In GM Paehtz's Mind

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In GM Paehtz's Mind

Course 12 episodes
(3 hours 48 min)
Creators GM Elisabeth Paehtz

GM Elisabeth Paehtz commentates on her best games! 

Having been the U18 girls’ world champion and the U20 girls’ world champion, GM Paehtz stands as one of the top women players globally.

Evolving from an aggressive and dynamic style in her early years to a more universal approach, GM Paehtz has a wealth of experience to learn from.


In this course, you’ll see how she approaches the game and the rules she follows in different types of positions.

You’ll also discover psychological and practical advice, like how to play against young opponents, the type of openings you should play when facing weaker players, and more.

Get ready to dive into the mind of GM Paehtz.

Let’s get started!

What you'll learn

  • How to punish the opponent when they’re greedy?
  • What should you do when you can’t remember the opening preparation during a game?
  • The ideal strategy to follow when facing an attack.
  • How to play with the initiative?
  • The type of openings you should play when facing weaker opponents.
  • The rules to play in different types of positions.
  • A practical advice when playing against young players.
  • The subtle psychological and practical nuances during a game and more.

Course Content

  • 12
  • 30
    Quizzes & Trainings
  • 3 hours 48 min
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Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

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quize 30
Quizzes & Trainings
time 3 hours 48 min
Creators GM Elisabeth Paehtz
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