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Chess forum by Grandmasters

A Dynamic idea Against Bd3 french,played by my opponent


I don't know the French (Chessmood) repertoire yet, but maybe its better to keep the bishop pair even if the complications can seem difficult at first?

The best line seems to be 8. Bxb7 Nc6 9. Bxc6 Bxc6 and instead of exchanging queens with Qxd8 as you played to simply play f3 shutting down Black's light squared B a little.  In general, when you're trying to get going in the opening the manta "to take is a mistake" is helpful.  What is the point of Qxd8?  Your Q is sitting well in the centre so just limit his pieces and develop yours.

After 10. f3 Black's best is Qc7 and the position is technically speaking fairly equal with the B pair counterbalancing the pawn deficit.  But practically speaking the Q-side majority is a potent force and when I look through the lines Black is forced to find only moves for quite a long time to maintain equality.  WHite's position is easier to play with several options to preserve the status quo.  Black on the other hand can quickly slide into a much worse position and is walking on a knife edge.

After 10.  f3

10....Qxd4 11. Nxd4 is much better for white.

10....Qc7 11. Nbc3 Bd6 12. Bg5 is already drifting in white's favour.

I think although it is technically equal Black's task is very difficult because apart from activating his pieces he doesn't have a long term plan.  He is definitely fighting for a draw only.  White has a static advantage in the extra pawn which means he can take his time, improve his position and eventually push his Q-side majority.   Exchanging pieces favours white, getting one of Black's B's would probably sky rocket the evaluation to +1 or more.  As the pawns go forward it will become harder and harder for black.  Black's plan is very much limited to just frustrating white.

Some positions in chess are equal and some are more equal than others. :-)

So I think practically this is a nice position to play with good odds of winning in the long run. 

After8.Bd7, We can Play 8.Nbc3 and after 8.Nc6 We can play Qf4-a Strong square for the queen(Bd6 is hard to achieve for back) next White wants to play Be3..0-0-0..and start attack against Black's king by stroming on kingside.(h4..g4) and our quuen on f4 joins the Attack fast as it is near to Blacks king.

and I think White should have an advantage bcoz of black's PASSIVE BISHOPS.

Hello ChessMood family members,

I have never seen this idea previously and checked it out. I don't think black has enough compensation for the pawn. Exchanging the queens and castle seems to be right. I think white can build pawn chain in the future against the bishop on c6 with b3-c4. Develop bishop to e3 and bring rooks into the game.
My practical preference will be on white side. 

Blackmood Course

Hi all, anyone know if the Blackmood course is out yet?

Whitemood is a great one BTW...




I kind of asked the same question a few days ago.  I'm not sure there is a solid date yet.  There is a lot of work that goes into checking the lines, recording, uploading, etc.  I started studying the French Defense in the mean time (it's my guess to what will be recommended for e4 in the new Black Mood course).

There is no fixed date. We are working on it. Thanks for your support and kind words!

By the way, we already announced that the openings would be different against d4, something easier but fun to play and to understand than the Benko, Maroczy, d4 sidelines complex.

Anti-Sicilian Part 3

I made another post about this and included the PGN file but the site is saying the page is unavailable so this is a repeat of my previous question that I hope the forum admin will delete so we don't have any broken pages or duplicate.  I came across this as I am preparing for an all play all tournament and one of my opponents is very likely to play this line so I've been analysing it.

Since I can't attach my PGN file.  The question comes in the variation. 

1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 e6  3. f4 d5 4. Nf3 dxe4 5. Nxe4 Nc6 6. Bb5 Bd7 7. Qe2 Nh6  8. b3 Nf5 9. Bb2 a6  10. Bxc6 Bxc6 11. d3 Be7 12. 0-0-0 Nd4 13. Qf2 Nxf3 14. Qxf3 0-0

This position occurs in video 9 from 7min 20 seconds and here GM Avetik spends about 20 seconds on 15. g4?? and why the attack is strong.  But in fact the position is lost after 15. g4.  Black plays 15...f5 (The N is pinned) 16. gxf5 exf5 17. Qg3 Rf7 18. Rhg1 Bh4 and black wins the N with a completely winning position.  Stockfish gives white a 1% chance after 15. g4?

