In GM Avrukh’s Mind

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In GM Avrukh’s Mind

Course 12 episodes
(2 hours 49 min)
Creators GM Boris Avrukh

GM Boris Avrukh commentates on his best games! 

It’s the same man who trained world-class players like Kramnik, Caruana, Nakamura and was once part of the world's top 50 players.

How does he make decisions on the chessboard? What goes inside his mind?

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GM Avrukh is famous for his dynamic play style and strong opening preparation.

Now imagine Avrukh himself explaining how he makes decisions in dynamic positions, punishes his opponent for a slight inaccuracy in the opening, battles the best players of his era, and more!

By seeing his games, you can pick up and implement many important points and small nuances in your own game!

Ready to dive inside the mind of a world-class Grandmaster and trainer?

Let’s begin!

What you'll learn

  • How GM Avrukh makes decisions.
  • The thought process of a world-class Grandmaster.
  • How to play in dynamic positions, from a Grandmaster famous for his dynamic play style.
  • How he thinks in attacking positions. 
  • How to play with the initiative?
  • GM Avrukh's personal stories and memories of his best games.
  • His perspective on his games
  • His battle against world-class opponents like Sakaev, Harikrishna, Rublevsky and much more.

Course Content

  • media 12
  • puzzle 64
    Quizzes & Trainings
  • quiz 1
  • time 2 hours 49 min
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Students give this course an average of 4.7 out of 5 stars.

Chris Farmer
Chris Farmer
Really Enjoyed All 10 Games, Ideas, Variations, Opening Theory, Short Opponent Bios & Strategical Concepts. What A Wonderful Trainer GM Avrukh Is! Thank Y'all ChessMood.
admin image
Thanks a lot for your very nice feedback :-)
Vikram Medelin
Vikram Medelin
Great games by very strong GM Avrukh and amazing opening preparation and insights!
admin image
Thanks! It's great to know you like the course :-)
Balanandan Ayyappan
Balanandan Ayyappan
admin image
Merci :-)
Pengcheng Fang
Pengcheng Fang
Could be more interactive, like asking for moves in key positions. GM Avrukh was a bit rushed in his explanation, occasionally he would skim whole parts of the game. Otherwise, more of GM Avrukh's games needs to be shown!
shantharam K V
shantharam K V
Good strategic and attacking games.Thanks a lot for sharing the same.
admin image
Thanks too, for sharing these nice words!
Neelotpal Das
Neelotpal Das
Not at all upto my expectation. Pace of delivery is too fast and difficult to concentrate bcse of too distracting expressions.Instead of hammering core concepts for weaker players more into giving variations etc.
Giorgos Kechagias
Giorgos Kechagias
Well presented, deep, but most of all enjoyanle to learn from GM Avrukh's best games!
Re Vid
Re Vid
Avruk's video and speaking itself is ideal! Nice games, nice comments. From learning perspective - I am missing interactivity after the video (like finding critical moves again) and/or at least "pause video" in critical positions. I understand that I can do this "pause" by myself for every move, but if the author of the course says it, it really helps for such lazy people as I am.
Llorenç Boldú Zabih
Llorenç Boldú Zabih
I have learned a lot from Boris Avrukh dynamic play. He shows that being a 1.d4 player doesn't mean you can't play agressive chess. Don't forget first to download the pgn attachment of the games. They are very well annotated.
Kunal Gupta
Kunal Gupta
GM Boris Avrukh is an excellent coach! I am watching 10 amazing games he is a very positive person and is extremely fun to learn from. The course are fun and instructive. He is understanding the complex chess positions. He's been teaching middle games, strategic plans, tactics, I would highly recommend This Boris Avrukh Sir course for your chess Journey .
Ovi - Silver Cloud
Ovi - Silver Cloud
Well presented, really in depth. Shares his knowledge freely without holding back. I also like GM Avrukh's enthusiasm...after all , right mood right move, no? Thank you Boris!
Rahul Babu
Rahul Babu
watching this on GM Boris Avrukh's birthday! Great video course with nice ideas, explanations and analysis. My only problem is you don't tell us to pause the video in the critical positions...
Paulius the Witcher
Paulius the Witcher
Excellent game selection, very nice attacks/sacs, IQP positions and some cool strategic wins, enjoyed it and learned some ideas/patterns!
Tony O'Donovan
Tony O'Donovan
A fantastic video by GM Boris the thought process that goes into their games is amazing thank you
Tomas Hanak
Tomas Hanak
Incredible video course! I really enjoyed analysis and though process of modern top GM and I will definitely watch this course at least one more time! One minus I would point out is that there are only 10 commented games, make it 64!
Arvid Slump-Hadderingh
Arvid Slump-Hadderingh
This is amazing, mooooore!!!
GM Boris Avrukh
GM Boris Avrukh

Chess Grandmaster, Olympiad Medalist, Author of 10 best-selling chess books.
Coached famous chess players such as Kramnik, Caruana, So, Gelfand, Radjabov

Chess Grandmaster, Olympiad Medalist, Author of 10 best-selling chess books.
Coached famous chess players such as Kramnik, Caruana, So, Gelfand, Radjabov

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time 2 hours 49 min
Creators GM Boris Avrukh
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