Queen vs Rook endgame

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Queen vs Rook

Course 39 episodes
(1 hour 9 min)
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

A Queen vs Rook ending with no pawns is usually winning.

But there are times when even top players have struggled to win such positions.

These endgames usually happen after a long fight, which often leaves you with little time on the clock. Also, many players have little to no knowledge about these endings, making it harder to find the right moves.


In this course with GM Gabuzyan, you’ll build your knowledge of this endgame.

Beyond the classic Queen vs Rook duel, you'll also discover scenarios like Queen vs Rook + pawn, Queen + pawn vs Rook + pawn. This will help you develop a complete understanding of these endings and feel at ease in these tricky situations.

Let’s get started!

What you'll learn

  • The two main ideas for winning in Queen vs Rook endgames.
  • How can the defending side maximize their chances for a draw?
  • Positions where the Queen has the best winning chances against a Rook + pawn.
  • Positions where the side with the Rook + pawn can force a draw.
  • The nuances of Queen vs Rook + central pawn, Queen vs Rook + flank pawn, and more.
  • Queen + pawn vs Rook + pawn: Are they completely lost?
  • Practical positions with many pawns on the board.
  • One tip to improve your practical skills in this endgame, and much more

Course Content

  • 39
  • 1 hour 9 min
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Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

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play 39
time 1 hour 9 min
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
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