-16 Olympic Champion in 2010. Two years later, at 17, he achieved the Grandmaster title.

He was the World University Chess Champion in 2016, the Armenian Champion in 2017 and 2021, and has represented his country at the prestigious Chess Olympiad.

He believes time is a person’s most valuable resource. This philosophy reflects in his swift play on the chessboard and his training methods that focus on squeezing the most out of one’s time.

Hovhannes Gabuzyan became a U-16 Olympic Champion in 2010. Two years later, at 17, he achieved the Grandmaster title.

He was the World University Chess Champion in 2016, the Armenian Champion in 2017 and 2021, and has represented his country at the prestigious Chess Olympiad.

He believes time is a person’s most valuable resource. This philosophy reflects in his swift play on the chessboard and his training methods that focus on squeezing the most out of one’s time.

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time 2 hours 6 min
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
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