Annotated by Neo30.a3Rg1+31.Ka2Ng631...Rg4Trading the rooks and neutralizing white's pressure.32.Rf2...Preventing an invasion of the second rank.32....c5The h-pawn was going to be lost anyway, but it would have been better to lose it in the future on h5.33.Nxh6Bxe4This pawn trade is very bad, as white will have a decisive advantage in king activity and is already winning.34.Nxf7+Kg735.Nd6Bc636.Rf7+...Black's pawn chain will collapse.36....Kh637.Rxa7Ne538.Nf7+...Trading the knights only helps black, as black will have an easier time holding off the white pawns without the knights on the board.38....Nxf739.Rxf7Rg640.Rf5Bd741.Rf7Be6Black needed this bishop to defend the weak b5 square against the white king.42.Bxe6Rxe643.b4cxb444.axb4...Ordinarily, this rook endgame would be drawn, but the humongous difference in king activity makes it a won one.44....Kg645.Rf3Rf6Accelerating the defeat.46.Rxf6+Kxf647.Kb3Ke548.Kc4Kd649.Kb5Kc750.Ka6Kc651.b5+Kc552.c4Kxc453.Kxb6Kb454.Kc6Ka555.b6Ka656.Kc7Ka557.b7Ka458.b8=QKa559.Qb3