Rook Endgames

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Rook Endgames

Course 114 episodes
(5 hours 37 min)
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

Rook endgames are the most frequent endgames. Yet, they’re also the most complex. 

Their complexity intimidates many chess players from putting effort into studying them.

What if you can use this to your competitive advantage? 🤔
What if you take that extra step to master Rook endgame? 🤔


Imagine how much more comfortable you’ll feel and the advantage you’ll have against someone who doesn’t know how to navigate in this type of an ending.

This course will teach you the most important things about Rook endgames that players from 2000 rating to Grandmasters need to know.

GM Gabuzyan worked with a team of 4 titled players on this course for a whole 1 month to make this material as simple and clear as possible.

You’ll be learning important defensive techniques, winning techniques, advanced theoretical positions and more.

Below are the positions from the course:

Rook EndgamesRook EndgamesRook EndgamesRook EndgamesRook EndgamesRook EndgamesRook EndgamesRook Endgames

Ready to put in the work to stay ahead of your competition?

C'mon, let’s jump in!

Note: This is an advanced Rook endgames course. To learn the basics, we suggest you first watch the Theoretical Rook endgame course. 

What you'll learn

  • The 2nd defense of the Philidor position, how to hold, the mistakes to avoid, and more
  • Nuances and advanced concepts of a Vancura position, how to hold, the mistakes to avoid, and more
  • The ideal setup and technique to hold 4 vs 3 same-side pawns in the Rook endgame
  • How to create winning chances in 4 vs 3 same-side pawns in Rook endgames
  • Playing Rook endings with 2 vs 1 same-side majority
  • The strategy to play 4 vs 3 majority with an outside passed pawn in a Rook endgame
  • Can Rook + 2 connected pawns vs Rook end in a draw?
  • The defensive technique to hold Rook vs. Rook + 2 separated pawns (a & c-pawn, f & h-pawn) and more

Course Content

  • 114
  • 65
    Quizzes & Trainings
  • 1
  • 5 hours 37 min
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Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

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play 114
quize 65
Quizzes & Trainings
file 1
time 5 hours 37 min
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
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