The Wolf of Chess Street - Mastering the Art of Piece Trading

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The Wolf of Chess Street - Mastering the Art of Piece Trading

Course 227 episodes
(8 hours 38 min)
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

People are always trading stocks on the Wall Street. 

And the smartest person on the Wall Street, or the wolf as they like to call it, knows how to make a big fortune by spotting the right trades!

The chess board is no different. 

Just like trading stocks is very common on the Wall Street, so is exchanging pieces on the chessboard.

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And just like the right trades can make you a fortune on the Wall Street, the right trades can greatly improve your position in chess!

Now here’s the surprising part – Despite exchanges being so common, most players have never studied it as a separate topic like ‘attack’ or ‘tactics’. Crazy right?

But if you know exchanges are very common, wouldn’t it be smart to learn about them?

In this course, GM Gabuzyan will teach you all the rules and concepts, the common ones and the uncommon ones, around exchanging in different situations like – exchanging in openings, middlegames, winning positions and others. 

Below are the positions from the course:

The Wolf of Chess Street - Mastering the Art of Piece TradingThe Wolf of Chess Street - Mastering the Art of Piece TradingThe Wolf of Chess Street - Mastering the Art of Piece TradingThe Wolf of Chess Street - Mastering the Art of Piece TradingThe Wolf of Chess Street - Mastering the Art of Piece TradingThe Wolf of Chess Street - Mastering the Art of Piece TradingThe Wolf of Chess Street - Mastering the Art of Piece TradingThe Wolf of Chess Street - Mastering the Art of Piece Trading

You’ll also learn 1 easy question to evaluate any exchange.

And as you make better decisions around exchanging, it will improve ALL areas of your chess understanding – from the openings to endgames to attack to defense. 

Because remember, exchanges will happen in every game you play! 

Get ready to become a wolf on the chess street.

Wish you good luck and let’s begin!

What you'll learn

  • 1 easy question to evaluate any exchange.
  • 3 important strategies around exchanging in the opening.
  • The rules of trading pieces when one side has a space advantage.
  • The common and the hidden mistakes even strong players make while exchanging.
  • A classic strategy to use when one of the opponent’s pieces is shut out of the game.
  • The rules of exchanging in lost positions and winning positions.
  • When to make anti-positional trades to gain an advantage.
  • The exceptions when you can break all the exchange-related rules and more.
  • How to defuse your opponent’s ideas by understanding what they want to trade.
  • Passed pawn and the role of exchanges and more!

Course Content

  • media 227
  • puzzle 360
    Quizzes & Trainings
  • time 8 hours 38 min
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Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

play 227
quize 360
Quizzes & Trainings
time 8 hours 38 min
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
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