Calclman - Calculate Like a SuperHero

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Calclman - Calculate Like a SuperHero

Course 154 episodes
(6 hours 36 min)
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

You have to calculate in every game. It’s one of the most important skills in chess. 

At the same time, many players struggle here. Difficulty in visualizing the moves, not knowing when to stop calculating, and struggling with accuracy are some common issues players come across.

It's completely normal to face these challenges. But you can get better at this skill with the right knowledge.

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In this course, GM Gabuzyan will give a complete guide to improving your calculation. You’ll learn when to calculate, how to calculate, the different techniques you can use, and much more.

Below are the positions from the course:

Calclman - Calculate Like a SuperHeroCalclman - Calculate Like a SuperHeroCalclman - Calculate Like a SuperHeroCalclman - Calculate Like a SuperHeroCalclman - Calculate Like a SuperHeroCalclman - Calculate Like a SuperHeroCalclman - Calculate Like a SuperHeroCalclman - Calculate Like a SuperHero

Since you’ll be calculating in every chess game, you can use what you learn here throughout your chess career.

Ready to improve your calculation? 

Let’s get started!

What you'll learn

  • The 5 common mistakes players make while calculating.
  • The difference between tactics and calculation.
  • The Radar technique to notice the resources in the position.
  • Why should you not calculate on every move and what to do instead?
  • When to stop calculating?
  • A simple calculation tip to reduce your chances of blundering.
  • How to find unexpected moves while calculating?
  • When to trust your gut while calculating?
  • How to improve your visualization skills and much more.

Course Content

  • media 154
  • puzzle 288
    Quizzes & Trainings
  • quiz 4
  • time 6 hours 36 min
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Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

