1.Re1Rb6Black is doing well by stopping the White King from reaching the 6th rank. And now White directly challenges the Black Rook.2.Re6Rb5All is not lost, but Black is definitely on the wrong path.2...Rb1 and 2...Rb7 holds, but the simplest is2...Rxe6Black liquidates to a drawn King and pawn endgame... but only if they had known this position is a draw...3.fxe63.Ra6Rc53...Rb7holds the game.3...Rb14.Kg6Rg1+5.Kf6Kg8is still a draw though Black needs to know the right defensive technique.4.Kg6...And now White is winning.4....Rc14...Rc85.f6Now the Black Rook is tied to the last rank. And once the White Rook reroutes to the h7, it's over.Rb86.Ra7Rc87.Rh7and winning.5.Ra8+Ke76.f6+Ke67.Re8+Kd78.f7Rg1+9.Kh5Rh1+10.Kg4