Queen Endgames

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Queen Endgames

Course 20 episodes
(36 min)
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

Welcome to the crazy world of the Queen endgames!

Many players find them challenging, not knowing where to start, as there are no concrete theories.

And since the Queen is a powerful piece capable of covering a lot of squares, this endgame is full of unique ideas.


Often, there will be positions that are objectively drawn, but even the strongest players will struggle to defend them.

In this course, GM Gabuzyan will show you the important positions of Queen Endgames. Quizzes in the middle will help you revise what you learn.

After finishing the course, you’ll understand these endings much better and feel more comfortable when you get them on the board.

So get ready to master Queen endgames!

Below are some positions taken from the course:

Queen Endgames image 1Queen Endgames image 2Queen Endgames image 3Queen Endgames image 4Queen Endgames image 5Queen Endgames image 6Queen Endgames image 7Queen Endgames image 8

What you'll learn

  • How to press for a win when you have an advanced passer in this endgame?
  • Defending against an advanced passer when your King is far away.
  • What makes defending against advanced pawns on specific files more challenging than on others?
  • Why even strong players struggle to defend objectively drawn Queen endgames?
  • A practical rule for the better side to play in Queen endgames.
  • How to play in a Queen endgame with 2 vs 1, 3 vs 2, 4 vs 3 pawn majority?
  • Rare situations where it’s better to have 1 passed pawn than 2 connected ones and much more!

Course Content

  • 20
  • 1
  • 36 min
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Students give this course an average of 4.9 out of 5 stars.

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play 20
file 1
time 36 min
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
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