Sai Anirudh
Sai Anirudh
Excellent Course!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Merci :-)
Jingjing Dai
Jingjing Dai
this was my first course by you gabuzyan thank you for an amazing one!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks you so much for your nice words :-)
Krishanu Goswami
Krishanu Goswami
Fun Fact:There are around 33 planes in the radar.Oh and I was not supposed to do that....
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
hahahah :-)
Hovig Aramali
Hovig Aramali
Wonderful course Chessmood! Very well explained. Very practical Examples. Just one question, the pgn file does not contain the "training" exercises. Where can I find them?
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks for your kind feedback! The training examples have nothing to do with the course PGN files, and that's an additional training tool for our students.
The Hexagon
The Hexagon;Some idea look very nice,but it is a blunder,that is why my rapid rated is always under 700,but thanks you alot beacuse you teach me many thing i didn't noice before,and now i can win in every chess game with my close friend and never lose like before:)
The Hexagon
The Hexagon
After finish the forth section,i jump from 1600 to 1800 in rated puzzle,nice,the puzzle didn't ez like that,Thanks to GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes,you created a great course and it help me a lot,1 like,1 respect for you
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks a lot! I am excited to hear about your progress :-)
The Hexagon
The Hexagon
Nah now my gift is outdate nahh,i can't study on chessmood more nahhhh
Jem Mai
Jem Mai
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thank you!
Chris Knight
Chris Knight
Another great course, placing a lot of my vague or semi-grasped concepts into a proper structure to help make it my regular practice. And all with great examples, humour and quizzes. Thank you!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Dear Chris, Thanks a lot for your kind words, I appreciate it a lot, Good luck to you :-)
The Hexagon
The Hexagon 0:07 You said"I hope you didn't do this,it was a JOKE" was a joke The joke: I wasted my five minutes just to CACULATE HOE MANY PLANE ARE ON THE RADAR BRO I DON'T KNOW WHY I DID THAT Lmao I am so stupid haha Good job,I have been trolled by your joke:)
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Sorry, but reading your comment just made my day😄😄 Thanks for kind words and being positive 😅
Nathan Kuo
Nathan Kuo
Nice, decent course
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thank you very much :-)
The Hexagon
The Hexagon Haha just be lazy when you don't need to caculate,but i always lazy before haha Just caculate when you need to do that,haha.Be lazy:) I like this concept:)
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Hahahah) It's for lazy people - but don't be lazy when you need to calculate :-)
Krishanu Goswami
Krishanu Goswami
Amazing course! I just finished it. There are a lot of concepts but I think with practice I will be able to use all of them properly. Five stars as usual(though this is my first review) Also thank you very much for the thanksgiving gift and all the other times you have given chessmood for free.I learnt so many ideas and concepts because of that. My next review will tell how much my rating improved :)
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks a lot for your very kind words, I appreciate it a lot :-) Good luck!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks a lot for your very kind words, I appreciate it a lot :-) Good luck!
The Hexagon
The Hexagon 1:55,CrAzY move,insane tatic,how long did you prepare for that position?
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thank you so much, I really like the idea either :-) haha, I don't remember the exact timing :-)
The Hexagon
The Hexagon
sory but why there is no caption(my listening skill issue)
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks! Yeah, right. We'll fix this.
The Hexagon
The Hexagon
hope you will fix that as soon as possiable
Shlok Kulkarni
Shlok Kulkarni
I watched this course multiple times and increased 100 fide rating the very next tournament.
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
It's fantastic to read your feedback - thank you so much! Kepp crushing!
Leandro Ortiz do Nascimento
Leandro Ortiz do Nascimento
Excellent course! It gives very helpful advice in an intuitive way, without dumbing down the concepts and techniques involved in calculating accurately.
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks for this very nice words :-) I appreciate it a lot. Good luck :-)
Peter Ackland
Peter Ackland
The course gives me a structure with which to calculate - I now realise I had never learnt the basic ingredients of calculation - I just did bits and pieces. The quizes were tough, but helped me realise how superficial my calculations and levels of concentration have been - especially on things like opponent's resources, move order etc. Never really thought about improving my visualisation until now. You have produced a really great course - thank you for all the hardwork.
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Dear Peter, Thanks for your kind words - I am excited to know you find this course so helpful! Calculation is such an important topic that we did spend around 8 months or even more, producing this one :-) Good luck!
Phillip Sheldon
Phillip Sheldon
This course was really useful, especially concerning how to prioritise your efforts when deciding how to move.
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thank you so much! This is a very important skill and with practice over time you will improve you calculation 🙂💪
Chenxuan Ling
Chenxuan Ling
Good for my Level - around 2200 thats really bad at tactical chess
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Indeed calculational topic is very important after 2000 level - I hope you enjoyed the course :-)
eliya birke
eliya birke
