Santos Latasa, Jaime(2576)
Vallejo Pons, Francisco(2707)
With White plays GM Vallejo Pons, who for many years is the number 1 player of Spain. And his opponent is another Grandmaster from Spain, Santos Latasa.68.Rh8+...This was the last move in the game. Here, Black resigned, in a completely winning position for them. Yes! White's last move is a huge blunder as you'll soon see. But what made Black resign? Well... The 1st and the most important factor, it was move 68! So most probably it was around 5th or 6th hour of the game, and both players were exhausted. 2nd factor: Overtrust. Vallejo Pons, the best player of your country, plays Rh8. And 3rd factor is losing the mood.68.Ke6is the winning continuation.Bh569.Rh8+Kg670.e8=Q+68.e8=QBxe869.Rxe868....Kxh869.Kxg6+Rxe5And Black is winning.69...Kg870.e8=Q#70.Kf7h571.e8=Q+Rxe872.Kxe8h4And Black is winning.