Knight Endgames

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Knight Endgames

Course 21 episodes
(43 min)
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

Generally, when you get the Knight endgame, it’s possible you’ll have less time on the clock. 

So finding the best move by only calculating will be hard. 

But if you know the most important theoretical positions and principles of the Knight endgame, you’ll be able to make good decisions in a short time. That’s what you’ll learn in this course with GM Gabuzyan.


Below are the positions from the course:

Knight EndgamesKnight EndgamesKnight EndgamesKnight EndgamesKnight EndgamesKnight EndgamesKnight EndgamesKnight Endgames

Along with the video lessons, we've also added quizzes and tests to help you master the key ideas of this ending.

All of this is packed into just 3 sections. So in very little time, you’ll learn about the most important things of this endgame!

Ready to go? 

Let’s get started!

What you'll learn

  • Is an advanced pawn on the 7th rank winning in Knight endgames?
  • The defensive ideas when the pawn is on the 7th rank.
  • How to defend when the pawn is on the 6th rank?
  • The file of the pawn on the 6th rank where the superior side has great winning chances.
  • Evaluating a Knight endgame with a 2 vs 1 pawn majority.
  • Winning and defensive strategies in 3 vs 2 pawn majority in Knight endgames.
  • Winning and defensive strategies in 4 vs 3 pawn majority in Knight endgames.
  • A rule for the superior side when playing with an extra pawn and much more.

Course Content

  • 21
  • 1
  • 43 min
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Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

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play 21
file 1
time 43 min
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
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