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- 1. Introduction 1m 31s
- 2. Game 1 with 4...Nd4?! 8m 6s
- 3. Game 2 13m 55s
- 4. 4...d5? 2m 41s
- 5. Tricky moves 4...Qh4 and 4...Qf6 6m 28s
- 6. Game with 4...Qh4 5m 6s
- 7. 4... passive moves 1m 50s
- 8. Game with 4...d6 8m 46s
- 9. Game with 4...Be7 5m 21s
- 10. Game with 4...g6. Review of the passive moves 6m 1s
- 11. 4...Bb4 8m 9s
- 12. Review of the 1st section 1m 21s
- 1. Introduction 2m 26s
- 2. 5...dc6? Understanding this pawn structure 16m 25s
- 3. 5...dc6? Grigoryan A. - Simone L. (Simul game) 14m 28s
- 4. 6...Nd5? 3m 59s
- 5. Game 1: Grigoryan A. - NN (Simul game) 8m 26s
- 6. Game 2: Grigoryan A. - NN (Simul game) 9m 22s
- 7. Game 3: Crushing attack by my student 3m 41s
- 8. 6...Qe7 main line - 8.h4! The tricky and strong move 6m 29s
- 9. 8...h6 6m 58s
- 10. 8...a5 2m 26s
- 11. 8...Bb7 1m 25s
- 12. 8...d6 3m 58s
- 13. 8...Qe6 2m 20s
- 14. 8...f6 Crazy lines 7m 16s
- 15. Review of the 3rd section 51s
- 1. Introduction 1m 43s
- 2. Attacking the passive setup 7m 20s
- 3. Attacking against 7...Nf6 1m 46s
- 4. Attacking against 7...Nge7 2m 49s
- 5. Attacking against 7...Qf6 4m 14s
- 6. How do we meet opponent's attack? 2m 55s
- 7. Ruining opponent's pawn structure 51s
- 8. Attacking the fake dragon 2m 7s
- 9. See you in the next sections! 44s
- 1. Introduction 1m 24s
- 2. Agenda 2m 57s
- 3. A piece of advice 1m 41s
- 4. 10...fe5 6m 6s
- 5. 10...0-0-0 1m 53s
- 6. This is Insane!!! 6m 12s
- 7. 14...Kb7 1m 52s
- 8. The Hero Pawn 4m 15s
- 9. 11...Qb4 3m 37s
- 10. 11...Qc5 1m 28s
- 11. 13...Qb4 3m 42s
- 12. 13...Qe5 3m 3s
- 13. 10...Nb6 8m 2s
- 14. Wanna stay in chess history? :) 2m 21s