However, the position after 15. h4 is much better for white since against the same 15..f5 we now have a pawn on g2 so can simply play Qg3 attacking g7 winning.
15 h4 isn't the only good option.  15 Rhf1 is also very good.

Which of these two options would you play?  Any reasons on why one may be practically better than the other would be appreciated.

I know it is impossible to create such good content as here that is always correct and I'd like to thank you for such amazing work but thought you might want to update this video so people don't go down a losing line.  


Hi @Adam_Musson,

Thanks for spotting this and informing us. This was already commented in the following post:

but somehow it skipped Avetik's rerecording schedule. 

I added it to his schedule and hopefully we will fix it soon.

Thanks for your collaboration.

Error in Anti-Sicilian 2Nc3 e6 Course Video 10

Hi Guys,

In preparing for an upcoming tournament I was looking through this line as one of my opponents will likely play it and I found an error.  In the video from 7min 22 seconds there is a position that Avetik spends about 20 seconds saying is good for white but the move 15 g4 is a blunder and is losing.

The position is clearly better for white if he plays 15 h4 or 15 Rhf1 but I think I prefer 15 h4.

The point is that g4 means that black can play f5 and the Ne4 is pinned to the Q.  In the 15 h4 case you can play Qg3 threatening g7 so it's still good.

Also, there are a couple of variations that are mentioned that are will be covered in the advanced section and those haven't been added yet.  I'm thinking of the b4 Benko style line in the previous section.  Any plans for releasing these advanced videos soon?  I know you're busy :)


Any idea?

Suppose we are starting with happy pieces/Bishop Pair/Power of Rooks, how to remember al the ideas as we go ahead?



Everyone has their ways, but I, for example, take notes, or make an excel sheet with various middlegame ideas ant try to group them with adding sources where I've seen them to repeat if I forget. Hope that helps.

To add to what Paulius said. In the introduction to classical games the coaches explained what topics are covered. So relating the individual games to these topics might be a good starting point. After some time you will have some games under some topics. You can then try to remember to game/ideas. Or you can revisit all games under one topic.

How to improve technique?

How to improve technique?


Study, in particular the courses here.

You might need the be a little bit more specific (improve what exactly and your current rating) to get a good answer.

New Website

When is the new website coming out?


Running the last tests. Fingers crossed!

Caro Line ?

In the Caro Exchange I sometimes  get the following line ;--

e4 c6 : d4 d5 : e/d c/d : Bd3 Nf6 ( played early) : Bf4 and then Qb6 attacking both the d4 and b2 pawns.

OK Qxd4 falls to Bb5+ but this early Nf6 + Qb6  seems to screw up what we are trying to achieve. OK tactics around Nc3 then b5 look good but I'd like to know what others think, as I'm sure others will have seen this as well ? 



But why 4. Bf4 and not 4. c3

After 4...Nf6 we go c3, otherwise if you move the Bishop to f4 first, in case of ...Bg4 or ...Qb6 as you say, what would you play? We would not be able to get our positions. So, yes, to make it easier: 4...Nc6 or 4...Nf6 we go c3... Happy rating  grow @KEVEN_HOLTON!!!

There is a new video on this set up I believe. 

However, Avetik mentions it will be very rare you face this. Maybe there is some new course with it on something but I have faced it quite regularly myself. I always play c3, and have often faced Qc7 as  response of Bg4, Qb3, then Qc7. 

I normally aim for Ne2 with Bf4 ideas, but will check out the video today.

Today we have updated the Caro-Kann course, adding how to react when Black starts with early Nf6 with the idea to play Bg4.

We have  ve divided the material into 2 sections: main and advanced.

If your online rating is 2200+ you should check both of them.

Otherwise, just the main one is enough.

Click the links below the watch the sections

Grand Prix with Nd4 4...a6 with e5 idea questions

Hello CM!

