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Attacking the Philidor Defense
(5 hours 32 min)
The Philidor Defense seems like a rock-solid opening. After 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6, Black is happy to complete their development without throwing any punches in the opening.
At the amateur level, this strategy works fine. But at higher levels, many avoid playing the Philidor with Black, and for good reasons!
This course will show you exactly how to counter the Philidor Defense covering all the mainlines, sidelines, and gambits step-by-step along with the main ideas...
See moreBelow are some of the positions from this course:
After watching the course, you’ll be ready to take the initiative and space in the opening the next time somebody plays the Philidor.
Let’s begin!
What you'll learn
- A full opening repertoire against 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6, covering all important variations, sidelines and ideas.
- How to play with a space advantage and make it harder for Black’s army to breathe.
- The major downsides and flaws in Black's opening strategy.
- Why Philidor Defense is seen rarely in top-level chess events?
- How to convert your opening advantage into a win, explained through model games.
- A novelty to counter a trendy line for Black, covered in the Advanced section and more.
Course Content
Episodes -
Attachments -
5 hours 32 min
Students give this course an average of 4.9 out of 5 stars.