In GM Leitao's Mind

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In GM Leitao's Mind

Course 12 episodes
(2 hours 48 min)
Creators GM Rafael Leitao

GM Rafael Leitao commentates on his best games! 

Despite hailing from a nation far away from the traditional chess hubs, he triumphed over the odds, won many world titles as a young kid, and became the youngest GM of Brazil!

And when you look at his games, you’ll sense GM Leitao’s universal style and well-rounded chess skills. 

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Just as good he’s at sensing opportunities to attack, he’s equally capable of out-maneuvering his opponents in equal positions while being alert to tactics.

In the course, you’ll learn from his best games on different chess themes like how to sense your chance to get the initiative and use it, play attacking chess, skillfully maneuver your pieces and so much more.

Apart from being a Grandmaster, he also writes articles, runs an academy and commentates on top games. So he has the ability to break down complex concepts in simple language to help you digest important ideas.

Get ready to learn from the journey of Rafael Leitao. Immerse yourself in the lessons he learned from his career, and level up your game. 

This course is more than just learning; it's about experiencing chess through the eyes of a Grandmaster.

Let’s begin!

What you'll learn

  • How to sense opportunities to take over the initiative?
  • Why is initiative so important and what to do when you have it? 
  • How to fearlessly sacrifice pieces or pawns, even if there’s no immediate return?
  • The art of playing attacking chess.
  • How a Grandmaster makes decisions.
  • The art of transforming an advantage into a win.
  • How to play aggressively with Black?
  • The brightest moment, stories from GM Leitao’s career
  • How to play masterfully with your pieces?
  • The strategic pawn sacrifice with h4 and so much more!

Course Content

  • media 12
  • puzzle 34
    Quizzes & Trainings
  • time 2 hours 48 min
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Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

Vikram Medelin
Vikram Medelin
Very good positional and attacking games. I'll remember Bd3 in french :) thank you
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Thank you!
Balanandan Ayyappan
Balanandan Ayyappan
Also can you please include more courses with GM Leitao :)
Balanandan Ayyappan
Balanandan Ayyappan
Very good course
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Thank you :-)
Ovi - Silver Cloud
Ovi - Silver Cloud
Thank you for asking GM Rafael Leitao to comment on his games. Besides being a top notch player, he is also a top notch coach. Hence his analyses are concise, to the point and easy to remember. Little jewels such as " the worst situation for a chess player to be in is when he/she doesn't have a plan!". 5 stars rating as usual with 5 fine wines and 5 fine cheeses for Chessmood for the gift!
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Thanks, friend Ovi!
Paulius the Witcher
Paulius the Witcher
Another great series of 'In GM Mind'. As usual very instructive game each with it's own theme. I particularly learned from these: Game 2 - very nice sac on f7 and calculations in attack Game 3 - superb understanding of hedgehog structure and realization of plans Game 5 - another great attack this time in open sicilian, nice calculations Game 7 - amazing time and piece energy concept with e4 opening the position Game 10 - interesting to see difference how GM thinks vs player similar of my rating, Nc6 concept was easily missed, learned from this game Looking for future series! Thanks
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Thank you very much, Paulius! Who is the next GM you would love to see in this series?
Paulius the Witcher
Paulius the Witcher
So many GMs to choose from :) If I have to pick one atm that'll be GM Michael Adams as I'm studying his book ''Think like a GM"
Sergio Carrera
Sergio Carrera
Game 2 is specially instructive. A solid evidence that positional advantage leads to Ninja Tactics!
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Marek Za
Marek Za
GM Leitao explains everything in a very smooth manner. He doesn't speak for hours about one position, and from the other side he isn't just clicking moves ahead. He's finding golden mean on this matter. Additionally, it seems he has great wisdom and he's very polite guy. 5/5 stars! "Do not allow your opponent to do whatever he wants with you" (from the game against Loureiro) - one of the best chess advices I've ever heard. It's so simple and I'm noticing better results since when I heard it. Thanks, mr Leitao!
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Thanks a lot for such a great comment and nice words!
Punit Dodhiya
Punit Dodhiya
Very Interesting and deep course! Insights given with respect to each opening also provide good basis for future study
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Higor Mendonça
Higor Mendonça
Excelente curso, grandes partidas. Cada uma com várias lições para se aprender. Parabéns!
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Muchas gracias!
Akiba Rubinstein
Akiba Rubinstein
Thank you Chessmood for bringing GM Leitao on your platform! The course is very well done and I think intermediate/advanced will learn something by watching it (either about middlegame ideas or a few openings ideas we can still use nowadays). The only con is that I can't follow GM Leitao's YT channel as I am not speaking Portuguese :D But this has obviously nothing to do with this course! 5/5
admin image
Thanks for sharing this! No worries :) We'll ask GM Leitao to record more courses for ChessMood :)
Rafael Leitão is a legend!!
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Julian Valencia
Julian Valencia
que buen curso muchas gracias,me gustaría que a los videos le agregaran la opción de subtítulos , de resto todo excelente
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André Carvalho
André Carvalho
As a fellow Brazilian I'm very pleasaed seeing this course here. Thank you ChessMood and GM Leitão!
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Gracias tambien :)
GM Rafael Leitao
GM Rafael Leitao

Rafael Leitao, despite hailing from a nation far away from the traditional chess hubs, became the U12 World Champion in 1991 and the U18 World Champion in 1996. Subsequently, he earned the GM title at the age of 19, becoming the youngest in Brazil to do so at that time. Today, apart from being a top player of his country, Leitao is also a successful coach and a commentator.

Rafael Leitao, despite hailing from a nation far away from the traditional chess hubs, became the U12 World Champion in 1991 and the U18 World Champion in 1996. Subsequently, he earned the GM title at the age of 19, becoming the youngest in Brazil to do so at that time. Today, apart from being a top player of his country, Leitao is also a successful coach and a commentator.

GM Rafael Leitao commentates on his best chess games. Immerse yourself in his insightful teachings. Learn from his universal play style, and level up!

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play 12
quize 34
Quizzes & Trainings
time 2 hours 48 min
Creators GM Rafael Leitao
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