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6. Anti-Sicilian with 2.Nc3 a6 (Part 4)

Anti-Sicilian with 2.Nc3 a6 (Part 4)

Course 32 episodes
(2 hours 7 min)
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan

Many players, especially those who play the Najdorf, might play 2...a6 against the Anti-Sicilian. They're happy to transpose to the Open variation. 

But instead, White has a powerful way to meet Black’s 2…a6 move, which is what you’ll learn in this course! 

Our Grandmasters will show you the drawback behind Black's 2nd move and recommend a repertoire that starts with 3.g3! ...


Below are some positions taken from the course:

Anti-Sicilian 2.Nc3 a6Anti-Sicilian 2.Nc3 a6Anti-Sicilian 2.Nc3 a6Anti-Sicilian 2.Nc3 a6Anti-Sicilian 2.Nc3 a6Anti-Sicilian 2.Nc3 a6Anti-Sicilian 2.Nc3 a6Anti-Sicilian 2.Nc3 a6

After watching the course, you’ll be fully equipped to fight for an advantage in the Anti-Sicilian 2.Nc3 a6 line.

Are you ready?

Let’s begin!

What you'll learn

  • A complete repertoire for White against 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 a6, covering all the important ideas and variations.
  • A counterintuitive-yet-powerful opening idea that breaks development principles but speeds up your attack.
  • Why 2...a6 is not as popular as other moves like 2...Nc6, 2...d6 or 2…e6.
  • The idea and drawback of 2…a6. 
  • Model games to help you understand the key concepts and ideas in this opening and more. 

Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

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Course 32 episodes (2 hours 7 min)
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan
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