The e4-pawn is me, Kf4 is my Dad, and the Black King is the dog from my story. Now White has 2 options. Who goes first, me or my Dad? Which continuation will you choose?1.e5...Well, since I am afraid of the King, pushing the pawn isn't the right way. Black King always stays in front of it till the end, and as you can see the position is drawish.1.Ke5Is the best choice! Now the dog, scared of my Dad, should step away! This is called opposition: King 2 squares in front of the King. It's an extremely powerful weapon as it forces the opponent's King to step away or go backward. All is great for White.Kd7The dog steps to the left, we go right, and the opposite.(1...Kf72.Kd6Ke83.Ke6(3.e5Kd84.e6Ke85.e7Kf76.Kd7)Kf84.Kd7Now the road is clear. White promotes the pawn without any obstacles.Kf75.e5Kf86.e6Kg77.e7Kf78.e8=Q+)(1...Ke82.Ke6Kd8(2...Kf83.Kd7)3.Kf7)2.Kf6Ke8Now there are 2 options for winning.3.Ke6(3.e5Kf84.e6Ke85.e7Kd76.Kf7)Kd84.Kf7Kd75.e5Kd86.e6Kc77.e7Kd78.e8=Q+1....Ke62.Ke4Ke73.Kf5Kf74.e6+Ke75.Ke5Ke86.Kf6Kf87.e7+Ke8And White has a very unpleaseant choice: either step away and lose a pawn, or force a stalemate.8.Ke68.Kg7Kxe7