Daily Lesson with a Grandmaster (365 short lessons)

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Daily Lessons with a GM

Course 378 episodes
(54 hours 3 min)
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes GM Johan Hellsten

“I personally recommend this source to almost all my students. It can be a great complementary addition to the daily chess routine. There is no excuse not to find 8 minutes daily to watch a very instructive video with detailed topic explanations of Grandmaster!”

GM Boris Avrukh

This course has 365 short lessons, each explained by a Grandmaster in around 7 minutes – covering different topics such as – openings, middlegames, endgames, tactics, etc. 
Every short lesson here will give you a practical nugget, like an important rule, a typical idea, that you can immediately start implementing in your game. 

At the end of each lesson, there’s a short test to check if you’ve digested the idea properly. The answers to all these tests you can find in a separate video.

Sit back, relax and start watching!

What you'll learn

  • A practical chess idea, concept, typical plan, psychological hack explained in as little time as possible.
  • Concepts like ‘Show your cards’, ‘Fundamental Defense’, ‘Positional Pin’ that aid practical decision making.   
  • Common patterns that aren’t covered in chess literature but click instinctively in a stronger player’s mind.
  • Strategies to deal with common chess questions like – ‘How to break solid positions’, ‘How to attack with opposite color Bishops?’, ‘When to fianchetto the Bishop?’ etc. 
  • Common and rare ideas used in attack, defense, tactics, openings, middlegames and endgames.

Course Content

  • 378
  • 54 hours 3 min
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Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

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play 378
time 54 hours 3 min
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes GM Johan Hellsten
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