My friend (about 2000elo) played this line  in his country U18ch and got to this variation after 6...e5. Looks like black is trying to setup kinda botvinnik system like we play vs english. White misplayed the position with Re1 and got outplayed later with black advancing f5.

I dont see this variation in the courses btw (correct me if I'm wrong)

Imo, white has couple of plans: Bc4 with maybe ideas of Ng5 and f4 or smth like Bc4, Nd5 and c3 playing in a more calm ala Spanish type position. But black looks solid and in the long term, I'm bit worried about f5 plan and not breaking that pawn triangle

Also checked in the db, there are only a handful of games with good results for black actually, so it would be interesting to know GM opinion.

Please suggest the plans for this position after 6..e5. Thank you.


Hi Paulius, 

e5 weakens the diagonal a2-g8 and d5 square. I would go for Bc4-d3. Then decide based on black's moves as well. Sometimes playing through the center and sometimes through kingside as well.

Rapid Match (10+0)

Anyone rated 1850+ rapid on willing to play matches matches against me? My ELO is 1850.


At what time?

Modern Maroczy - White Strategic Error?

I have found this position on a game of one of my opponents in the Modern Maroczy line

I believe it is an error on white's side because they are freely trading their good bishop and allowing black to continue with their plans h4,Qh5 etc Also I believe this makes the white knight move on d5 less effective since the possible pawn capture on f7 would not come with check

Am I correct? Is there any better plan than the one with the normal lines?



 Was there not a model game in the course re Qd2/Be3 and Bh6?

This is a very bad move says Avetik. But do not take my word for it, listen to him in the game Liu X vs Bu X. 2017.

Changing the Dark Squares Bishop (DSB) is always in Black favour since White stays with a bad Light Squares Bishop (LSB).

Happy learning Jordi! I am sure that you will rock in the Catalan League with our Maroczy!

'Tomb' mating pattern

Not sure if this would deserve a section in Mating Matador, since it's a help mate / trap. But I've fallen into this not just once, but twice. Given the king gets entombed, I think it's a good name for it.

  The first time it happened in the attached game, I was low on time and should have easily drawn against the CM, but it was so tempting to threaten the king with back rank troubles, not seeing that White had a quiet move which then the king is stuck in the tomb, and getting mated next. I also missed it a few days later in a blitz game and got snap mated, so it's a very easy trap to fall into - it's an automatic reaction to advance the king as far as possible to keep the other king back.

  The key to the pattern is the two enemy pawns (diagonally offset) supported by their king which also stops the front escape from the tomb (or something else does) and a third (friendly) pawn or blocker stopping the rear escape. The rook cuts off the other side and gives mate (although now the king can't move, anything else which can attack the king also would.


The website is not allowing me to attach the game so here is the link:

Sicilian Alapin_1. e4 c5 2. c3 Nf6 3. Bd3

In this Line, what are our main plan? what do we play?


We play in the center, complete our development and castle. Not necessarily in that order.

I've not looked much into the details of the Kopec system (the actual name) which occasionally appears. White aims to get the bishop to c2 plus a two pawn centre, perhaps to anticipate O-O and in the shorter term defend e4. On c2 it doesn't hit f7 or protect d5 so that's where the plan is. A dragon style setup is one way blunting the bishop, another is closed Sicilian with g6 and e5, which will produce similar positions to the Lopez (White got the bishop quicker to c2, but Black quicker to g7 and no tempo 'waste' with a6). Note this is covered in the Rossolimo course as a plan to similar positions.

Despite a video course published by Foxy Openings, and the attempts of Kopec, it never caught on, which probably means the are likely a few games in the database of stronger players taking it apart. Just don't spend too much time - at most see a plan you like and move on; it's quite rare to see it (a couple if times in blitz for me, never OTB IIRC).

How to build the momentum after a break?

