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Rook + Knight vs Rook
(26 min)
Is Rook and Knight vs Rook endgame, without pawns, drawn?
In most cases, it is.
But there are winning positions for the attacking side!
And if you don’t know the right technique hold, you could make mistakes and lose a drawn position.
See moreSince these endgames happen in the late stage of a game, almost always in time trouble, you can easily miss your chances if you don’t know what to do.
So in this course with GM Gabuzyan, you’ll discover the winning technique and strategy, the defensive strategy and technique along with important positions in the Rook + Knight vs Rook endgame.
That’s not all. You’ll also discover positions where both sides have a few pawns on the same flank.
Do pawns increase the winning chances? Yes!
But does the defensive side have resources to save the game?
Let’s explore and find out!
Below are the positions from the course:
What you'll learn
- The theoretically winning positions in the Rook + Knight vs Rook that you must know
- The winning technique for the attacking side to convert a theoretically won position
- The main strategy of the attacking side (Rook + Knight) to push for a victory
- The main strategy of the defending side to hold a draw
- The mistakes you must avoid while defending in this endgame
- Can you hold a draw if both sides have pawns on the same flank?
- The winning strategy with 1 vs 1 pawns on the same flank
- How do you improve your practical skills of playing this endgame and more
Course Content
Episodes -
26 min
Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.