Attacking the Pirc Defense - ChessMood

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Attacking the Pirc Defense

Course 50 episodes
(2 hours 27 min)
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan

It’s easy to ignore preparing against the Pirc Defense. After all Black is breaking the basic opening principles so White should have more than one good way to play against it.

However, this is where the problem lies. 

Even if Black breaks the opening principles, their position is free from any obvious weakness. 

And because White has many good options, choosing the best one might not be easy...


In this course, our Grandmasters offer you the 2 most dangerous setups against the Pirc, where you won’t have to remember a lot of theory. 

Both setups are easy to play with White and unpleasant for Black. 

Below you can see the diagrams taken from the course.

Pirc DefensePirc DefensePirc DefensePirc DefensePirc DefensePirc DefensePirc DefensePirc Defense

After watching the course you’ll be ready to fight for an advantage against the Pirc Defense.

P.S. A special thanks to IM Shahinyan and IM Torosyan for helping us analyze the lines. 

What you'll learn

  • A full repertoire for White in the Pirc Defense after 1.e4 d6, covering mainlines, sidelines and other ideas.
  • Why do top Grandmasters rarely play this opening?
  • 2 opening setups to counter the Pirc Defense.
  • The Grand Prix Setup, which is strong against both, the Sicilian and the Pirc Defense. 
  •  An alternative setup starting with 4.Bf4!? — a rare but very interesting move that combines the main ideas of 2 other lines and more. 

Course Content

  • 50
  • 2
  • 2 hours 27 min
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Students give this course an average of 4.8 out of 5 stars.

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play 50
file 2
time 2 hours 27 min
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan
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