I have seen that after my exams get over it is very hard for me to gain the same strength. During exams I don't study chess (lets say 2 weeks) But I will be facing very big problem. The problem is that my exams will end in 25th or 26th while I have a very important tournament on 10th March (It was supposed to be held in January, but it postponed and the reason is known to everybody)  Now I am totally devoted to studies and today in free time I played in lichess and from 2341 I played such brilliant chess that it went 2267. I am fearing how can I stop playing such brilliant chess. What to do, Sir?

About me I am now in Class 7


I know several people who didn't play chess for years and quickly regained their strength. Don't overthink it. Things you have properly absorbed should come back quickly.

English Course_Botvinnik System

In this variation, my opponent refuse the pawn sacrifice line and at move 11 he should play Be3. Why  not f4? it seem a strong move because takes space in the center to prepare an attack! We are late to play e5...

1. c4 c5 2. Nc3 g6 3. g3 Bg7 4. Bg2 Nc6 5. e4 a6 6. a4 d6 7. d3 Nf6 8. Nge2 O-O 9. O-O Rb8 10. h3 Ne8 11. f4?! 


You can play 11...Nc7 and if 12.f5 then 12...b5! , see:

Maybe e6 d6 Nge7 setup will be better as white has played a4 so b4 is weak

Hello ChessMood family,

I support the idea that Akiba offered. We go for attack on queenside with Nc7-b5 :-)

Cozio's mate over the board

It's rare at this level to mate an opponent (at 2 hours time control), but that's what happened here where the White opponent (1650ish) was snap mated with a variation of Cozio's mate (bishop acting to take away the escape squares). To be fair White was lost anyway, and his fork not being all that, but there were trickier variations (both had low time) had he noticed it. If only he'd been a pro member and watched Mating Matador, eh?

My way of recognising the pattern (and the similar swallow's tail) is to look for the contact check and depending on whether it's at a diagonal or horizontal/vertical whether the two squares left are / can be covered. Knowing the pattern of the two squares to cover can help you find such possibilities and I was well aware of it (or was forced to be) after 32. Ne4.

Also 5. a4 in the Rossolimo Bxc6 is almost a novelty. I played a5 and just went back to the known theory, although the computer is suggesting the novelty 5... f6 which I might look into to see how that plan would be better (I doubt I'll ever see 5. a4 again). White's original idea was after a5 to place the knight on c4 via a3, but it ended on c3 in pretty much the mainline (until the perhaps foolish o-o-o) but with a4, a5 played. Perhaps I should have left the king in the centre and pushed b5. 24... c4 is my main mistake, otherwise it looks fine for me.


Very nice David, thanks for sharing!

Seems like white didn't see the mate in 1 when they took Rxe8.

Nice monster black bishop, completely dominated the kingside.

So I think the computer is happy with 5... f6 because the bishop is gone. It complains if you try it after 4. a4, and the reason therefore is because with the bishop on, Bc4 will eventually come and the diagonal is weak; after the bishop is off it's fine with the f6 e5 idea, and the Q isn't coming to b3 as c3 weakens the d3 square.

That said nothing wrong practically with just playing 5... a5 as I did and going back to the main line.

Doubt in WhiteMood Openings course [Section 3 - Philidor Defense 3...Nc6]

Hello all,

After 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6  3.d4 Nc6 Here instead of just continuing development with 4.Nc3 and then bb5 often I forget Nc3 and play 4.Bb5 first.Is that also fine ?

Any advice would be welcome.

Thank you in advance


Sure. This move is fine, too.

What do think could be a reason to first play 4. Nc3?

Both options are perfectly fine but if you are following the ChessMood Rep, then 4.Nc3 makes more practical sense as 4.Bb5 transposes directly into one of the mainlines of the Steinitz Variation in the Ruy Lopez, a defense that has quite a lot of established theory attached to it.

This question was raised before on the forum and if I find the link I will attach it here for ease of reference.

Revelation! Mating Matador G!

While going through the very well done, significant Mating Matador course , it suddenly occurred to me that the matador pictured could be none other than H Gabuzyan, albeit with a little glamorized hairdo, jewelry accessories , tie, etc.

Has the "will defeat you" look also....

Anyone also noticed the likeness??


