100 Endgame Masterpieces

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100 Endgame Masterpieces

Course 101 episodes
(28 hours 57 min)
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

The Endgame! — So many players struggle in this phase. 

Some are just clueless, not knowing what to do, while others find it so boring that they skip it. However, this course will flip the script! 

You’ll not be clueless anymore and will discover that endgames are actually fun.

Our Grandmasters will put you inside the minds of the great players like Fischer and Capablanca and you'll learn the strategies they used in the endgames...


Below are some of the positions from the course:

Instructional Classical EndgamesInstructional Classical EndgamesInstructional Classical EndgamesInstructional Classical EndgamesInstructional Classical EndgamesInstructional Classical EndgamesInstructional Classical EndgamesInstructional Classical Endgames

Get ready to add depth to chess understanding and get the confidence to play endgames well. 

Ready to dive in? Let’s get started!

What you'll learn

  • Endgame strategy from the games of greats like Fischer, Capablanca and Petrosian.
  • Polish your endgame technique by learning from the classics.
  • How to play in the endgames?
  • Lose the fear of exchanging Queens.
  • Shatter beliefs like ‘Equal material in endgame means a draw’
  • How to convert a small advantage into a victory?
  • Famous and instructive endgames played by world champions and legends.
  • How to keep your pieces active and happy in this phase of the game.
  • The art of winning equal endgames and more.

Course Content

  • 101
  • 388
    Quizzes & Trainings
  • 1
  • 28 hours 57 min
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Students give this course an average of 4.9 out of 5 stars.

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play 101
quize 388
Quizzes & Trainings
file 1
time 28 hours 57 min
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
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