Calclman - Calculate Like a SuperHero

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Calclman - Calculate Like a SuperHero

Course 154 episodes
(6 hours 36 min)
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

You have to calculate in every game. It’s one of the most important skills in chess. 

At the same time, many players struggle here. Difficulty in visualizing the moves, not knowing when to stop calculating, and struggling with accuracy are some common issues players come across.

It's completely normal to face these challenges. But you can get better at this skill with the right knowledge.


In this course, GM Gabuzyan will give a complete guide to improving your calculation. You’ll learn when to calculate, how to calculate, the different techniques you can use, and much more.

Below are the positions from the course:

Calclman - Calculate Like a SuperHeroCalclman - Calculate Like a SuperHeroCalclman - Calculate Like a SuperHeroCalclman - Calculate Like a SuperHeroCalclman - Calculate Like a SuperHeroCalclman - Calculate Like a SuperHeroCalclman - Calculate Like a SuperHeroCalclman - Calculate Like a SuperHero

Since you’ll be calculating in every chess game, you can use what you learn here throughout your chess career.

Ready to improve your calculation? 

Let’s get started!

What you'll learn

  • The 5 common mistakes players make while calculating.
  • The difference between tactics and calculation.
  • The Radar technique to notice the resources in the position.
  • Why should you not calculate on every move and what to do instead?
  • When to stop calculating?
  • A simple calculation tip to reduce your chances of blundering.
  • How to find unexpected moves while calculating?
  • When to trust your gut while calculating?
  • How to improve your visualization skills and much more.

Course Content

  • 154
  • 288
    Quizzes & Trainings
  • 4
  • 6 hours 36 min
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Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

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play 154
quize 288
Quizzes & Trainings
file 4
time 6 hours 36 min
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
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