Saving Lost Positions

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SLP Method - The Art of Saving Lost Positions

Course 99 episodes
(4 hours 29 min)
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan

From time to time, you’re going to get into losing positions. It happens even to the world’s best players. So how should you approach these positions?

Most players would give up in such situations and leave a lot of rating points on the table. 

On the other hand, there’s a breed of players who often swindles their way out of lost positions. It almost seems like they got a lucky escape. 


In fact, during his professional chess career, GM Avetik was often called – ‘lucky Avetik’. That’s because he used to save lots of lost positions. And since many people had no clue how he did it, they attributed it to him being lucky. 

However, saving lost positions (or SLP) is a skill anyone can learn. And this course teaches you that. You’ll learn:

  • The specific mindset you should adopt when you’re in a difficult position.
  • How to provoke mistakes from your opponent in such situations?
  • How to train to improve your SLP skills? 

…and much more.

For Avinash Ramesh, learning to save lost positions (or SLP) was the most important skill he picked up from ChessMood, and it played a big role in him going from 1900 to 2400 FIDE elo and scoring 1 IM norm in 1 year! 

This course will give you the tools to hone and sharpen your SLP skills. As you become good at it, your opponents will hate you, or compliment you by calling you lucky 😀 But only you’ll know it’s not just about luck 🙂

Below are the positions from the course:

SLP Method - The Art of Saving Lost PositionsSLP Method - The Art of Saving Lost PositionsSLP Method - The Art of Saving Lost PositionsSLP Method - The Art of Saving Lost PositionsSLP Method - The Art of Saving Lost PositionsSLP Method - The Art of Saving Lost PositionsSLP Method - The Art of Saving Lost PositionsSLP Method - The Art of Saving Lost Positions

Ready to become a lucky player and save lots of rating points?

Let’s get started!

What you'll learn

  • The mindset you should adopt when in a difficult position.
  • How to make it harder for your opponent to win?
  • The unconventional chess principles you should follow to save a lost position.
  • The art of bluffing.
  • How to provoke mistakes from your opponent?
  • How to train to improve your SLP skills and so much more…

Lesson Plan

99 episode(s) 4 hours 29 min

Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

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Course 99 episodes (4 hours 29 min)
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan
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