Bishop vs Knight

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Bishop vs Knight

Course 34 episodes
(1 hour 0 min)
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

Bishop vs Knight is one of the most exciting and evenly-matched endgame battles.

In this course, endgame theory expert GM Gabuzyan will guide you through the most important theoretical positions of this ending.

You’ll discover the standard winning techniques and defensive methods with both pieces.

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You’ll also learn how to play this ending when one side has a 2 vs 1, 3 vs 2, or 4 vs 3 pawn majority.

Below are the positions from the course:

Bishop vs KnightBishop vs KnightBishop vs KnightBishop vs KnightBishop vs KnightBishop vs KnightBishop vs KnightBishop vs Knight

Quizzes and tests accompany the video lessons to reinforce what you learn.

All of this will improve your decision-making, adding a new layer of understanding to your knowledge of Bishop vs Knight positions.

Ready to begin? Let’s get started!

What you'll learn

  • The winning and defensive strategies in a Knight + a passer on the 7th rank vs Bishop.
  • The winning and defensive strategies in a Bishop + a passer on the 7th rank vs Knight.
  • How to find out if you have the “right” Bishop to promote your passed pawn on the 7th rank?
  • The type of 6th rank passer the Bishop struggles to defend.
  • The type of 6th rank passer the Bishop easily defends alone.
  • An important principle when defending in Knight vs Bishop + 6th rank passed pawn.
  • How to play in a Bishop vs Knight endgames with 2 vs 1, 3 vs 2, 4 vs 3 pawn majority.
  • A classic Bishop dominating the Knight idea and more.

Course Content

  • media 34
  • quiz 1
  • time 1 hour 0 min
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Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

pierre Wavresky
pierre Wavresky
Very good course! Many thanks
admin image
GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Many thanks for kind words :-)
Brighton Tan
Brighton Tan
great .it helped on the knowledge and how to use which ideas in different situations
admin image
GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Thanks Brighton!
Alan Marcuse
Alan Marcuse
Exactly one hour full of information, great and interesting stuff, thank you Hovhannes!
admin image
GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan
GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

Hovhannes Gabuzyan became a U-16 Olympic Champion in 2010. Two years later, at 17, he achieved the Grandmaster title.

He was the World University Chess Champion in 2016, the Armenian Champion in 2017 and 2021, and has represented his country at the prestigious Chess Olympiad.

He believes time is a person’s most valuable resource. This philosophy reflects in his swift play on the chessboard and his training methods that focus on squeezing the most out of one’s time.

Hovhannes Gabuzyan became a U-16 Olympic Champion in 2010. Two years later, at 17, he achieved the Grandmaster title.

He was the World University Chess Champion in 2016, the Armenian Champion in 2017 and 2021, and has represented his country at the prestigious Chess Olympiad.

He believes time is a person’s most valuable resource. This philosophy reflects in his swift play on the chessboard and his training methods that focus on squeezing the most out of one’s time.

GM Gabuzyan guides you through the most important theoretical positions of the Bishop vs Knight endgame. Learn more.

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time 1 hour 0 min
Creators GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
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