French Bd3 main line with 9.. Bb4 and 10..Qa5


The French Bd3 course mentions the possible move 10..Qa5 in the 9..Bb4 variation of the main line, and refers to the advanced sections for continuations.

However I did not find any material on this Qa5 move in the advanced sections. I also checked the PGN file but did not see anything there either.

I was contemplating 11. 0-0 or 11. a3, but do not see any clear advantage for White (even after checking with engine).

Is there a better recommendation?

Thanks in advance! :-)


Hi @demetrio_c

Exactly, this advanced section is.not yet published I believe but Avetik already answered this in

Avetik proposed:

After 10...Qa5 I recommend 11.0-0 and then a3.

If 11...a6 then Nd6
If 11...Nf3 12.Qf3 a6, here we have a key move, 13.Qg3!
13...0-0 14.Nc7 Nh5 15.Qh4 Qc7 16.Qb4 with a better position.  

Happy getting positions that you like and knowing the plans constantly in the French!!

WhiteMood - error in pgn-file.

It is great with  ”White repertoire light”. Thanks a lot! Can´t wait for Black light.

However. I got a little bit confused in section 2, video 9 – Scotch Game: There seems to be a discrepancy between pgn-file and video. Hope the pgn-file will be corrected.

PGN-file: Analysing 4.Nxd4 d6 5.Nc3 g6 (5…Nf6 6.Bf4)

Video:  Analysing 4…d6 and 4…g6

Conclusion - There is no 4…g6 in the pgn-file but on the video and there is no 5.g6 on the Video but in the pgn-file..


PGN of video 9, Section 2 Scotch game:

Video 4…d6:  4.Nxd4 d6 (4…Be7 does not change anything. Still the same set-up for White) 5.Nc3  Nf6 6.Bf4 Be7 7.Qd2 0-0 8.0-0-0

Video 4…g6:   4.Nxd4 g6  5.Nc3 Bg7 6.Be3 (and then Qd2 and 0-0-0) 6…Nge7

(6…Nf6 7.f3 (To stop Ng4) (if 7.Qd2 then 7…Ng4 (After Nf6 White may also push the e-pawn. 7.Nxc6 bxc6 8.e5 and Black only has 8...Ng8 not to lose at least a pawn.)  )

7.Qd2 0-0 8.0-0-0 d6 This is a better version for Black than 4…d6. But the g6-pawn is a very good target for White.



I am getting a little bit (only a little bit) wiser:

Video 4…g6; this line seems to transpose to PGN-file: 4.Nxd4 d6 5.Nc3 g6 (5…Nf6 6.Bf4) 6.Be3 when move 8.d6 is made.

It is very confusing!

I still don´t understand how you can push the e4-pawn if you choose to go the 4…d6 variation??? Something must be wrong?!

Hope somebody can assist and sort it out. I need a drink!

I have looked at the Video again and tried to document it in a more simple way than above.


4…d6 5.Nc3 g6 (5…Nf6 6.Bf4 Be7 7.Qd2 0-0 8.0-0-0) 6.Be3 Bg7 7.Qd2 Nge7 8.0-0-0 0-0 9.h4


4.,,d6 5.Nc3 Nf6 6.Bf4 9-9 8.0-0-0 Be7 7.Qd2


4…g6 5.Nc3 Bg7 6.Be3 Nge7 7.Qd2 0-0 8.0-0-0 d6

4,,,g6  5.Nc3 Bg7 6.Be3 Nf6 7.f3 d6 8. Qd2 0-0 9.0-0-0

4…g6  5.Nc3 Bg7 6.Be3 Nf6 7.Nxc6 bxc6 8.e5Ng8 9.f4

In the pgn-file g6 is made as move 5 but as move 4 on the video. There is no move 5,,,g5 on the video. Since 4,,,d6 is made in the pgn-file 7.Nxc6 bxc6 8.e5Ng8 9.f4 seems wrong, Of course a variation 4...g6 can be added only for the 7,Nxc6 bxc6 8.e6 variation but I think it becomes very confusing. I would prefer 1;1 between pgn:video.

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