Rook + Bishop vs Rook

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Rook + Bishop vs Rook

Course 14 episodes
(36 min)
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

Rook and Bishop vs Rook endgame – Is it a win or a draw?

You may believe this ending is “theoretically” drawn.

But in a real match, it’s much harder to defend accurately.

Because by the time you reach this endgame, your time and patience would be running low, and a small mistake can lead to a lost position.

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And without specific knowledge, it’s practically impossible to find the right continuation here.

So, what are the key positions in the Rook + Bishop vs. Rook endgame? How do you defend properly, and what’s the right technique to convert a winning position?

In this course with GM Gabuzyan, you’ll find the answers.

Let’s explore and learn!

Below are some positions taken from the course:

Rook + Bishop vs Rook image 1Rook + Bishop vs Rook image 2Rook + Bishop vs Rook image 3Rook + Bishop vs Rook image 4Rook + Bishop vs Rook image 5Rook + Bishop vs Rook image 6Rook + Bishop vs Rook image 7Rook + Bishop vs Rook image 8

What you'll learn

  • Must-know positions of Rook + Bishop vs Rook endings
  • The main strategy for the attacking side (Rook + Bishop) to push for a victory
  • The technique to convert a theoretically winning position
  • A practical tip to push for a victory in this endgame
  • The 2 defensive techniques you must know to avoid losing a theoretically drawn position
  • Why do even top players mess up in this endgame?
  • Can you hold a draw if both sides have pawns on the same flank?
  • How can you improve your practical skills in playing this endgame and more

Course Content

  • media 14
  • time 36 min
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Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

Alan Marcuse
Alan Marcuse
Very important, but so hard to memorize. I got R+B vs. R several times (both sides), all drawn, even in the winning position. The advice is so true: Training and Repetition is cruical.
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Dear Alan, Thanks for your nice feedback. Practicing indeed is super important, as being unable to win the already winning position can happen to everyone here, you need to master it. I did play this position may be around 40-50 rapid games to train, and still not 100% sure I would always checkmate hahaha))
Claudio Abud
Claudio Abud
pretty practical course !, specially the defensive techniques and the positions with a few pawns. Definitely the winning position with R+B vs R , the author is right on the money when it says it is important to practice it !
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks for kind words! Indeed, it’s important to practice and train mating skills !
mlg boy
mlg boy
Thanks for the course
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thank you as well :-)
Black knight
Black knight
i think that i'am the first who watch this course. that was great
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Haha)) Should we add prize for the first person who watched a course? 🤣🤣 I am glad you enjoyed it 🙂
Black knight
Black knight
Can we buy this course with moodcoins
GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

Hovhannes Gabuzyan became a U-16 Olympic Champion in 2010. Two years later, at 17, he achieved the Grandmaster title.

He was the World University Chess Champion in 2016, the Armenian Champion in 2017 and 2021, and has represented his country at the prestigious Chess Olympiad.

He believes time is a person’s most valuable resource. This philosophy reflects in his swift play on the chessboard and his training methods that focus on squeezing the most out of one’s time.

Hovhannes Gabuzyan became a U-16 Olympic Champion in 2010. Two years later, at 17, he achieved the Grandmaster title.

He was the World University Chess Champion in 2016, the Armenian Champion in 2017 and 2021, and has represented his country at the prestigious Chess Olympiad.

He believes time is a person’s most valuable resource. This philosophy reflects in his swift play on the chessboard and his training methods that focus on squeezing the most out of one’s time.

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play 14
time 36 min
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
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