100 Attacking Masterpieces

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100 Attacking Masterpieces

Course 101 episodes
(28 hours 27 min)
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

Learning how to attack is a skill you should develop early on in your career. 

It’s fun to learn and can fetch you many victories, especially at the amateur level, where good defensive skills are usually lacking. 

And studying attacking classics is one of the best ways to improve this skill. 

However, many players take the wrong approach.

Some watch a beautiful attacking game on Youtube, which delights their eyes but leaves their mind with very little to learn...


Others spend 4-5 hours analyzing a random classic, forcing themselves to play over all the complicated variations. Eventually, they get lost in detail and miss the main points to actually improve their game. 

This course addresses the above problems.

Our Grandmaster coaches give you a structured approach to studying classics that shows you precisely what you need to grasp from the game, speeding up your learning process.

Below are some of the positions taken from this course:

Commented attacking gamesCommented attacking gamesCommented attacking gamesCommented attacking gamesCommented attacking gamesCommented attacking gamesCommented attacking gamesCommented attacking games

Our team reviews the games at least 4 times before adding to the course and only the best material is presented before you! 

Here is what you can do to get the most out of this course:

  • Follow the instructions of our GMs during the lessons. If they ask you to pause and think, please do so. It only helps you remember the ideas in the long run.
  • Study only 1 classic each day so that the ideas can seep deeper into your subconscious mind, making the ideas easier to recollect during a real game.

You’ll have a lot of fun going through the games and by the end of it, you’ll become a much better attacker!

Let’s get started!

What you'll learn

  • Attacking strategies used by great attackers like Mikhail Tal, Bobby Fischer, Alexander Alekhine and others. 
  • Techniques for building your attack with clever maneuvers to finishing off the games with sacrifices. 
  • How to create weaknesses around a King and exploit them?
  • Famous and instructive attacking games played by world champions and legends.
  • How to attack your opponent’s King in specific openings like French Defense, Caro-Kann, Sicilian, Grunfeld, etc.
  • How to grab and use the initiative?
  • Exploiting a King stuck in the center and much more.

Course Content

  • 101
  • 376
    Quizzes & Trainings
  • 1
  • 28 hours 27 min
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Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

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play 101
quize 376
Quizzes & Trainings
file 1
time 28 hours 27 min
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
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