Fearless Warrior - Attack smartly and fearlessly

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4. Fearless Warrior - Attack smartly and fearlessly

Fearless Warrior - Attack smartly and fearlessly

Course 78 episodes
(2 hours 28 min)
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

Attacking is one of the most fun and important parts of chess! 

There’s a thrill to checkmate the enemy King by bringing pieces, sacrificing at the right time, and forcing a checkmate.

Many think attacking is just that – throwing all your pieces at the enemy King and spotting tactics at the right time. 

However, there’s a lot more to it. For instance, spotting mating tactics does help. But how will you reach a position from where you can see all such mating ideas?


To improve your attacking skills, you first need to understand the fundamentals. This course covers exactly that. You’ll learn: 

  • When to start an attack?
  • When should you sacrifice material?
  • The different strategies to get your pieces into an attack.
  • How do you attack when the Kings are castled on the same side?
  • How to punish reckless attacks from your opponent?

And much more…

This course is designed for players below 1500 rating. It’ll lay the foundation for you to become a smart and fearless attacker!


Let’s get started!

What you'll learn

  • When to start an attack?
  • When should you sacrifice material?
  • The different strategies to get your pieces into an attack.
  • How do you attack when the Kings are castled on the same side?
  • How to punish reckless attacks from your opponent and much more...

Lesson Plan

78 episode(s) 2 hours 28 min

Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

Course 78 episodes (2 hours 28 min)
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
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