In GM Leitao's Mind

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In GM Leitao's Mind

Course 12 episodes
(2 hours 48 min)
Creators GM Rafael Leitao

GM Rafael Leitao commentates on his best games! 

Despite hailing from a nation far away from the traditional chess hubs, he triumphed over the odds, won many world titles as a young kid, and became the youngest GM of Brazil!

And when you look at his games, you’ll sense GM Leitao’s universal style and well-rounded chess skills. 


Just as good he’s at sensing opportunities to attack, he’s equally capable of out-maneuvering his opponents in equal positions while being alert to tactics.

In the course, you’ll learn from his best games on different chess themes like how to sense your chance to get the initiative and use it, play attacking chess, skillfully maneuver your pieces and so much more.

Apart from being a Grandmaster, he also writes articles, runs an academy and commentates on top games. So he has the ability to break down complex concepts in simple language to help you digest important ideas.

Get ready to learn from the journey of Rafael Leitao. Immerse yourself in the lessons he learned from his career, and level up your game. 

This course is more than just learning; it's about experiencing chess through the eyes of a Grandmaster.

Let’s begin!

What you'll learn

  • How to sense opportunities to take over the initiative?
  • Why is initiative so important and what to do when you have it? 
  • How to fearlessly sacrifice pieces or pawns, even if there’s no immediate return?
  • The art of playing attacking chess.
  • How a Grandmaster makes decisions.
  • The art of transforming an advantage into a win.
  • How to play aggressively with Black?
  • The brightest moment, stories from GM Leitao’s career
  • How to play masterfully with your pieces?
  • The strategic pawn sacrifice with h4 and so much more!

Course Content

  • 12
  • 34
    Quizzes & Trainings
  • 2 hours 48 min
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Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

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play 12
quize 34
Quizzes & Trainings
time 2 hours 48 min
Creators GM Rafael Leitao
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