A great course! I just wanted to ask, is there a quiz to this course because in the last video of the course you said that there is a quiz but i don't see it. Also on one of your videos you said that you put a link to play a blindfolded online game, but i don't know where it is so can you send me the link?
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Dear Eliiya, Thanks for kind words :-) I already asked our technical team about your questions, and will get back to you once they answer. However I will ask you to make the same question on the forum, as that is the place for the questions 🙂 Thanks for your understanding, and good luck!
eliya birke
eliya birke
Matvey Alexandrov
Matvey Alexandrov
Thank you Hovhannes!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thank you too 🙂
Jean-Luc Gerber
Jean-Luc Gerber
What an awesome course! Sharply cut like a diamond. Every examples are of very high quality, the explanations are rock solid and crystal clear, you made a huge work to deliver exactly what’s needed. Thanks a lot. Continue like this guys, you are the best. You rock!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Dear Jean-Luc, Thanks for your kind words, I appreciate it. With our team, we have worked for around 7-8 months on this course :-) And it's the best feeling to read this feedback! Keep going, good luck.
gregory nurse
gregory nurse
Just finished this course Great job GM Hovhannes
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thank you :) But why 4? :)
Nova Ayer Juyal Juyal
Nova Ayer Juyal Juyal
This course is fantastic it helped me a lot on improving my chess calculation and I played an under 11 tournament (state level) and scored 5/8 in the tournament while I am only 8
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thats awesome! Thanks for kind words, and its great to hear about your results! Wish you more and more achievements future champion 🫡
Subash Chandra
Subash Chandra
WOW, what a superb course on how to calculate especially how to use Checks, captures and threats and move orders and many more. However constant training is required which GM Gabuzyan sir told and concluded in the course. I think Visualisation in itself is a separate topic. Hope comes up with the course.
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks! Calculation need practice - as a skill and good quality trainings will make it only better :-)
Ashok ng
Ashok ng
A person who can’t calculate well has to watch this course. Super!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks Ashok :-) This is indeed very important topic for every player.
Thank you so much, awesome!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks for your kind words! Good luck :-)
Dilum Herath-
Dilum Herath-
Thanks alot sir , its great as ever :)
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks so much! I am happy you enjoyed it :-)
Saif Krid
Saif Krid
This is very instructive , it targets the thinking process which is exactly what most players have issues in , including myself .... Thank you very much for your hard work , my chess will surely get to the next level .
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Dear Saif, Thanks for your kindest words. It's the best feeling to know that you feel the difference in your chess level - thanks for an amazing feedback! Good luck!
Amelito Reyes
Amelito Reyes
This is exactly what I've been looking for, it is the best calculation course available. The presentation by GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan was clear and easy to understand.
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Dear Amelito, Thanks for the nice words - it feels super to know you found what you have been looking for :-)
Levi Ackerman
Levi Ackerman
Great course! This helped me calculate better !
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Calculate well is important powers for Ackermans :-) Keep going!
Simply Awesome! I never knew, these things existed in the first place, Thanks a million, someday, i will Win Big and dedicate my Success to YOU COACH!! God BLESS!!!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks so much for these fantastic words! It's a happiness to read this kind of review! Good luck!
Alex Wright
Alex Wright
It's nice and its good
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
It's nice and good to read this, thank you :-)
Brad Horne
Brad Horne
Another excellent course! I'm looking forward to the final two sections :)
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks! I am happy to know you enjoyed it. Overcalculate your opponents :-))
Brad Horne
Brad Horne
In the visualisation section, you mention sharing resources "under the video" but I am not seeing anything? Could you please point me to those resources you found helpful while researching? Cheers!
Aarav Katukuri
Aarav Katukuri
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thank you :-)
Bill Putnam
Bill Putnam
I really enjoyed this course and it was very helpful! I look forward to the rest of it once it’s published.
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks, Dear Bill, I am happy you liked the course :-)
Katya Klyachko
Katya Klyachko
This course brought me from 1850 USCF to 2020 USCF in 2 months
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
This is the best thing I could have read today! Super happy to know you increased so much rating :-)
Katya Klyachko
Katya Klyachko
I loved this course! I just had one question, in "Taste The Dishes" Episode 6 "Example 3" Why in the bxh7 kxh7 qh5 kg8 rxg7 kxg7 rg1kf6 why did you not show the variation after qg5+?
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Dear Katya - on the questions we are answering in the forum PRO members channel, please make your post their - will check it and answer - thank you :-)
Bheki bayani
Bheki bayani
super instructive! keep the mood
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks Bheki!
Balanandan Ayyappan
Balanandan Ayyappan
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thank you :-)
Eng Chiam YEAP
Eng Chiam YEAP
