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Latvian Gambit | The Refutation
(36 min)
The Latvian Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f5?!) is a tricky opening to face if you don’t come to the game properly prepared.
While 2...f5 is a move that weakens the Kingside, it can also help Black to activate the Rook on f8 if they castle. And as an uncommon opening it often surprises opponents into making early mistakes.
On a practical level Latvian Gambit players know there are many possible moves that White must consider when responding and that any small move inaccuracy can lead Black to have a pleasant game...
See moreAdditionally, without prior game preparation, White may spend a lot of time calculating moves leaving Black with a large time advantage in the endgame.
This Latvian Gambit course will show you a concrete and simple way to gain a big advantage for White where you don’t need to remember any long variations.
The variation we recommend in the course is a new novelty in the position that is not just easy to memorize but will give us the initiative – an important concept when fighting against gambit players that like to attack and surprise their opponents.
Below are some of the positions taken from the course:
Move by move we’ll show you how to refute the Latvian Gambit, the downsides of it that you can exploit, and the main tricks that Latvian Gambit players are hoping you’ll fall for.
By the end of this course, instead of fearing this gambit, you’ll be smiling at your screen as you crush anyone that dares to play it against you.
Additional reading: You may also find it useful to read our introductory article about the Latvian Gambit, which explains the history behind it and the different options that White has.
What you'll learn
- The ideas of the Latvian Gambit
- Why Black faces problems in this gambit.
- The most practical option to refute the Latvian Gambit which is also easy to remember.
- A move-by-move guide to getting an advantage.
- The tricks and traps you should be aware of in this opening and more.
Course Content
Episodes -
Attachments -
36 min
Students give this course an average of 4.9 out of 5 stars.

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GM_Avetik Grigoryan

Ayaan Phutane

Ayaan Phutane

GM_Avetik Grigoryan

matthew michael

GM_Avetik Grigoryan

Giorgos Kechagias

Narek Gaitan
Vaibhav Trivedi

Santo D'Agostino


Fernando Laroca


Marc Lonoff


GM Avetik Grigoryan
After having a successful playing career where he became the Armenian Champion in 2010, GM Avetik Grigoryan found his passion for chess coaching and switched to it full-time.
Since then, he has guided many ambitious players to become Grandmasters and International Masters and has over 10 years of coaching experience.
He believes anyone can improve at chess, with the right mood and proper direction. And with that vision, he founded ChessMood in 2018.
After having a successful playing career where he became the Armenian Champion in 2010, GM Avetik Grigoryan found his passion for chess coaching and switched to it full-time.
Since then, he has guided many ambitious players to become Grandmasters and International Masters and has over 10 years of coaching experience.
He believes anyone can improve at chess, with the right mood and proper direction. And with that vision, he founded ChessMood in 2018.
Please read our introductory article on the Latvian Gambit.
GM_Avetik Grigoryan