Great course! In section 10 - Turn off the autopilot after 1..... Rd2 there is also another white's intermediate move, 2. Qxe4 fxe4 3. Nxc4 Qb5 4. Nxd2 e3 ! (or even Qe2) Regaining back a piece and achieve equal position!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks for your kind words!
Rook Datascience
Rook Datascience
Superb as usual!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Many thanks!
Shaurya Bagdia
Shaurya Bagdia
Very good course. I loved it a lot. I will enjoy more of these
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks for your kind words!
Okke Miram
Okke Miram
Great course! This helped me calculate better ! Can’t wait for more exercises!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks for your kind words! More sections are in production.
Hriday Garg
Hriday Garg
This course increased my calculation skills a lot
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
I am super happy to hear this :-)
Alakxya Das
Alakxya Das
Calculation course is excellent. But I need course on pawn structure like how to play with isolated pawn, hanging pawn, fixed pawn, doubled pawn, backward pawn and many other pawn structure like caro-kann and slav structure, Stonewall structure etc.
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks for the feedback on the Calclman :-) We are planning to have way more courses in the future, including the pawn structures!
Nigel Fleming
Nigel Fleming
Excellent so far - just done Find Plan B and learning loads of cool ideas!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Awesome! Keep going, more sections are coming soon :-)
Santanu Borah
Santanu Borah
Calculating variations is always a headache for me. After this course, I feel comfortable making deep calculations and seeing resources for both sides.
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
I am glad this course made your calculations easier! Thank you.
Tanmay R.
Tanmay R.
wow! this course was amazing!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks for the amazing feedback!
Tanmay R.
Tanmay R.
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Saeed Omran
Saeed Omran
Thank you
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thank you too!
Vismith Prabhu
Vismith Prabhu
This is a brilliant course. I was never shown how to calculate and I would just look through endless lines in non relevant positions and then get into time trouble. Finally I can calculate well. Huge thanks to Mr Gabuzyan and the chessmood team!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Happy to know, this allowed to calculate better. Thanks for your kind words!
David Flynn
David Flynn
A really strong start after 10 sections. The first few many will find easy, but it gets more difficult and more relevant to stronger players quite quickly. What I like most about this course is it's practical advice, rather than just puzzles (which from experience often either fall into the tactic sort, or are too difficult). No point spending 20 minutes calculating a puzzle titled players would struggle with, especially if your thinking process is wrong to start with. Looking forward to the remaining sections.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
David, exactly! This is what we've tried to accomplish with this course, instead of 100s of random puzzles, to share real, practical tips.
Gautam Aetukuri
Gautam Aetukuri
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thank you!
sulochana krishnamurthy
sulochana krishnamurthy
Fantastic !
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thank you very much!
Henry Singletary
Henry Singletary
Wow what an awesome course! GM Gabuzyan it's like you have been looking all my games and seeing my mistakes smh. Thank you so much for doing this course. I will watch it again when you complete all the sections.
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Haha :-) Thanks for kind words - I am a chess Stalker :-) I am glad you enjoyed it!
Summa Lai
Summa Lai
I finished all the courses available. It was very good as I gained 150 points and now in the 1500s. Very nice.
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
That's an awesome result! Keep going!
In The Mood
In The Mood
Although I only finished the first section, I am only 100% sure that this is going to be a great course that will help me improve my calculation! Thanks for putting the hard work into it!
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Cool! Waiting for another review, when you finish all the sections :)
In The Mood
In The Mood
I have just finished the 7 sections, and I already feel that my calculations are more concise and I don't make simple mistakes at the end of long lines, or miss my opponent's resources!
In The Mood
In The Mood
Waiting for the future sections!
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GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

Hovhannes Gabuzyan became a U-16 Olympic Champion in 2010. Two years later, at 17, he achieved the Grandmaster title.

He was the World University Chess Champion in 2016, the Armenian Champion in 2017 and 2021, and has represented his country at the prestigious Chess Olympiad.

He believes time is a person’s most valuable resource. This philosophy reflects in his swift play on the chessboard and his training methods that focus on squeezing the most out of one’s time.

Hovhannes Gabuzyan became a U-16 Olympic Champion in 2010. Two years later, at 17, he achieved the Grandmaster title.

He was the World University Chess Champion in 2016, the Armenian Champion in 2017 and 2021, and has represented his country at the prestigious Chess Olympiad.

He believes time is a person’s most valuable resource. This philosophy reflects in his swift play on the chessboard and his training methods that focus on squeezing the most out of one’s time.

In this video course, GM Gabuzyan teaches you how to improve your calculation, one of the most important skills in chess. Learn more.


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play 154
quize 288
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file 4
time 6 hours 36 min
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
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